    • One-stop shops supporting youth employment
      Tokom 2019-2020 godine WEBIN je u partnerstvu sa Dostignućima mladih u Srbiji i opštinama Svrljig i Raška razvio prve one-stop shopove za podršku zapošljavanju mladih u Srbiji. Informišitre se o inovativnom mehanizmu za socio-ekonomsku aktivaciju mladih u filmu koji sledi.
    • See you at school!
      The film presents experiences of primary schools in Knjaževac, Prokuplje and Bela Palanka with TUTORING program. Stories of children that have achieved extraordinary educational results through the TUTORING program are spoken in the film.
    • WEBIN’s Marko Stojanovic for TV Iris from Stip about the improvement of skills and practice of those employed in agriculture
      WEBIN’s Marko Stojanovic for TV Iris from Stip about the improvement of skills and practice of those employed in agriculture:

      European AGRI BASE project opening conference last weekend in Stip, Macedonia.
    • Conference ”Child-oriented intersectoral cooperation” – report
      Conference on child well-being and community intersectoral cooperation was held in Belgrade on Monday and Tuesday 09-10 March 2015.

      Western Balkans Institute, child well-being, intersectoral cooperation, tutoring program
    • Certificates awarded to tutors in Raska
      Certificate award ceremony in Raska on 15 July 2014 by RTV Raska.
    • TUTORING on RTV Vojvodina
      Mr. Marko Stojanovic, WEBIN Development Director about early school leaving and TUTORING Serbia program on RTV Vojvodina // 24. June 2014.
    • ToT in Raska: orientation of tutors
    • TEACH project kick off meeting
      Krajem 2013. godine projekat pod nazivom Harmonization of Preschool Teacher Education Curricula in Serbia (TEACH) izabran je za finansiranje od strane EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) čije je sedište u Briselu. Projekat je odobren u okviru šestog poziva programa Tempus IV, pri čemu je ukupna vrednost projekta 670.248,00 € (od toga 90% sredstava EU tj. navedene agencije i 10% sredstava učesnika projekta). Visoka škola iz Vršca je nosilac projekta, a ostali članovi konzorcijuma su Visoke škole strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača iz Kruševca, Novog Sada i Sremske Mitrovice, Western Balkans Institute iz Beograda i tri partnera iz Evropske unije: Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenija, EÖTVÖS JÓZSEF FŐISKOLA iz Baje, Mađarska i The Manchester Metropolitan University, Velika Britanija.
      Od 18. do 21. februara u Vršcu je održan Project Kick-off Meeting kome su prisustvovali svi učesnici u projektu. Sastanak je održan u prostoru Visoke škole, kao i u konferencijskoj sali hotela Srbija u Vršcu.
      Prilog Regionalne TV Banat.
    • Call for tutors on RTV Raska
      Call for tutors // about public-private partnership in Raska // about TUTORING SERBIA programme
    • 2. TUTORING workshop in Raska_19 Nov 2013
      2. workshop on forming of public private partnership for the reduction of early school leaving in Raska municipality, November 19, 2013
    • Aleksinac Center for social work about TUTORING SERBIA piloting
      Aleksinac Center for social work about TUTORING SERBIA piloting
    • TV ALT from Aleksinac about TUTORING SERBIA program which is being piloted in this town
      About TUTORING SERBIA program, statements by Ms. Danijela Petkovic from Self-Government of Aleksinac and Mr. Ryan Rowlands of the U.S. Embasy in Serbia. Project ''Local PPPs for reduction of early school leaving'' is being implemented by the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN and funded by the U.S. Embassy in Serbia.
    • Youth Office Raska about TUTORING SERBIA
      Youth Office coordinator Djordje Radoicic speaking about TUTORING SERBIA after the end of 1st workshop hosted by the municipal government on 17th October 2013.

    • ”Our villages” about AGRIVOC project
      ''Our villages'' about AGRIVOC project, series no. 227 broadcast on numerous regional and local TV stations in March 2013.
    youtube vimeo
    • AGRIVOC project: study visit to Athens (Agricultural University of Athens)

      September 2013
    • On Friday 13 September 2013, in ''Morning Online'' at TV Kopernikus 1, Mr. Stojanovic from WEBIN and his host Ms. Bozic talked about early school leaving problem and TUTORING SERBIA program which is to be piloted in 8 elementary schools in Vranje, Raska and Aleksinac. Program piloting was enabled through ''Local PPPs for reduction of early school leaving'' project funded by U.S. Embassy Belgrade.
    • Meeting with Ms. Veličkov, deputy mayor and Ms. Ristić, counsellor for education; September 11, 2013 Vranje

      06. September 2013, PKS Belgrade

    • AGRIVOC in the June edition of the BRAND magazine. Our photos you may find on FLICKR.
    • AGRIVOC in Prokuplje and Devils Town near Kursumlija in April 2013 for 1st project Steering Committee meeting.
    • Agrivoc
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