  • Belgrade, 30.06.24.

    The Intersectoral Working Group (ISWG) is a regional team of VET experts in the mission of integrating EntreComp competencies into teaching and learning in the Western Balkans. The team was created in 2023 and works with the support of the international VETpreneur project. The role of ISWG is to provide professional support in the process of developing tools for the integration of EntreComp competencies in VET programs. The work of ISWG is focused on the development of 2 key tools that will be presented to VET institutions:

    • Toolkit for EntreComp framework integration into VET programs and practices
    • Recognition Tool for entrepreneurial competencies acquired through the VET program kroz VET programe;


    ISWG consists of 22 representatives of professional institutes, secondary VET schools and faculties, centers for adult education and VET experts and educators, whose profiles you can read HERE. ISWG will strive to expand membership and grow into a Community of Practitioners.

    In the upcoming period, ISRG will present a model of validation of entrepreneurial competencies acquired in education and training programs.

    The ISWG activities are implemented within the Erasmus+ project VETpreneur through the Capacity Building in VET in the Western Balkans.

    ISWG contact person is Dragana Jovanović who you may reach through dragana.jovanovic(at)

  • Vrbas, 16.09.24.

    This post is available in Serbian.

  • Vrbas, 14.05.24.

    This year children in kindergartens  in Vojvodina are having an opportunity to play and learn about deforestation, river and air pollution. This way thay are developing environmental awareness from early years.

    On the basis of the Cooperation Agreement, Western Balkan Institutes donated to Preschool Teacher Association of Vojvodina the set of 16 activity plans for preschool teachers and children, addressing the topics of air and river pollution and deforestation. Through this Association, the activity plans are made available to kindergarten teachers and children in Vojvodina. Activity plans were developed by experts in early development and preschool education within the GreenGUARDens consortium, in which WEBIN also participates.


    Photos from the kindergartens “Poletarac” and “Zvezdica” within the preschool institution  “Boško Buha” from Vrbas show that the children are enjoying playing outdoors and having contact with nature and natural materials. Following these activity plans, the children, with help of the teachers, planted seedlings and various flowers, learned about the food chain in the forest, and the importance of preserving water and life in it. This way, children are  encouraged to think about the nature and environment, and about the role of men in protection and preservation of the nature.


    Through the GreenGUARDens project, WEBIN is continuing its long-lasting cooperation with the sector of preschool education. Our cooperation dates back to 2013. and the project of the reform of preschool teacher curricula, and it lasts until nowadays.


    The activities are carried out as part of the Erasmus+ project GreenGUARDens, and the activity plans for preschools are also available to preschools in Germany, Italy  andother EU member states.

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    GreenGUARDens is financed by the German Erasmus+ National Agency. Contact person in WEBIN for this project is Dragana Jovanović who you may reach through dragana.jovanovic(at)

    #GreenGUARDens #EU #kindergarten #airpollution #riverpollution #deforestation #play #environmentalsustainability #earlyyears #preschool

  • Madeira, 13.10.23.
    This week working at the University of Madeira on finalizing tools for enhancing HEIs and CSOs collaboration in ensuring access and success of the underrepresented students in higher education in Europe with Visoka strukovna vaspitačka i medicinska škola u Vršcu, Università degli Studi di Palermo, CESIE, Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia, Romania, pagina oficiala and the Universidade da Madeira – Página Institucional.
     Follow our results which will be available soon on the STATUS project´s website:
  • Belgrade, 30.06.23.

    Although we haven’t written about it in detail, for the past two years a part of our team has been actively dealing with the topic of technostress and its impact on students’ academic motivation. The topic was tackled within the framework of an international empirical research that we conducted in partnership with four European universities within the scope of the Erasmus + Student WELL project.


    We are proud to announce that the scientific paper on the topic of technostress, which is the result of the afore-mentioned research and whose co-authors are our Sanja Kovačević and Jelena Nastić Stojanović, has just been published in one of the most prestigious journals with a high impact factor in the field of psychology – Frontiers in Psychology.

    In addition to our WEBIN research team, the project consortium also includes partners from the Birmingham City University (the United Kingdom), the University of Crete (Greece), the University of South Bohemia from České Budějovice (Czech Republic), and the Federico II University from Naples (Italy).

    To read the full paper, follow the link.

    The research was conducted within the Erasmus+ project STUDENT WELL, and funded by the British National Agency.

  • Belgrade, 23.06.23.

    The working document “New Momentum – EntreComp in the Western Balkans”, which is about the process of integrating EntreComp into the education and training system in the Western Balkans countries, has been published today at this link. The document was created by a regional team of experts who presented their views on the EntreComp skills integration process at the regional conference which was held in Podgorica in April.

    naslovna za objavu

    In the document, information can be found on the genesis of the EntreComp framework, the national experiences regarding the creation of an ecosystem for entrepreneurial learning, and about the process of integrating EntreComp into teaching and learning that began in April 2023 in Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    The document will be used as a guide for the work of the Intersectoral Working Group (ISWG) on the EntreComp Framework, which was formed in June 2023, and which has the task of developing a toolkit for teachers and school management, about the integration of selected EntreComp competencies in VET teaching and learning, accompanied by an instrument for recognizing EntreComp competencies.

    The process will take place in a participatory manner at the national and regional level. It was initiated through the VETpreneur project, which is implemented in the Western Balkans by a consortium led by Junior Achievement in Serbia, and financed by the EU in the framework of the Erasmus+ program, capacity building in VE

    #VETpreneur #VET #IVET #CVET #entrepreneurship #EntreComp #entrepreneuriallearning #entrepreenurialeducation #secondaryeducation #adulteducation #westernbalkans #Albania #Montenegro #CrnaGora #BosniandHerzegovina #BosnaiHercegovina #Wbinstitute #ErasmusPlus #CBVET

  • Belgrade, 07.06.23.

    This week, Belgrade hosted an international Erasmus+ workshop organized by the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN as a regional organization based in Belgrade and the City center for social entrepreneurship of Belgrade.


    The workshop was dedicated to support mechanisms for students and other vulnerable groups of young people who live and work in a stressful environment, including socioeconomic support mechanisms.

    The meeting began with welcome words from the Secretary for Social Welfare of the City of Belgrade Aleksandra Čamagić, the director of the City Center for Social Entrepreneurship Belgrade Miodrag Pešić, and the Chairperson of the Board of WEBIN Marko Stojanović, while participants were prof. Maria Zurlo and Federica Vallone from University in Naples Federico II, prof. John Galvin, prof. Eirini Mavritsaki and Zoe Kazakou from the Birmingham City University (BCU), as well as prof. Akis Giovazolias from the University of Crete (UoC).  Stephanie Chua and Athfah Akhtar (BCU), prof. Marina Kritikou (UoC), and prof. Iva Stuchlíková and prof. Ivana Mašková from South Bohemia University of České Budějovice also participated in the workshop through the Teams platform.


    The workshop was organized as part of the Erasmus+ project STUDENT WELL, funded by the British National Agency, with one of the objectives to research the position of vulnerable young people and students and the difficulties they face in education and finding employment or starting their own entrepreneurial venture. The workshop host and facilitator was Sanja Kovačević, Head of the project unit at WEBIN.

    As the only non-academic partner in the project, WEBIN introduced a social entrepreneurship component to this project and the need to empower young people in this field as well, to which the partnership with the City center for Social Entrepreneurship Belgrade will further contribute.


    During their stay in Belgrade, the international participants had the opportunity to visit the old city center of Belgrade, the Kalemegdan fortress, and to enjoy the view of the Great War Island and the confluence of the Sava and the Danube rivers.



    Photo: WEBIN 2023

  • University Donja Gorica , 30.04.23.

    With the VETpreneur Introduction conference the Western Balkan Institute launched the regional process of integrating EntreComp competencies into VET teaching and learning in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania.


    The tools that will be created and the planned process were presented to more than 80 directors and teachers of secondary vocational schools, representatives of educational institutions and participants from the entrepreneurial sector  who gathered at the University Donja Gorica in Podgorica.


    The next step is the creation of regional and three national intersectoral groups that will work on developing tools and materials in the coming period.

    These activities are part of the “Vocational Education and Training PRovision with ENtrepreneurial Education Uptake the Region” which is funded  by the European Union Erasmus + program Capacity Building in VET.


    Apart from Western Balkans Institute, project consortium gathered also Junior Achievement in Serbia,  Education center Geoss (Slovenia), Center for Social Innovation (Cyprus), Junior Achievement of Montenegro, Albania and Europe, Bureau for Education Services (Montenegro) and from Bosnia and Herzegovina- Social Innovation Incubator MUNJA, Association for economic development REDAH and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Republika Srpska.

  • Belgrade, 04.04.23.

    The Western Balkans Institute and the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia hosted the meeting on exchange of experiences between the SmAgTech EXPO and AgTech Supercluster at ICT Hub in Belgrade.


    Participants of the meeting were institutions from the VIRAL project representing SmAgTech EXPO, and representatives of Chamber of Commerce, the Biosense Institute, and the Faculty of Agriculture, representing AgTech Supercluster and the Serbia Innovates project.


    During the meeting, participants introduced each other with the concepts of these 2 cooperation platforms, ambition, key members, most important activities and plans for the future. In addition, they exchanged experiences about developing new study programs and courses on ICT in agriculture, exchanged contact details, and discussed cooperation opportunities involving institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia.


  • Belgrade, 03.04.23.

    At the Faculty of Agriculture – Belgrade University today we presented to the University and College professors the distance learning tools as a result of the ONLINEHE international project which will end later this year.

    The ONLINEHE project which is led by the University of Pitesti, Romania was initiated in 2021 to contribute to the development of distance learning through the creation of specific tools. Over the last 2 years, together with partner institutions, we have developed and today presented the following tools for the organization and implementation of distance learning:

    1. Toolkit on strategies for integration of distance learning in higher education
    2. Toolkit on the creation of courses for implementation in an online environment
    3. Distance learning and MOOC platform
    4. Recommendations to establish the normative framework for integration of distance learning in higher education.



    The tools are available in several European languages at the following website:

    Apart from the University in Pitesti and WEBIN, the following institutions participated in the development of presented tools: University in Nicosia, University in Vilnius, International Hellenic University from Greece, and organizations CARDET from Cyprus and OBREAL from Spain.

    The project is funded by the National Erasmus+ Agency Romania in the framework of Key Action 2, Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of good practices.


  • Vrsac, RS, 25.02.23.

    Dear colleagues in higher education, dear students, dear decision makers in education,

    We are proud to present to you something novel and rare-to-find in higher education: the e-Repository of inclusive practices in higher education, which is result of collaborative work of a group of European partners over the previous period. The e-Repository can now be accessed by clicking on the link



    In the Repository you will find 23 inclusion practices and programs available at HE institutions in 9 European Countries, including those programs supporting enrollment, programs supporting studying, and programs supporting employment of vulnerable and other underrepresented groups in HE.

    It was our pleasure to cooperate with the Preschool Teacher Training and Medical College in Vršac, Centro studi e iniziative Europeo CESIE, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Universidade da Madeira, as well as with the Universitatea “1 Decembrie 1918″ din Alba Iulia on the project STATUS – Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students, which reminds us of the importance of the function of higher education in the processes of democratization.

    The project is funded by the ERASMUS + Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education program at the #fondacijatempus

  • Belgrade, 06.02.23.

    Western Balkans Institute hosted the kick off meeting of the GreenGUARDens project which will introduce teachers and children from vulnerable groups in kindergartens to the principles of environmental sustainability and green entrepreneurship.


    Through this project, our team of specialists from preschool education will create materials that will bring these principles closer to preschool teachers and children. One of the results will be a social game that will be used in working with children and whose purpose is to develop awareness of sustainable development through the game, and to develop skills for green entrepreneurship.


    With this project, WEBIN continues cooperation with partners in the preschool education and upbringing, especially with Educational Hubs created during 2021 and 2022 within the KEY project (Erasmus+CBHE), which are situated at partner Teacher training colleges in Novi Sad, Kruševac, Vršac Sremska Mitrovica and Pirot.

    The working section of the meeting included discussion of activities roles of the partners, along with exchange of experiences among partners and different countries. Then, through a creative workshop, the partners analyzed the needs of children and educators, and structure of materials we are expected to develop within the project.


    Project is funded by the German National Agency within the Erasmus+ KA2 cooperation partnerships for schools program. The consortium is consisted of: Istituto dei Sordi di Torino (Italy) , C.I.P. Citizens In Power (Cyprus), Bildung und Projekt Netzwerk BUPNET (Germany), Liceul Tehnologic Special ”Vasile Pavelcu” (Romania) and Western Balkans Institute – WEBIN (Serbia).

    Photo: WEBIN 2023

  • České Budějovice, 01.02.23.


    As part of the Student WELL project, WEBIN project team visited at the end of January the ’’South Bohemia University’’ in České Budějovice, and participated in international meeting.

    The Student Well project deals with the topics of mental health, motivation, social inclusion and general well-being of students in higher education, with a special focus on the topic of technostress as a growing challenge in academic population, especially after the pandemic period and the sudden transition of students and teaching staff from traditional to online classes.


    During the two-day meeting, the partners worked together on the conceptual and structural solution of the project toolkits., The next project meeting will be held in June  in Belgrade.


    The project is funded by the British Council within the Erasmus+ KA2 cooperation partnerships in HE program. The consortium consists of: Western Balkans Institute (Serbia), Birmingham City University (UK) as lead partner, University Panepistimio Kritis (Greece), Jihoceska Univerzita v Ceskych Budejovicich (Czech Republic), Universita degli studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy).

    Photo: WEBIN 2023

  • Athens, 20.01.23.


    As part of the eDialogue project, WEBIN representatives participated in the project training on e-dialogue in virtual space, held inAthens from 17-19 January 2023.

    The training gathered the partners to introduce them with the materials they developed during the project so far, on dealing with open dialogue and with negative phenomena in virtual spaces such as those of  discrimination, racism, segregation, radicalization, bullying, cyberbullying, fake news and misinformation.

    The purpose of ​​the project is to produce materials and tools that would support teaching and non-teaching staff in primary and secondary schools to tackle the  mentioned negative social phenomena among pupils. A total of 5 blocks  of such materials were presented, while a sixth block is being developed.


    The project is funded by the Spanish National Agency through the Erasmus+ KA2 cooperation partnerships for schools program. The consortium consists of WESTERN BALKANS INSTITUTE (Serbia), UNIVERSIDAD DE MALAGA (Spain) as a lead partner,  FUNDACION SIGLO 22 (Spain), ACUMEN TRAINING SP. z o.o. (Poland), INNOVATION FRONTIERS IKE  (Greece),  CARDET (Cyprus) and  BUPNET (Germany).

    Photo: WEBIN 2023

  • Belgrade, 11.01.23.

    The beginning of 2023 marked the continuation of cooperation with Universities in sub-Saharan Africa.

    In cooperation with Arsi University from Ethiopia, Mountains of the Moon Universities from Uganda, Jaromoji Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology from Kenya, Farming systems Kenya and HSWT University from Germany, we  the research project ‘’HARVEST’’ on the reduction of post-harvest losses in the production of the most important vegetable crops in sub-Saharan Africa, with a strong component of empowering female farmers.


    The developed project is part of the long-term cooperation framework between WEBIN, WBI Research & Development and HSWT.

  • Old Royal Capital Cetinje , 26.12.22.

    At the end of 2022, the final conference of the PLACEMENT project (Providing Local Agri-food Community and Entities in Montenegro with Employment, Networking and Training) was held in Old Royal Capital Cetinje. The main aim of the project was to ensure quality employment measures in Cetinje.

    placement konf

    The project aim was achieved through the work activation of 44 unemployed persons from the evidence of the National Employment Service, especially those from vulnerable groups, through their education, training and finally employment. Also, the project provided support to entrepreneurs and employers from Cetinje to create training and employment programs for unemployed persons.

    placement konf 2

    Through the project 121,000 EUR was allocated to employers in the form of grants for training and employing the unemployed, and the Western Balkans Institute was in charge of developing the grant schemes. The first grant scheme was aimed at training and employment of unemployed persons in food production sector.

    Second scheme supported the development of rural tourism, through equipping rural households and advising on marketing and financial management.

    The official video which summarizes project results, find HERE .

    The PLACEMENT project was co-funded by the European Union and the Government of Montenegro through the “Program of the EU and Montenegro for employment, education and social protection”. With the Capital of Cetinje as the coordinator, the project was implemented by the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN and the Socio-Economic Center from Podgorica.

    Photo 1 : Old Royal Capital Cetinje 2022

    Photo 2: WEBIN 2022


  • Bijeljina , 06.12.22.

    The first 3-day workshop of the AGRIPRENEUR Program, was held from 28-30 November in Bijeljina. The participants of the program were 50 young agro-entrepreneurs, who through this program will develop a range of social and transversal leadership skills, expand their networks of professional contacts, learn about the application of new technologies in production, ways of turning ideas into action, and about the development and implementation of projects in agro-entrepreneurship.


    During the workshop, 12 lecturers presented their experience, knowledge and skills in the field of project management, marketing in agriculture, the use of ICT in agriculture, work in multinational companies, public relations and other relevant topics for the personal and professional development of young entrepreneurs. Jelena Nastić Stojanović, WEBIN CEO and Marko Stojanović, Head of WEBIN Project Training Academy held workshop on project development in agribusiness.

    Besides the lectures, the participants also participated in interactive exercises and group work, so 10 groups were formed and with the help of mentors they will work together on 10 different project ideas until the next workshop in Mostar.

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    The next workshop will be held in Mostar, in April 2023.

    The project is funded by the U.S. Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Photo: WEBIN 2022


  • Belgrade, 01.12.22.

    The Toolkit for integrating eLearning in Higher Education is result of first intellectual output of the ONLINEHE project.



    The aim of this output is to develop a toolkit which will support HEIs (Higher Educational Institutions) and instructors to adopt a strategy when designing, developing, and implementing effective eLearning courses. The toolkit will consist of resources, research, pedagogical material, case studies, practical tips, and a collection of OERs (Open Educational Resources) activities that can be adapted and adopted to learn how to teach online in Higher Education.

    The toolkit has three sections: the first relates to strategies, guidelines and tips on integrating e-learning in higher education (HE), the second deals with e-learning readiness checklist, and the last is about best practices.

    The duration of ONLINEHE (“A practical toolkit for integrating eLearning in Higher Education Curricula“) project is 24 months. The project aims to build the capacity of HE teaching staff, academics, and learning designers in integrating eLearning into their educational programmes. Through specific deliverables and actions, it will raise awareness on the need and value of adopting quality eLearning, promoting a cooperation among all stakeholders involved in HE, including policy makers.


  • Triesdorf, 25.11.22.



    At the end of November (22-24/11/2022), a mixed team of project specialists with the CEO of WEBIN, Mrs. Jelena Nastić-Stojanović, and the director of the research company WBI Research & Development, Marko Stojanović, participated in a three-day workshop organized for researchers from partner universities from sub-Saharan Africa, at the University HSWT Triesdorf campus in Germany.

    During 3 days with researchers, our team delivered training on the preparation of a research project on the reduction of post-harvest losses in mango fruit production. 15 researchers from universities from Ethiopia, Kenya, Togo and Uganda participated in the training.


    The training is part of the long-term cooperation framework between WEBIN, WBI Research & Development and HSWT.


  • Novi Sad, 10.11.22.


    The project “KEY: Keep Educating Yourself!” was completed after 4 years of implementation. The final project conference was held from 10-11 November 2022 in the amphitheater of the Teacher Training College in Novi Sad. Over 80 participants of the conference, including students and professors of teacher training colleges, partner institutions, preschool teachers and  managers, and other interested individuals, got acquainted with the key results of the KEY project and its legacy in Serbia and Montenegro.

    Among the most important results of this project are Educational hubs for professional development established in 5 teacher training colleges in Serbia (Novi Sad, Pirot, Sremska Mitrovica, Vršac and Kruševac) and at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Montenegro in Nikšić. Also, 42 professional development crash courses were created and accredited, and along with 2 toolkits on quality assurance and policy making and advocacy.


    A toolkit on policy making and advocacy was prepared by the WEBIN and Teacher Training College Vršac. As part of this activity, course manuals for the preparation and realization of training in policy making and training on advocacy were published with the title “Still Water Runs Deep?”, authored by Marko Stojanović, head of the Project Training Academy Unit at WEBIN.


    The KEY project was implemented in the period from November 2019 to November 2023. The project was managed by the Teacher Training College Novi Sad in partnership with the Teacher Training Colleges from Pirot, Sremska Mitrovica, Vršac and Kruševac, the Faculty of Philosophy from Nikšić, the Universities of Maribor, Birmingham, Baja and Timisoara, the Center from Rakičan in Murska Sobota, the Preschool institution Ljubica Popović from Podgorica, the Union of Teacher Associations in Serbia, Vojvodina Teacher Association and WEBIN.

    The project is funded by the EU within Erasmus+ KA2 program, Capacity Building for Higher Education.

  • Beograd, 20.09.22.

    The toolkit for implementation of ‘’Still Water Runs Deep?’’ training program by Marko Stojanović from WEBIN is another publication within the KEY (Keep educating yourselves) project.

    Snimak ekrana (54)

    The first module named “Public policy and me” elaborates the concept of public policies, their actors and characteristics, as well as the life cycle and types of public policies.

    “Me and public policy” is the second module that explains the concept of public advocacy, its meaning, actors,  as well as concepts close to it and the participation of citizens in decision-making processes.

  • Banja Luka, 13.09.22.

    Cover page

    The VIRAL project has spawned another important and innovative resource- “A toolkit for educators on application of the selected hardware and software in agriculture: robotics, GIS, deployment of drones, IoT, mobile apps” will help our agricultural producers to master new information and communication technologies in their agricultural production.

    Whether you are a farmer, a fruit grower, or a livestock farmer, in this manual you will find useful instructions and guidelines on the application of selected technological solutions in your production.

    The manual is also intended for educators – extension service providers and lecturers, to which it may serve as a useful resource for the preparation of lectures, trainings and mentoring activities with agricultural producers or students. If you want to learn more about the training preparation approach, we have prepared for you practical tips for designing and preparing training which you may read here.

    Trends in the application of the Internet of Things in agriculture are presented in the second part of the toolkit, which you may find at the following link.

    The importance and use of GIS in agriculture is discussed in the third part of the toolkit which you may find in this section.

    Robotics plays an increasingly important role in modern agricultural production. We write about the ways of using robotics in agriculture in the fourth part of the toolkit which you may find here.

    And what we can do with a drone in agricultural production, this is discussed in the fifth part of the toolkit, which you can download at the following link.

    Mobile apps have become an indispensable tool in agricultural production. We write about this in the sixth part of the toolkit, which you may download from here.

    The manual was published by the Western Balkans Institute from Belgrade (ISBN-978-86-89873-17-7)  and the Montenegrin Association for New Technologies, edited by prof. Dr. Miljan Cvetković- University of Banja Luka and prof. Dr. Radovan Stojanović- MANT.

    The author team consists of prof. Dr. Zdenka Babić- University of Banja Luka, MSc Vedran Jovanović- University of Banja Luka, prof. Dr. Aljo Mujčić- University of Tuzla, Assoc. Dr. Alma Šećerbegović-University of Tuzla, MSc Milan Šipka- University of Banja Luka, prof. Mihajlo Marković, Ph.D.- University of Banja Luka, Jurij Rakun, Ph.D.- University of Maribor, Erik Richter, M.Sc.- University of Maribor, Stevan Čakić, M.Sc.- University of Donja Gorica, Ivan Jovović- University of Donja Gorica, Jovana Popović- University of Donja Gorica, Assoc. . Dr. Tomo Popović- University of Donja Gorica and Marko Stojanović- Western Balkans Institute Belgrade.

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina, 08.09.22.

    Project AGRIPRENEUR (Agriculture Graduates Rising Innovation, Production and Resources through Entrepreneurial Networking and Education Uptake Rates) will support 50 talented young man and woman with background in agriculture from Bosnia and Herzegovina to become leaders in their fields and communities.

    agripreneur postThrough social and entrepreneurial empowering workshops and training on contemporary concept of management of processes in agriculture, young BH leaders will develop a set of leadership skills, empower their entrepreneurial potential, and adopt a specialist and managerial knowledge.

    In this project our Project Training Academy WE.T.A has responsibility for the preparation and realization of training on EntreComp (The European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework) and training on project development skills.

    The project is implemented by The Faculty of Agriculture University of Banja Luka in partnership with WEBIN, Technological Park INTERA Mostar and organization Girls Think from Tuzla. The project is funded by the U.S. Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • Novi Sad, 03.09.22.



    In cooperation with the Teachers Association of Vojvodina, the EMBRACE HE project and the resources created within the framework of this project were presented in the Rectorate of the University of Novi Sad.


    More than 200 educators, practitioners, professors, teachers, managers were presented with useful practical materials for self-empowerment and support for good mental health of educators, students and other participants of educational programs who are experiencing social pressure in their environment.



    The following resources were presented:

    1. Mental health in the educational process – review of useful and available literature
    2. Multi-language toolkit: Understanding student wellbeing and mental health issues
    3. Multi-language toolkit: pastoral, counselling and talking support for mental wellbeing of students in HE
    4. Multi-language Toolkit: Embedding good student wellbeing practice into institutional processes and teaching and learning
    5. Multi-language Online Toolkit: new, innovative techniques for increasing student wellbeing on campus, evidence and practice
    6. Multi-language Toolkit: Social Inclusion, diversity and identity in student mental health and wellbeing
    7. Interactive HE Case Studies of Innovation in Student Mental Health Support
    8. EMBRACE HE portal with useful materials 


    The EMBRACE project is funded by the British Council within the Erasmus+ program, strategic partnerships in higher education, and is implemented by a consortium consisting of the Birmingham City University as a lead partner, the University of Vilnius, the University of Navarra, the University of Crete and WEBIN.

  • Skopje, 02.09.22.

    Regional Entrepreneurial Learning Partnership Building Forum will be held in Skopje, North Macedonia on 26-28 October and it will bring together 120 participants from CSOs in the region, national governments and professional bodies, young entrepreneurs and successful student companies in order to boost partnership building with a regional perspective.

    This event is organized in the scope of the project BY LEAP (Balkans Youth: Linking Education, Abilities and Partnership Potential in Regional Employment Practice) funded by the European Union and implemented by Junior Achievement Serbia (coordinator), National Youth Council of Macedonia, JA Albania, Western Balkans Institute WEBIN, JA Turkiye, Business Incubator Munja Sarajevo, Student Business Center Podgorica and JA Europe.

    Participants will be introduced with regulation framework for youth and student companies in partner countries and strategic partnership for youth entrepreneurship in Western Balkans. No less important will be transformation stories of successful student companies from the WB region.

    Panelists and young entrepreneurs will also discuss the support to youth companies development in Western Balkans region and Turkey.

    For more information about the Forum, stay tuned.

  • Cetinje, Montenegro, 08.08.22.

    During this week, Cetinje hosted a training on creation, monitoring and evaluation of employment

    policies and measures within project PLACEMENT (CFCU/MNE/183). The training focused on
    strengthening the knowledge and skills of professional staff of Public Employment Service, Municipality,
    and other local institutions relevant for employment policy cycle. The training was also opportunity for
    local institutions to strengthen intersectoral cooperation in the field of employment policy.

    During the training, participants have also developed recommendations for policy makers on innovative
    employment measures , such as subsidizing employers to register informally employed staff and offer
    them regular work contracts.

    The training has been organized by The Old Royal Capital Cetinje and Western Balkans Institute WEBIN.
    The project ’’Providing Local Agri-food Community and Entities in Montenegro with Employment,
    Networking and Training’’ (PLACEMENT), CFCU/MNE/183 is implemented by The Old Royal Capital
    Cetinje in partnership with Socio-economic Center of Montenegro and Western Balkans Institute
    WEBIN, and co-financed by the EU and The Government of Montenegro.

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  • Belgrade, RS, 02.02.22.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.


    Web banner Job shadowing

  • Belgrade, RS, 28.01.22.

    Our new project has started with partners kick-off meeting on 27-28.01.2022. The STATUS project aims to provide support to vulnerable students.

    2022 STATUS kick off


    The project has 2 objectives: 1) To increasing the access of Roma and other underrepresented students in European HEIs;  2) To increase academic achievement success rate and prevent ESL in HEIs.

    In the scope of the project the following core results will be developed:

    Result 1: European HEI e-repository of good practices related to socially inclusive learning culture and EWS (Where do we come from and where do we go from here?)

    Result 2: HEI teaching and non-teaching staff training manual and program

    Result 3: CS-HE cooperation toolkit on increasing access and supporting achievement of underrepresented students in HE

    Result 4: Toolkit on peer support and active inclusion of underrepresented students

    Result 5: European policy brief/recommendations for improving social dimension of teaching and learning in European HEIs


    The project will last for 30 months, until June 2024, and will be implemented by a consortium composed of WEBIN, Preschool Teacher Training College ”Mihailo Palov” Vršac (project coordinator), University in Palermo (Italy), University 1 Decembre 1918 Alba Iulia (Romania), University of Madeira (Portugal), and CESIE (Italy). WEBIN and CESIE will coordinate work package 3 and the creation of result 3. WEBIN will also be responsible for the quality assurance by applying the PQA methodology. Project will be coordinated by professor Jelena Prtljaga from College in Vršac, while Marko Stojanović from WEBIN will be main evaluator.

    Photo: WEBIN 2022

  • Belgrade, 08.12.21.





    Over the next 10 months, 14 youth-lead entrepreneurship support projects will be implemented in the Western Balkans to support youth entrepreneurship and innovation initiatives. The projects will contribute to the creation of new jobs, especially for young people, and will engage 1800 young people in project activities.

    The projects are led by youth support organizations from Serbia (2), Albania (3), Turkey (3), Montenegro (3), Bosnia and Herzegovina (2) and North Macedonia (2). The projects are being funded by the EU within the small-grants scheme developed and administered within the regional BY LEAP project lead by the Junior Achievement Serbia and partners.

    The objective of this Call was to support innovative youth entrepreneurship initiatives, empower grass root civil society organisations to make a substantial contribution to youth entrepreneurship issues through mentoring, training and advocacy, as well as to facilitate the transformation pathways of smaller entrepreneurial initiatives into sustainable SMEs.

    The BY LEAP team has received 170 project proposals during the application period. The high number of proposals showcases the readiness of civil society actors to take part in innovative employment and entrepreneurship initiatives.

    The selected projects will:

    – Designe and test measures and actions which enable successful student and youth company operation growth and transformation into sustainable businesses;

    – Create jobs and opportunities for youth, including higher value added jobs;

    – Create policy and regulatory improvements (proposed legal acts, bylaws, designe new support mechanisms, participation in official working groups and institutional mechanisms) for better business environment;

    – Raise number of CSOs involved in advocacy activities of CSOs and other networks dealing with youth issues;

    – Advance dialogue between the private sector and educational institutions on support market driven educational and training needs;

    – Increase number of young people in local innovative entrepreneurship promotion activities and employability boosting activities.

    For additional information, please contact the Regional Communications Officer, Mr. Admir Veljović, at or at + 381-65-2549608, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and the website

    The “BY LEAP” project is being implemented with the financial support of the European Union through the Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2018-2019. The project is led by Junior Achievement Serbia and implemented by a consortium of 8 institutions.

  • Banja Luka, BA, 07.12.21.

    First regional EXPO event in the field of application of hardware & software technologies in agri-food sector ‘’SmAgTECH EXPO 2021’’, was held on 16 & 17 November 2021. The event was hosted at the specialized virtual platform.


    Given that the host of EXPO was University of Banja Luka, the platform was programmed with the visual environment of the University, as the location of the event.


    A total of 503 participants from 20 countries registered for the EXPO event, the most coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia.

    Within the conference part of the event, 4 plenary lectures and 19 lectures within 5 thematic sections (food processing, fruit growing, viticulture and winemaking, plant protection and new technologies in agriculture) were presented. 2 panel sessions were held on the use of ICT in agriculture, as well as the opinions of students of electrical engineering and agriculture towards the application of new technologies in the field of agriculture.


    In the exhibition part of the event, a total of 49 exhibitors presented themselves; 21 companies in the field of agriculture and ICT, 11 projects implemented with the theme of ICT application in agriculture and 17 members of the consortium of the VIRAL project, including WEBIN. During the EXPO event, 10.86K of separate interactions on the platform were registered, of which 2.03K represents activities at the stands. Most visits were at the stands of the University of Maribor and Technopolis, as well as the companies Bambi and Hepok. The stand of Western Balkans Institute was among top 10 most visited stands.

    The next EXPO will be organized in November 2022.

    The Smart Agriculture Technology EXPO event has been supported by the EU in the framework of VIRAL project funded through the ERASMUS+ CBHE Programme. The EU is not responsible for the content of the event.

  • Cetinje, ME, 02.12.21.

    The partner kick-off meeting for the project #PLACEMENT was held this week in Cetinje, The Old Royal Capital of Montenegro. The project shall support the development of SMEs through training and employment of necessary staff. The project is being implemented by the Old Royal Capital Cetinje with support of WEBIN and Socioeconomic center of Montenegro, and funded by the EU. In this project, WEBIN Training Academy WE.T.A. will be responsible for training component and award of grants for staff employment.



    During the visit to Cetinje, the project team held a meeting with Mayor of Cetinje Mr. Aleksanda Kašćelan.

    Contact person for PLACEMENT project is Ms. Jasmina Radoičić jasmina. radoicic(at)

    Photo: WEBIN 2021

  • Banja Luka, BA, 29.10.21.

    Regional grant scheme for small-scale projects made available through the BY LEAP project, was presented in Banja Luka on October 29, 2021.


    Opportunities for financing innovative projects that support youth entrepreneurship were presented to representatives of technological incubators and electrical engineering and agri-food faculties from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The total budget of the call is 240,000.00 EUR for projects lasting between 8 – 10 months, and in the value of 10,000.00 – 20,000.00 EUR.


    Guidelines for participants and application forms in national languages are available at webpage

    BY LEAP project supports youth entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans and Turkey. The project is implemented in the period 2020-2023 by a consortium lead by the Junior Achievement Serbia and with WEBIN as regional partner responsible for policy making component and visibility.


    Photos: WEBIN 2021

  • Banja Luka, BA, 29.10.21.

    Agreement on Cooperation in Organizing of the SmAgTECH EXPO (Smart Agriculture Technology EXPO) Fair-Conference event was signed in Banja Luka on October 29, 2021. The event is an annual gathering of the most important innovators and producers of software and hardware technologies in the agro-food sector, academia, economy, agricultural producers and other actors in this field in the region and beyond.


    SmAgTECH EXPO is designed as a multifunctional multi-day event with 4 components:
    1) Conference – where the most important innovators, scientists and practitioners in this field will be presenting their findings, practices, etc;
    2) Fair – where leading ICT-based products, innovations and services will be exhibited by leading regional and international companies, universities and research and development centers;
    3) Hackathon that will bring together students and research teams with their ideas, and companies and business angels as investors;
    4) Employment fair at which companies and employers will announce their vacancies for employment and/or professional practice and students and unemployed persons will be able to leave their CVs and partake in live talks;

    Through a virtual platform specifically designed to support this event, it will be possible to exchange experiences and practices, hold B2B meetings, support joint business and innovation initiatives and create new opportunities for projects and networking in this area, as well as organize students internships in some of the renowned regional companies.

    Among the founders of SmAgTECH EXPO are: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka, Plantaže July 13, University of Mostar, University of Tuzla, University of Bijeljina, University of Donja Gorica, University of Maribor, Western Balkans Institute, Innovation Center Banja Luka, Foundation for Innovation and Technology development of INTERA, Chamber of Agricultural Engineers of Republika Srpska, Western Balkans Research and Development Ltd., JAFFA Commerce Ltd., MANT and others.
    The seat and contact point of SmAgTECH EXPO is the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Banja Luka and Professor Miljan Cvetković.

    The SmAgTECH EXPO is part of the VIRAL project. For more information please visit project website


    Photo: WEBIN 2021

  • Podgorica, ME, 10.09.21.

    A regional conference dedicated to entrepreneurship education ended today at the University of Donja Gorica in Podgorica.




    The conference was co-organized from September 8 to 10, 2021 by the Student Business Center from Podgorica and the Junior Achievements Serbia. During 3 working days, 120 representatives of civil society organizations from 6 countries, including: Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, discussed entrepreneurship education in formal and non-formal education systems in the Western Balkans, and support provision to youth entrepreneurship and their innovation projects.



    The conference was held within the regional project “BY LEAP – Balkans Youth: Linking Education, Abilities and Partnership Potential in Regional Employment Practice”, which aims to support youth entrepreneurship and strengthening of employment perspectives of youth in the Western Balkans.




    At the opening of the conference, the participants were addressed by Mrs. Jevrosima Pejović (Ministry of Economic Development of Montenegro), Mladen Perazić (Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro), Sandra Tinaj (University of Donja Gorica), Darko Radičanin (Junior Achievement Serbia – Director of the BY LEAP project). “The regional conference is a continuation of a series of previously implemented activities within the project in all partner countries, and the aim of the conference is to network civil society representatives who are involved in entrepreneurship and youth employment activities in partner countries of the BY LEAP project,” Radicanin said. During the conference, participants were able to attend interactive presentations delivered by eminent regional experts, and to participate in panel discussions and workshops at which a regional a policy on further development of entrepreneurship education until 2030 was co-created.

    For additional information, please contact the Regional Communications Officer, Mr. Admir Veljović, at or at + 381-65-2549608, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and the website

    The “BY LEAP” project is being implemented with the financial support of the European Union through the Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2018-2019. The project is led by Junior Achievement Serbia and implemented by a consortium of 8 institutions.

    Photos: BY LEAP 2021


  • Raska, RS, 01.04.21.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.Foto 1

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    Photo: WEBIN 2021

  • Vrnjacka Banja, 19.02.21.

    Policy-making training was held for the past 3 days at the ZEPTER Hotel in Vrnjacka Banja. The training addressed the representatives of civil society who want to engage in a policy-making cycle in Serbia during 2021 and 2022, especially in areas that will be more in the focus of civil society through the BY LEAP project.


    The training is designed to achieve 3 objectives:

    1) to improve understanding of the policy-making cycle (creation, implementation, evaluation), actors and mechanisms of citizen participation,

    2) to test selected skills relevant to public policy-making (ex-analysis and ex-post evaluation),

    3) to empower participants to take part in the relevant policy-making processes in 2021-2022;

    The training was positively evaluated by the participants.


    The training was the preparation of civil society organizations to become active stakeholders in decision-making processes important for youth employment. The training is part of the regional project BY LEAP, which is implemented by Junior Achievement Serbia in partnership with WEBIN and 5 other partners from the Western Balkans. The project is funded by the EU under the Civil Society and Media Program.

    Photos: WEBIN 2021

  • Leskovac, 09.02.21.

    The conference ‘’Next destination Balkana: the rise of agritourism’’ will take place on Thursday and Friday 11-12 February 2021 in Leskovac. It will be hosted by the Academy of professional studies ‘’South Serbia’’ in cooperation with LANDS project partners. Participation in the conference will also be enabled online through the Google MEET link. 


    The conference will reflect the rise of agritourism over 2020, future activities on the promotion of agrtourism as a form of entrepreneurial occupation. During the conference, key outcomes and project products of the LANDS will be presented and discussed, such as 2 catalogues of training courses, regional team of agritourism educators for entrepreneurs and households, and The Winter school of agritouism. 

    You may register for the conference at the following LINK

    WEBIN je co-organizer of the conference. For more information do not hesitate to write to Mr. Marko Stojanović at marko.stojanovic(at)

    The conference is being organized in the framework of the regional LANDS project which is funded by the EU through the Erasmus+, CBHE. For more information do not hesitate to visit project website

  • Vrnjačka Banja, 06.02.21.

    Training on advocacy ”Still Water? Runs Deep” was held from 03 to 05 February at Hotel ZEPTER in Vrnjačka Banja as the first CSO capacity building module within the regional BY LEAP project.


    The training purpose was to increase CSO competencies to advocate for their needs and rights towards decision-makers. Participants were representatives of CSOs in Serbia. The training was delivered by Marko Stojanović and Zlatan Halilović.

    Project BY LEAP is funded by the European Commission within the Civil Society and Media Program.


    Photos: WEBIN 2021


  • Raška, 22.01.21.

    This entry is avaliable only in Serbian.

  • Belgrade, 26.10.20.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.


    Photo: WEBIN 2020

  • Belgrade, 25.05.20.

    The advisory sector is one of the best ways to convey information to farmers and enables their successful adoption. The consultants are very successful in implementing applied research that provides insight into new production technologies (cultivation system, assortment, agro – and auxiliary equipment) and thus raise the level of efficiency. The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) that we have witnessed in recent years is undoubtedly an opportunity to transform the way of agricultural production.

    The purpose of the Erasmus + VIRAL project (Vitalizing ICT Relevance in Agricultural Learning) is to explore the attitudes of farmers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Romania, the Netherlands and Slovenia on the role of ICT in agriculture. To what extent ICTs are present in the work of advisors, how they are used in working with agricultural producers, what are the real needs for improving work in the coming period and how it is possible to raise the level of use, are just some of the questions in this questionnaire. The answers should provide a basis for defining recommendations for improved use of ICT in the work of the advisory sector and thus contribute to their greater efficiency in the coming period.

    The questionnaire for advisors can be found at the following link . The questionnaire is anonymous and takes up to 15 minutes to complete it. Thank you for your contribution.

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  • Novi Sad, 19.05.20.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Kopaonik, 10.03.20.

    Trainer educational program ’’Become an educator’’ started in Raska as part of project “Year of inclusion and employment”. Participants of program are educators and officials of different municipal services in municipality of Raska which are aiming to develop and improve own trainers competences in order to work with adult participants. Program “Become an educator” is consisted of 4 modules which will realised in following months.

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    First two day module was held on 09-10. March 2020 at the ” King’s Chardak ” on Kopaonik. The aim of the module is to familiarize participants with the training cycle, how adults learn, the process of planning and preparing training, and creating designs and materials for participants. The training was implemented by Jelena Nastic-Stojanovic, WE.T.A. educator. Academy training with the support of co-trainers Zlatan Halilovic and Marko Stojanovic.

    Following the implementation of this training program, it is expected that the municipality of Raska, as well as the entire Raska district and neighboring municipalities, will have at their disposal a trained team of 16 trainers with a set of innovative education training courses which are applicable in the sectors of public administration, employment, social protection and entrepreneurship.


    The ‘Inclusion and Employment Year’ project is part of the wider German Development Cooperation project ” Inclusion of Roma and other marginalized groups in Serbia ”. The project is implemented by the German Organization for International Cooperation GIZ, in cooperation with the Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia as the President of the Coordination Body for monitoring the implementation of the Strategy for Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2016 to 2025.

    For more information on the project you can contact Jasmina Radoicic at jasmina.radoicic (at)

    Foto: Zlatan Halilović2020


  • Raska, RS, 26.01.20.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.



  • Athens, 17.01.20.

    The main aim of kick-off meeting was to determine upcoming tasks and planning sessions, communication strategy, development methods, project plan and time frames. The meeting was used to establish the research, the quality assurance strategy, the valorization and technology frameworks for successful project implementation in regards to the capacity of Adult Education Trainers to comply with the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators.

    The meeting ensured that all partners clearly understood their role and function in the project and that the reporting and recording responsibilities are outlined and agreed.20200117-1

    The target group of the action are adult education educators and other personnel who work with adult learners.

    The three main outputs of the Project are expected to be:
    1. Mapping of the digital competencies of adult education trainers in Europe as they stand today. Creation of online pedagogic material, lesson plans, activities, tools and train for trainers modules for Adult Educators to align their skills and training provision with the DigiComp Framework.
    2. Interactive Online Learning Environment: The learning platform and the mobile application created will support the delivery of all the online learning components and interactive tools (online training modules, multimedia content, communication and collaboration tools, mini games, resource bank and the overall project material).
    3. Training and Policy Adaptation Guide: A guide in the form of an Interactive eBook including multimedia content and providing specific guidelines to the project’s stakeholders, multipliers and relevant policymakers.

    The meeting was held in Athens – Greece, on the 17th of January 2020.

    For more information about project please visit Project page.


  • Raška, RS, 16.01.20.

    First one stop shop for youth has been opened in Raška. It was officially opened by PM Ms. Ana Brnabić in presence of the Head of EU Delegation to Serbia Mr. Sem Fabrici, Minister of Environment Mr. Goran Trivan and Mayor of Raška Mr. Ignjat Rakitić.


    Otvaranje OSS u RA


    The One stop shop will be available to job-seeking youth, youth seeking training and education opportunities, youth exchange opportunities, and will have the following functions:

    1. Support in the identification and establishing communication with NEET youth
    2. Informing of youth about social and work activation opportunities
    3. Carrier counseling  
    4. Communication support    
    5. Business support and giving the space and equipment for use to youth business startups 
    6. Organizing of training for youth;



    One stop shop was founded by the Municipal Assembly of the Raška Municipality with the support of project MATCHING! The project is implemented by the Junior Achievement Serbia, WEBIN, Municipality Raška and Municipality Svrljig, and co-financed by the Ministry of Finance of Serbia and the EU.

    For more information about the establishment of a one-stop-shop in Raška please contact team leader Mr. Marko Stojanović at marko.stojanovic(at)


    Photo: Municipality Raška 2020

  • Kosovska Mitrovica, 11.01.20.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Kosovska Mitrovica, 21.12.19.

    This entry is available in Serbian only

  • Kopaonik, 09.12.19.



  • Kosovska Mitrovica, 29.11.19.

    This entry is available on in Serbian

  • Birmingham, UK, 08.12.19.

    Kickoff meeting in Birmingham City University launched new project focused on mental health of
    higher education students and lack of well being in students in higher education. Aim of the
    project is to design and create a programe of activities that will bring together best
    practices,provide training,tools and resources for academic and academic-related staff in HE,
    create policy resources for HE wide implementation and action planning, structured activities at
    the institutional,systems and class room levels.
    First output that all involved partners from United Kingdom, Spain, Greece, Lithuania and Serbia
    agreed to start working on brief desk research in order to make cross-cutting overview of
    research based on assessment of needs and service providers in order to improve quality of
    project contribution more specific and efficient.
    For more information about project please visit Project page.

  • Belgrade, RS, 19.11.19.

    Local employment councils of the municipalities of Svrljig and Raska have held the meetings and adopted the proposals to establish a one-stop-shop program in the fields of social and work activation of young people in Svrljig and Raska. During December 2019, the local authorities in Raska and Svrljig will pass decisions on the establishment of a one-stop-shop program, and will sign the Protocols on Cooperation with community Institutions. The establishment of the one-stop-shops in Raska and Svrljig is planned for the second half of January 2020.

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    The one-stop-shop program will have the following functions:


    b) INFORMING YOUNG PEOPLE on opportunities for social and work activation


    d) COMMUNICATION SUPPORT with institutions and services

    e) BUSINESS SUPPORT and provision of space and equipment for the business beginners


    For more information on one-stop-shop in Svrljig and Raska, please contact team leader Mr. Marko Stojanovic at marko.stojanovic(at)

    Photo: WEBIN 2019

  • Podgorica, ME, 08.11.19.

    How effectively does the Western Balkans use the #EU funds? How to achieve more? Today, we discussed the planning and preparation of EU IPA projects with representatives of the Ministry of Finance and municipalities and cities in Montenegro.


    Mr. Marko Stojanovic, Director of WEBIN Training Academy, Ms. Jelena Nastic-Stojanovic Director of the Western Balkan Institute, held training for representatives of ministries and local self-governments in Montenegro on how to better use the resources made available to Montenegrin entities through the IPA.


    Photo: WEBIN 2019

  • Belgrade, RS, 04.11.19.

    A baseline study on youth social and labor activation in Svrljig and Raska was conducted to analyze the latest available data (qualitative and quantitative) indicating the status of vulnerable unemployed youth such as NEETs, Roma, long-term unemployed and youth living in rural areas. The document was prepared within the project ”MATCHING!” and is available HERE.


  • Nitra, SK, 04.11.19.





  • Novi Sad, RS, 24.10.19.

    At the Preschool Teachers Training College in Novi Sad, on October 24 and 25, fourth workshop devoted to the process of forming of ECEC lifelong learning centerswas heldtogether with the PSC and quality team meetingsin the framework of the project ‘’Keep Educating Yourself’’ (KEY) which is funded by the EU through the Erasmus+ CBHE Program. Multiple WP1 and WP2 results were presented together with the quality of project management assessment.


    Finalized Comparative analysis of ECEC in Serbia,Montenegro,Romania,Slovenia and United Kingdom will form the basis for devised national level policy recommendation documents in Serbia and Montenegro together with the assessment of ECEC teachers and practitioners CPD needs that are to be prepared in the upcoming period through multisectoral teams of partners delegated by each project partner institution.


    The process of establishing lifelong learning centers has been assured also with the new Quality architecture plan available both in Serbian and English language and through presentation of successful models of CPD hubs delivered by the project coordinator coming from the UK Birmingham City University.  All HEI partners management bodies have reached the decision on forming of the centres for continuous professional development of ECEC teachers and practitioners in their premises.

    For more information on the project please visit the project webpage at contact Mrs. Jelena Nastić-Stojanović at jelena.nastic(at)

  • Belgrade, RS, 23.10.19.

    A model of establishing community-based services for beneficiary group of youth, based on a one-stop-shop approach, was presented in Svrljig and Raska to the representatives of local institutions. The official title of this service will be ‘’an innovative service of support to youth social and work activation’’. Marko Stojanovic, team leader who worked on the one-stop-shop modelling, stated that we are not talking about the establishment of a new institution, but about the establishment of an innovative service for young people, which will be supportive not only to young people but also to community institutions (such as municipal administration, NES, etc.).


    During the workshops, the team also visited the premises, which will physically host the equipment and the one-stop-shop counter of the service. In Svrljig, that premise is located in a high school. In Raska, the premise of youth club will be used to host the one-stop-shop service.


    Next workshops in Svrljig and Raska, where the final one-stop-shop model is expected to be approved, will be held in the second half of November 2019.


    The activity of establishing an innovative one-stop-shop service is being implemented through the project “MODELLING ALTERNATIVE TOOLBOX & CONDITIONS FOR HIRING IN NEED GENERATIONS” (acronym: MATCHING!), which is co-funded by the EU and the Republic of Serbia with 224,884.04 EUR within the framework of the ‘’EU support to an active youth inclusion’’ grant scheme. For more information on the process of establishing an innovative service, please contact Mr. Marko Stojanovic at marko.stojanovic(at)

    Photo: WEBIN, 2019

  • Kraljevo, RS, 16.10.19.

    This entry is available only in Serbian language.


    Photo> WEBIN, 2019

  • Belgrade, 15.10.19.

    The European Commission has published a publication on the contribution of youth work to migrants and refugees in the EU, in which our PAPYRUS project is presented as good practice and a resource for work in this field.

    Cover page EC publication

    Publication entitled ”The contribution of youth work in the context of migration and refugee matters – A practical toolbox for youth workers and policymakers recommendations: results of an expert group set up under the European Union youth work plan for 2016-2018′’ is a set of tips, guidelines and resources for youth workers engaged with migrants and refugees, with examples of good practices from more than 20 projects implemented over the past 3 years, funded by the EU through the ERASMUS + program. You can download the publication at the link   HERE .




  • Belgrade, 01.10.19.

    Dear preschool teachers and practitioners, the KEY project is in the process of analyzing the needs of educators and other practitioners employed with the preschool institutions in Serbia and Montenegro and whose results are to form the basis for the creation and accreditation of professional development programs. Please fill in the questionnaire at the following link: questionnaire is anonymous, and takes up to 15 minutes to complete it. Thank you for your contribution.

    Key logo

  • Brasov, Romania, 27.09.19.

    WEBIN representativesMarko Stojanovic and Jelena Nastic spent a week in one of Transylvania’s most beautiful cities – Brasov, visiting the University of Transylvania and the Faculty of Food and Tourism. The visit was organized in the framework of the LANDS project with the purpose of introducing the partners to the tourism and agritourism potential of the Brasov county.

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    During this study visit, they also visited the Bran Castle (Castle of Dracula) and the Villa Bran Club.

    Photo 2 (1)

    A project collaboration was agreed with the Faculty of Food and Tourism for the next CBHE call.

    The study visit was implemented as part of the project Next Destination Balkans: Agritourism Landscapes Development (LANDS) funded by the EU within the Erasmus+ CBHE. For more information on the LANDS project, please contact Marko Stojanovic at marko.stojanovic(at)

    Photo: WEBIN 2019

  • Niksic, Montenegro, 20.09.19.

    At the Faculty of Philosophy in Niksic, on September 19 and 20, 2019, a second workshop was held dedicated to the development of centers for lifelong learning and training of teachers and educators/practitioners within work package 2, as well as a meeting of the project SC in the presence of the coordinators of the partner institutions. After this workshop, the process of establishing lifelong learning centers for preschool teachers is half way through.

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    During the event, an agreement was reached on how to conduct research on the needs of educators and practitioners working within the ECEC sector institutions to be used for creating basis for professional development opportunities to be available at the lifelong ECEC learning hubs e whose establishment is underway at higher education schools in Serbia and at the University of Montenegro. Also, a framework Rule-book on the establishment of lifelong ECEC learning hubs was adopted.

    The event was also attended by representatives of the National Erasmus + Office in Montenegro, who expressed their appreciation for the ongoing implementation of project activities and the dissemination of information on the KEY project. The project team also visited Boka Kotorska.

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    The workshop was held in the framework of the project ‘’Keep Educating Yourself’’ (KEY) which is funded by the EU through the Erasmus+ CBHE. For more information on the project please contact Jelena Nastić-Stojanović at jelena.nastic(at)

    Photo: Svetlana Lazić, 2019

  • Portoroz, SI, 30.08.19.

    Faculty of tourism ‘’Turistica’’ hosted from 26-30 August the team of LANDS project. This visit was organized for the team to visit several agritouristic units in the hinterland of Piran Bay and to get acquainted with their management experience in running the business.


    The LANDS project (2017 – 2020) is funded by the EU with EUR 780,854.00 under ERASMUS + CBHE. For more information on the LANDS project, please contact Mr. Marko Stojanovic at marko.stojanovic(at) or visit the project website

    Photo: WEBIN, 2019

  • Vrnjacka Banja, RS, 15.08.19.

    Over the last 3 days, a seminar was held in Vrnjacka Banja for representatives of the municipal administrations of Raska and Svrljig, Centers for Social Work and National Employment Services. The seminar topic was the application of the concept of “one stop shop” in the field of employment, social and work activation of youth. This seminar was an introduction to a multi-month process of establishing an innovative ‘one stop shop’ service in the communities of Raska and Svrljig, aiming to reduce the inactivity rates among youth.


    Director of WEBIN Training Academy Mr. Marko Stojanovic, who is a team leader in the process of establishing this innovative service in 2 municipalities, presented the social context in which this innovative service normally appears, then the target groups for which this service is tailored, the functions and way of operation of the service and comparative experiences from the EU and neighbouring countries.

    It is also agreed on how the process of establishing a one-stop shop will look like, whereas representatives of Raska and Svrljig presented the premises which will host the one stop shops.

    The activity of establishing an innovative one-stop-shop service is being implemented through the project “MODELLING ALTERNATIVE TOOLBOX & CONDITIONS FOR HIRING IN NEED GENERATIONS” (acronym: MATCHING!), which is co-funded by the EU and the Republic of Serbia within the framework of the ‘’EU support to an active youth inclusion’’ grant scheme. For more information on the process of establishing an innovative service, please contact Mr. Marko Stojanovic at marko.stojanovic(at)

    Photo: Junior Achievement Serbia, 2019

  • Sremska Mitrovica, RS, 20.06.19.

    At today’s meeting of the Quality Assurance & Monitoring Team of the KEY project, WEBIN presented a Guide to Quality Architecture that explains in more detail approach that will be followed in ensuring high quality of the KEY project. Quality architecture is a methodology for quality assurance in complex multi-partner and multi-annual projects, developed over the past years by WEBIN’s quality team led by Mr. Marko Stojanovic.



    For more information about the quality architecture methodology, please contact Ms. Jasmina Radoicic, leader of Quality Team at jasmina.radoicic(at)

  • Sjenica, RS, 24.04.19.

    Training on cross-border project management was held today at Hotel Borici in Sjenica. The participants of the training were representatives of the Municipal Administration of Gusinje from Montenegro and Public Utility Company ”Vrela” from Sjenica, partners in the implementation of the BinS (Bringing in sustainable waste management) project. The training was prepared and delivered by Marko Stojanovic, one of WEBIN’s leading experts in EU projects and programs.


    Photo: Zlatan Halilović, 2019

  • Mostar, BA, 17.04.19.


    A workshop on creating short courses at Moodle was held from 15-17 April in Mostar at the University Dzemal Bijedić. The workshop was organized to support the representatives of partner institutions participating in the LANDS project, in developing their short courses in the Moodle platform.


    The workshop was held in the framework of the LANDS project which is co-funded by the EU with EUR 780,854.00 through ERASMUS+ CBHE. For more information about the LANDS project  please contact Mr. Marko Stojanovic at marko.stojanovic(at) or visit our project website

    Photo: LANDS, 2019

  • Maribor and Murska Sobota, SI, 12.04.19.

    Representatives of preschool teacher training colleges from Serbia and Montenegro, preschool teachers and trainers from WEBIN participated in the period from 08-12 April in a study visit to partner institutions in Maribor and Murska Sobota.


    The host institution in Maribor was the Faculty of Education of the University of Maribor, while the host in Murska Sobota was Rakican Castle.

    The KEY project is funded by the EU with EUR 877,732.00 under the ERASMUS+ CBHE program.

    Photo: Dvorac Rakican, 2019

  • Podgorica, ME, 29.03.19.

    The KEY Project Introductory Conference was held from 28-29 March in Podgorica. The conference, attended by over 100 representatives of the preschool teacher education profession and higher education, was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Montenegro Mr. Goran Barovic.


    With this conference, the project was presented to the professional and the general public in Montenegro, whereas preschool teachers were invited to actively participate in the creation and realization of various forms of continuous professional development activities.


    The KEY project is funded by the EU with EUR 877,732.00 under the ERASMUS+ CBHE program.

    Photo: University of Montenegro, 2019

  • Belgrade, RS, 17.03.19.

    A basic training on project bid preparation and writing skills entitled ”How to Write a Project and Get Donor Money” took place from 15-17 March in the Nest Conference Room in Belgrade Tower.


    The training was attended by representatives of Belgrade NGOs. During the 3 days of training, participants were trained to read the calls for proposals, understand donor priorities, define their project topic, devise a logical matrix, develop different project form sections and construct project budget.

    The training was prepared and implemented by Marko Stojanovic and Jelena Nastic from WEBIN Training Academy. The training was organized as part of the program of the Belgrade Youth Office.

    Photo: SokolinaArt, 2019

  • Kozara, BA, 13.03.19.

    The last ToT module for agritourism trainers was held at the Monument Hotel at Kozara National Park in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this module, participants presented their training designs and their trainer experiences and agreed on the next steps in forming a regional team of agritourism trainers.

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    In the coming months, the Western Balkan Institute, as the coordinator of this process, will prepare cooperation agreements between higher education institutions and regional development agencies, which will define the way the regional team of trainers will work. This team will represent a joint resource of the University of Sarajevo, the University of Banja Luka, the Džemal Bijedic University in Mostar, the College of Tourism Belgrade, the College of Vocational Studies Uzice, the College of Agriculture and Food Technology Prokuplje, the Regional Development Agency South from Nis, the Regional Development Agency Zlatibor from Uzice, the Regional Development Agency Herzegovina from Mostar, Sarajevo Regional Development Agency SERDA and the Western Balkan Institute from Belgrade.


    Module participants also visited the ethno village Piskavica, located in the Prijedor area near Kozara. Guests were served with a traditional dinner with dishes and drinks from this region, and a nice cultural and artistic program was performed by KUD Piskavica.


    The training for trainers is part of the 3rd Work Package of the LANDS project (2017 – 2020) which is funded by the EU with EUR 780,854.00 under ERASMUS+ CBHE. For more information on the LANDS project, please contact Mr. Marko Stojanovic at marko.stojanovic(at) or visit the project website

    Photo: Ivica Sivric, 2019

  • Kragujevac, RS, 01.03.19.

    Project “MODELLING ALTERNATIVE TOOLBOX & CONDITIONS FOR HIRING IN NEED GENERATIONS” with acronym MATCHING! started with a partner introduction meeting at the Kragujevac Hotel in Kragujevac. An EU-funded project co-financed by the Republic of Serbia should contribute to better policies and mechanisms for social and labor activation of young people from vulnerable categories. It is envisaged through this project that one-stop shop services for youth activation will be established in the municipalities of Svrljig and Raska.

    The project is implemented in partnership between Junior Achievement Serbia, the Western Balkan Institute Belgrade, and the municipal administrations of Svrljig and Raska.

  • Novi Sad, RS, 13.02.19.

    Introduction conference of the KEY project was held on 12 February at the Preschool Teacher Education College in Novi Sad. At the conference the project objectives were presented along with what partners plan to achieve over the next 3 years within the project. Next day was held the training of institution project coordinators and finance officers in project finance management. The training was prepared and delivered by Mr. Marko Stojanovic from WEBIN.

    The KEY project is funded by the EU with EUR 877,732.00 within the ERASMUS+ CBHE programme

  • Novi Sad, RS, 16.01.19.

    The introduction meeting of the KEY project (2018 – 2021) was held today in the premises of the Preschool Teacher Training College Novi Sad. Over the next 3 years, the project will contribute to the creation of a better system for continuous professional development of preschool teachers in Serbia and Montenegro.

    The project brings together the Teacher training colleges from Novi Sad, Pirot, Vrsac, Krusevac and Sremska Mitrovica, University of Montenegro, The Institute for the enhancement of education and upbringing of the Republic of Serbia, The Bureau of Educational Services Montenegro, Preschool Teacher Association of Vojvodine, Union of Preschool Teacher Associations of Serbia, JPU Ljubica Popovic from Podgorica, Western Balkans Institute from Belgrade, KIC Rakican iz Murska Sobota, Slovenia, Etvos Jozef College from Baja, Hungary, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Birmingham City University, UK, and West University Timisoara, Romania.

    The project KEY builds on the project TEACH (2013-2016) which was funded through the EU TEMPUS programme. The KEY project is funded by the EU within the ERASMUS+CBHE programme.

  • Sarajevo, BA, 15.11.18.

    Third ToT module in agritourism was held on 13 and 14 November at the University of Sarajevo campus. This module was dedicated to feedback skills and discussion about initial training experience.


    This activity is part of 3rd work package of the project LANDS (2017 – 2020) which is funded by the EU in the framework of the ERASMUS+CBHE programme.

    Photo: Ivica Sivric, 2019

  • Turku, FI, 10.10.18.

    The Turku University of Applied Sciences TUAS hosted the last meeting of the team of PAPYRUS, the project which enabled the creation of a resource base at consisting of a variety of materials for professional development of practitioners working with migrants.

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    The following materials were created and piloted:
    * Work in a multicultural environment
    * Toolkit on the social inclusion of young migrants and their families
    * Socioeconomic Support toolkit with 10 modules
    * Psychosocial support toolkit for young migrants
    * Abuse prevention and safeguarding manual

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    The listed materials and tools are available on portal. The PAPYRUS project was implemented in the period 2017-2018. under the leadership of the Metropolitan University of Manchester, with the participation of the Western Balkans Institute from Belgrade, CESIE from Palermo, Turku University of Applied Sciences and KOPIN from Malta. The project was financed by the British National Agency under the Erasmus + strategic partnership program in the amount of 278,526.00 EUR.

    Photo: WEBIN & CESIE 2018

  • Beograd / Šabac, RS, 05.10.18.

    The second module of the ToT program in the field of agrotourism was held in Serbia.

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    After focusing on the preparation and designing of training in the first module, in the second module we dealt with training methodology and trainers’ competencies and skills. During the first day that was held at the College of Tourism in New Belgrade, the methodology of training was presented along with 19 mostly used methods in trainings, trainers’ competences and skills. On the second day, which was held at the ethno villa Albedo in the village of Varna, near Šabac, additional set of trainers’ skills was presented.

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    Participants in the training were representatives of universities in Sarajevo and Banja Luka, the College of Tourism from Belgrade, the College of Business and Technical Studies from Uzice, the College of Agriculture and Food Technology in Prokuplje, as well as from regional development agencies JUG from Nis, Zlatibor from Uzice and REDAH from Mostar.

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    The next module will be held at the University of Sarajevo.

    The ToT program is being implemented within the 3rd Work Package of LANDS project, which is funded by the EU under the Erasmus + Higher Education Program in the amount of 780,854.00 EUR.

    Photo: WEBIN

  • Belgrade, RS, 26.09.18.

    In the framework of consultation process, a draft report on the development and promotion of entrepreneurial learning in Serbia was presented today at the Belgrade Hotel ZIRA.


    The report deals with several indicators of the development of entrepreneurial learning, such as the state of the national partnership, the legislative framework, the integration of entrepreneurial learning into the formal and non-formal education system, and the involvement of civil society and young people from rural and remote areas. The consultation process will be continued through the collection of written comments from institutions and organizations representing stakeholders in this field.


    The forum was attended by representatives of ministries responsible for education, economy, youth and agriculture, Institute for the Enhancement of Education, GIZ, EBRD, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Union of Employers of Serbia, Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac, NGO ENECA, Junior Achievement Serbia, Union of students with disabilities, TEMPUS Foundation, and other stakeholders.


    The report was prepared as part of the WEB4YES project implemented in the Western Balkans by the Belgrade Open School and partners.

    Photos: Belgrade Open School 2018

  • Niš, RS, 12.09.18.

    This entry is available only in Serbian language.


  • Niš, RS, 11.09.18.

    The first module of the training of trainers program (ToT) was held in Niš, where participants were introduced to the way in which the training is to be prepared.

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    The concepts of adult education and lifelong learning were presented at the training along with the position professional training is taking in the system of continuous professional development. Great attention was devoted to the issue of training preparation, from understanding the task and assessment of the participants’ needs, to the preparation of trainers and materials and logistical preparation.

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    U program obuke za edukatore u agroturizmu učestvuje 22 nastavnika i profesora visokoškolskih ustanova i projektnih menadžera iz regionalnih razvojnih agencija iz Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine.

    The group composed of 22 higher education teachers and professors and project managers from regional development agencies from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina are participating in the ToT program in agrotourism.

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    Module 1 was held in the period from 10-11. September in the creative workspace DELI. The training was organized by the Regional Development Agency JUG from Nis and carried out by the Western Balkans Institute team of trainers. The next module will be held from 04-05. October 2018 in Belgrade at the College of Tourism Belgrade. Modules in Sarajevo in November and in Banja Luka in December will follow.

    The training was held as part of the LANDS project funded by the EU under the Erasmus + Higher Education Program in the amount of 780,854.00 EUR.

    Photos: WEBIN 2018

  • Portorož, SI, 25.08.18.

    You have inherited a family house in the countryside? You don’t know what to do with it? You want to keep it from falling into oblivion?

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    One of the ways to save it is to offer it as an accommodation capacity for guests who want to make a holiday associated with nature. The importance of agrotourism has increased significantly in the last decade, including both, demand and supply. New players appeared in the market and gave a new meaning the concept of agrotourism (e.g. Drvengrad or Mokrin House). With the necessary investments in the maintenance of the building and its adjustments to fit the agroturism needs, not only the house will be preserved, but entire village may be revived and popularized as a tourist destination. However, investments in the maintenance of old houses is not enough. In order to develop the business as a tourist destination, there are two other necessary factors: a) to set up an appropriate system of business management, and b) to win guests’ sympathies by offering the authentic programs for guest.

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    Upravo su ova 2 faktora predmeti obuka stručnog usavršavanja koje razvijamo za ljude koji se bave ili žele da se bave agroturizmom. U narednih nekoliko meseci, u okviru projekta LANDS razvićemo 2 programa stručnog usavršavanja. Prvi program će biti posvećen upravljanju domaćinstvom koje obavlja privrednu delatnost u agroturizmu. Drugi program je posvećen kreiranju i sprovođenju programa za goste u agroturizmu. Programi treba osposobe lica zaposlena u agroturizmu da od svojih domačinstava na selu, naprave profitabilne biznise, koji će njihova sela i područja dovesti na mapu turističkih destinacija u Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini.

    These two factors are the topics of professional development courses that we are developing for entrepreneurs and service providers in agrotourism. In the next few months, within the LANDS project, we will develop two professional development courses. The first course will be dedicated to the management of the household operating in agritourism. The second course is devoted to creating and implementing programs for guests in agrotourism. Courses should enable entrepreneurs to transfer their countryside households into profitable businesses, which will bring their villages and areas to the map of tourist destinations in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    All the aforementioned is a product of 4. workshop held at the Faculty of Tourism TURISTICA in Portorož, which was held from 20-24. August 2018. The following institutions are jointly working on the development of the programs: Universities in Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Mostar College of Tourism School in Belgrade, the Business and Technical College in Uzice and the College of Agricultur and Food Technology in Prokuplje, the regional development agencies of Sarajevo and Herzegovina, the RDA Zlatibor and the RDA South, as well as Western Balkans Institute WEBIN from Belgrade, supported by Primorska University from Slovenia, Agricultural University of Athens, Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra and Transylvania University in Brasov, Romania.

    Activities are being implemented within the LANDS project funded by the EU through the Erasmus + Higher Education Program in the amount of 780,854.00 EUR.

    Photos: WEBIN 2018

  • Zlatar Mountain, RS, 14.07.18.

    The training of youth representatives on public advocacy and partnership building was held this week on one of the most beautiful Serbian mountains – Zlatar. Marko Stojanovic, director of WEBIN for development and member of the TEACH team of trainers, delivered training using the module 11materials. Module 11 was developed within the PAPYRUS project with the aim of empowering young migrants who need socio-economic support, to be able to self-represent their interests towards public authorities in destination countries. The module lasts 16 hours and includes segments such as understanding the social context, meaning, similar concepts, changing in campaign paradigm, and elements of advocacy campaign. During the Zlatar training, representatives of 3 youth organizations / organizations for youth from Prijepolje, Kruševac and Obrenovac have drafted an advocacy campaign concept, that will be implemented within the framework of a greater regional project: the Network of Youth Funds of the Western Balkans and Turkey, implemented by Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation,  and financed by the EU through CSF.

    The module 11 will be published in September at portal, in section Toolkits.

    Grupna foto by MS


  • Catania, IT, 18.06.18.

    The PAPYRUS project team held the 7th working meeting on creating materials to support youth workers working with migrants. The meeting was held at CESIE premises in Palermo. This meeting was devoted to the development of case studies that should showcase the experiences of youth workers in provision of support to migrants. Case studies will be a source of information and materials for learning to be used by youth workers in organizing their activities in similar circumstances as described in case studies.


    The development of case studies will begin in July 2018. Project partners will identify up to 3 relevant cases of work with migrants in their countries, matching the topics covered by the PAPYRUS project (work in a multicultural environment, social inclusion, socioeconomic support, psychosocial support, abuse and safeguarding). After preparing the abstract, each case will be presented  in the form of interview and will be available to users as video material. Case studies are expected to be published in October 2018. Coordinator of this process is Western Balkans Institute WEBIN within the framework of the MLADOST program.

    Case studies will be realized within the framework of the PAPYRUS project which is co-financed by the British Council in the framework of the ERASMUS + program, Strategic Partnership for Youth.

    Photo: WEBIN 2018

  • Banja Luka, BA, 21.05.18.

    On the occasion of the international manifestation “Museum Night”, which the Museum of the Republic of Srpska traditionally organizes for the thirteenth time this year, the idea of ​​realization of a popular exhibition entitled “The Story of Wine” was announced.

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    The author of this exhibition is Natasa Kovacevic, curator of the JU Museum of the Republic of Srpska. The exhibition was officially opened on 19.05. 2018. Bearing in mind that this year’s exhibition is thematically dedicated to wine, four wineries from the northwestern part of the Republic of Srpska took part in its realization: “Jungić”, “Fazan”, “BonaVentura” and “Podrum Panic”. Given that the exhibition is an interactive type, the visitors had the opportunity to learn more directly from the present exhibitors and participants about wine and wine growing in the northwestern part of the Republic of Srpska.

    Bearing in mind the fact that wine production is an indispensable segment of the agrotourism activity of each region, the LANDS project (Erasmus +) implemented by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka, was presented at the event. Except for the exhibitors themselves, the project is presented to a large number of visitors, through an interactive conversation, but also through information on the promotional poster of the project.

    The exhibition “The Story of Wine” was opened by Tatjana Jovanović-Cvetković PhD, one of the participants in the LANDS project. The sponsors of the “Night of the Museum” event were the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska and the city of Banja Luka.

  • Mecavnik, RS, 19.05.18.

    Adult education seminar as introduction activity for WP.3 was held on Friday 18 May 2018 at Noam Čomski conference room in Mećavnik-Užice.


    The seminar gathered more than 20 participants from 6 HEIs in Serbia and BH. Goal of the seminar was to acquaint the participants with distinctions in adult education so that they could approach to agritourism courses development process with greater understanding.

    Seminar facilitator was Mr. Marko Stojanović from WEBIN. Mr. Stojanović said that the aim of WP3 is to educate a team of educators who would deliver the courses on the market, and he suggested that RDAs should provide business support. In his presentation, he referred to the Law on Adults Education, which recognized the importance of acquiring competences and qualifications. Namely, he said that, in addition to formal and informal education, there was also informal learning, and through these courses, educators should be taught how to change their views, knowledge and skills, which should be the ultimate goal of educators’ training. The education should be organized as active training, and a training cycle should comprise four stages: needs analysis, course design/ development of a training programme, course delivery and course evaluation.

    Nataša Jovanović from RDA Zlatibor shared with participants her ample experience in delivering courses for adults. She placed special emphasis on the importance of training methodology and planning, as well as on practical examples. Educators must be able to recognize a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship in their learners.

    Dragan Orović from the College of Agriculture and Food Technology in Prokuplje introduced the participants to some examples of good practice in the field, i.e. activities carried out by this college on some farms in the municipality of Prokuplje.

    Jelena Nastić-Stojanović presented the project/training titled Dreams&Fears, aimed at helping individuals change their attitudes about themselves and others, and overcome their own fears. This training was designed for migrants, especially for the young, in the framework of PAPYRUS project.


    At the end, Marko Stojanović presented the ToT program which will encompass 4 modules throughout 2018. Each HEI from Serbia and BH will select and appoint 3 persons to participate in all 4 modules. After the completion of the modules, regional team of trainers with min. 20 members will be constituted.

    ToT program will be realized within LANDS project, which is co-funded by the EU through the ERASMUS+ CBHE program.

    For more information please contact Mr. Marko Stojanovic at marko.stojanovic(at)

    Photos: WEBIN 2018

  • Human Rights House, Belgrade, 19.04.18.


    Conference titled “Tools in youth work with young migrants” was held on Wednesday 18/04/2018 in the House of Human Rights and Democracy in Belgrade.


    The conference gathered over 80 participants and was hosted by the Western Balkans Institute &PAPYRUS project partners. Among the participants there were numerous migration experts, youth workers, as well as representatives of several foundations, German Association for International Cooperation, networks of psychosocial innovations, Belgrade Center for Human Rights, Danish Refugee Council, International Aid Network and numerous representatives from the field of youth work.

    The conference was opened by Mr. Marko Stojanović from the Western Balkans Institute and introduction notes were delivered by Ms. Karolina Kardas from the Manchester Metropolitan University, Mr. Nemanja Dragićević- representative of TEMPUS Foundation in Serbia, Mr. Ivan Topalović- board member of NAPOR (National Association of Youth Workers in Serbia) and Mr. Igor Stojilović–board member of KOMS (Serbian Youth Council).


    After the introduction, Ms. Karolina Kardas presented examples of good practices in the integration of young migrants throughout Europe, while Ms. Caroline Dickinson from CESIE, Italy, presented toolkit on the work with migrants in a multicultural environment. Ms. Maria Di Domenico from KOPIN, Malta, spoke about social inclusion of young migrants while Ms. Outi Linnossuo from the Turku University of Applied Sciences in Finland, presented a range of tools and materials for providing socio-economic support to young migrants. Finally, the tools on employment and socio-economic empowerment of young migrants were presented by Mr. Marko Stojanović from the Western Balkans Institute.

    All presented materials were made available at project portal

    After the presentations, discussion took place. Mr. Igor Stojilović from KOMS pointed out that through educational programs, the refugees may feel welcomed and that the level of tolerance may also be leveraged. Mr. Ivan Topalović from NAPOR talked about the necessity of creating changes in social systems through education and social protection. All participants agreed that the tools developed within the PAPYRUS project contribute to better inclusion and integration of young migrants into hosting societies.

    The conference was closed by Mr. Marko Stojanović who thanked local and foreign participants and partners on the project on the achieved results, inspiring presentations and good discussion.


    In the afternoon, the PAPYRUS team 6th held its working meeting.


    The conference was organized within the PAPYRUS project funded by the National Agency UK within the Erasmus + Program, Strategic Partnerships for Youth.

  • Belgrade, RS, 12.04.18.



    Date and time: 18 April 2018 at 10 a.m.

    Venue: House of Human Rights and Democracy, 4 Kneza Milosa street

    The conference about tools used in youth work with young migrants will be organized next week in Belgrade with an aim to present to and discuss the tools created within the PAPYRUS project with relevant stakeholders in migration, youth work and social inclusion.

    Project experts from UK, Finland, Italy, Malta and Serbia will present variety of toolkits contributing to better inclusion and integration of young migrants into the hosting societies.

    Ms. Ms. Karolina Kardas from Manchester Metropolitan University will present the good practices in integration of young migrants identified throughout Europe.

    Ms. Outi Linnossuo from Turku University of Applied Sciences will present the set of materials and tools for provision of socio-economic support to young migrants.

    Ms. Maria Di Domenico from KOPIN Malta talk about social inclusion of young migrants and present tools created within the PAPYRUS project.

    Tools for work with migrants in multicultural environment will be presented by Ms. Daria La Barbera from CESIE Italy.

    Finally, tools for employment and socioeconomic empowerment of young migrants will be presented by Mr. Đorđe Radoičić from WEBIN Belgrade.

    Conference will be streamed at WEBIN FB page. Agenda of the conference you may find here.

    The conference is organized within the PAPYRUS project funded by the National Agency of the UK within the Erasmus+ program, Strategic Partnership for Youth.

    For more information about the conference and “PAPYRUS” project please contact Ms. Jasmina Radoičić at 011-3344387 or jasmina.radoicic(at)


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  • Mostar, BA, 22.03.18.

    Conference NEXT DESTINATION BALKANS: AGRITORISM LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT was held on March 22nd, 2018, in the City Hall of THE City of Mostar.


    The conference was organized by the University Džemal Bijedić of Mostar to present the LANDS project to the professional and general public, initiate discussion about the meaning of agritourism and its significance for economy and development of the local community, and initiate networking and cooperation of different actors from the sphere of tourism.

    The conference gathered over 50 participants and among them there were numerous professors and lecturers, students, heads of higher education institutions, representatives of tourism organizations, regional development agencies, tourist clusters, non-governmental organizations, media and representatives of partner institutions.

    In the introduction part, prof. dr. Sead Pašić, Rector of the University of Džemal Bijedić, presented the activities the University was implemneting within international partners. Prof. dr. Ahmed Džubur, Dean of the Agromediterranean Faculty, spoke about the significance of the LANDS project while Mr. Marko Stojanović from the Western Balkans Institute pointed out the cooperation between higher and non-academic institutions as a key link of the LANDS project.

    In the plenary session, representative of the Tourism Organization of Herzegovina presented the potential of this region for further development of rural tourism. Mr. Nedim Badžak, director of Jaffa Komerc, presented the process of expanding his company from a fruit producing company to a company with significant accomodation and tourism capacity, providing an opportunity for the promotion and distribution of domestic, home made products. Marko Marić, representative of the Marić-Gaj Agritourism, presented the Marić family and their property as the first in Bosnia and Herzegovina to open accommodation capacities in rural tourism. The differences between the Balkans and the EU in the development of agritourism were presented by Dr. Nikos Emmanuoil from the Agricultural University of Athens. Mr. Ivica Sivrić, representative of the Regional Development Agency of Herzegovina, emphasized the mixed nature of agritourism and its advantages. Mr. Stipe Primorac, representative of the Tourist Cluster of Herzegovina spoke about the need to providing for continuous increasing the quality of existing and developing new products and services through the application of new knowledge and technologies. Dr. Simon Kerma from the Faculty of Tourism, University Primorska, pointed out that the incentive for the development of agritourism should be sought in non-tourism-oriented municipalities. Dr. Ivica Stancic from the College of Agriculture and Food Production Prokuplje talked about the principles on which agritourism is based on – cultural, economic, social and that the agrotourism should be considered as a family tourism opportunity. At the end of the plenary session, Vladislav Valach from the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra represented the key areas of the National Strategy.

    The afternoon session of the conference was dedicated to presenting the findings of research on the development potentials of agritourism in the Western Balkans. The research was conducted by a multidisciplinary team lead by prof. dr. Miljan Cvetković from the University of Banja Luka and dr. Milenko Đurić from the College of Tourism in Belgrade, together with associates from other partner institutions. The research report with key findings you may find at project website.

    The conference was organized as part of the LANDS project funded by the EU under the Erasmus + CBHE program.

    Contact person for the project: Mr. Marko Stojanovic, marko.stojanovic(at)

    Photo: Ivica Sivrić 2018

  • Munich, DE, 23.02.18.

    The Balkan Days 2018 were opened in Munich this evening. BT10

    This cultural-artistic and educational event is being held for the tenth time with duration of one month. The purpose of the event is to promote the cultural diversity of the Balkan nations in Munich and to contribute to a better integration of minorities into a German society.

    Mr. Marko Stojanović, Chairperson of the Board of the Western Balkans Institute had the honor to be a key note speaker in the opening ceremony. In his speach, Mr. Stojanović stressed the importance of the Balkans Day as an integration mechanism and draw attentionto the increasing problem of migration of population from the Western Balkans into developed European and overseas countries.

    Photo: Bavarial Bilder 2018

  • Nitra, SK, 22.02.18.

    Training on the use of the Moodle Platform in Education was held at the Slovak University of Agricultural in Nitra (SUA).


    Training participants were professors of partner HEIs and educators from partner regional development agencies. Training was held by prof. Ondrej Benuš from the Slovak University of Agricultural.


    During the training, the participants had the opportunity to learn about the distance learning and its advantages in comparison to learning in classroom. In addition they learnt how to organize training in the Moodle, and what is needed for an institution to introduce the Moodle Distance Learning Platform.

    The participants also visited the AgroBiotechnical centar within the SUA, whose founding has financially supported by the EU with more than EUR 27 million.


    Training on the use of the Moodle platform in education was held within the work package of 2 of the LANDS projects, which is funded by the EU through the ERASMUS+ program.


    For more information about the project, please contact Mr. Mark Stojanovic at marko.stojanovic(at)

    Photo: WEBIN 2018

  • Banjaluka, BA, 24.01.18.

    The research workshop on agritourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia was held at the University of Banja Luka. More than 50 representatives of project partners, academia, regional development agencies, professionals employed in tourism, entity and local authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, participated in the workshop. It was held with the aim of consulting key decision-makers and stakeholders on important issues raised within the research. The workshop was facilitated by prof. Miljan Cvetković and prof. Gordana Rokvić from the Agricultural Faculty of the University of Banja Luka and Mr. Marko Stojanović from the Western Balkan Institute WEBIN from Belgrade.

    EuroBlic     The research findings will be published in the spring, in the form of 4 reports:
    1. Report on the Potential for Development of Agritourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia
    2. Report on the training needs of professionals employed in agritourism
    3. Agritourism stakeholder analysis report
    4. Policy recommendations on promoting of agritourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.

        This activity is part of Work Package 1 in the LANDS project (2017-2020), conducted by a consortium of 13 institutions from 6 European countries. The project is funded through the Erasmus + program.

      For more information about the project please contact Mr. Marko Stojanovic at marko.stojanovic(at)

        Photo: WEBIN 2018

  • Belgrade, RS, 16.01.18.

    At PAPYRUS meeting which was held on 15-16. January in Manchester, Ms. Maria Di Domenico from Malta-based organization KOPIN, presented a toolkit on social inclusion og youth migrants. The toolkit will be published at PAPYRUS portal

    WEBIN representative Mr. Marko Stojanovic participated in the meeting via Skype.

    PAPYRUS project is being funded by the UK National Agency through the Erasmus+ Startegic partnership in the field of youth.

  • Palermo, IT, 13.12.17.

    The portal for youth workers professionally or voluntarily engaged in support provision to youth migrants has been lanched at address:

    PAPPYRUS website image

    The portal contains resourses which may be usefull in daily work with youth migrats such as: toolkits, training designs, guidelines, videos, surveys, etc.

    The portal has been created in framework of the PAPYRUS project which is funded by the UK National Agency thrugh the Erasmus+ Strategic partnerships in the field of youth.

  • Prokuplje, RS, 08.12.17.

    Project NEXT DESTINATION BALKANS: AGRITOURISM LANDSCAPES DEVELOPMENT (acronym: LANDS) has started with partner kick off meeting in Prokuplje.

    foto_LANDS Kick off MS1Photo: WEBIN 2017

    At the meeting the project has been presented along with key activities, expected results, and budget allocations. Several project teams have been constituted including the Steering Committee, Quality Assurance and Monitoring Committee, Team of Coordinators and Financial team.

    The LANDS project will be implemented over the course of next 3 yearsand will strengthen capacities of higher education institutions (HEIs) to play an active role in the development of agritourism.


    Photo: Ivica Sivrić

    Key beneficiaries of this project are Western Balkans HEIs including the College of Agriculture and Food Production Prokuplje, College of Turism Belgrade, Business-Technical College Uzice, University of Sarajevo, University of Banjaluka and University Dzemal Bijedic Mostar. Regional Development Agencies from Nis, Uzice, Mostar and Sarajevo and Western Balkans Institute will have improtant role in this project. Academic support will be provided by EU partner universities including the Athens University of Agriculture, Slovak University of Agriculture from Nitra, Faculty of Agritourism from Brasov and Faculty of Tourism from Portoroz in Slovenia. More information about LANDS project you may find here.

    Contact person for the project: Mr. Marko Stojanovic, marko.stojanovic(at)



  • Belgrade, RS, 11.11.17.

    Western Balkans Institute is leading development of the toolkit on socioeconomic empowerment of youth migrants.


    This activity we implement in partnership with the Metropolitan Manchester University, Turku University of Applied Sciences, CESIE from Palermo and KOPIN from Malta within the PAPYRUS project. The project is being funded by the UK National Agency through the Erasmus+ Startegic partnership in the field of youth.

    Purpose of this toolkit is to help youth workers to better prepare and deliver training of socioeconomic support to their target group of youth migrants.

    The toolkit will consist of the following 10 modules:

    M1 Dreams & Fears

    M2 Teamwork

    M3 Communication and Intercultural Understanding

    M4 Creative Problem Solving

    M5 Stress Management and Motivation

    M6 Outstanding Candidate

    M7 Be your Own Boss

    M8 Business Plan

    M9 Social Entrepreneurship

    M10 Find a Leader


    Each module will consist of introduction part, training design and walkthrough document, and sets of tutorials, presentations, instructions, handouts and tools.

    The toolkit will be presented to the public at multiplier event planned for spring 2018 in Belgrade.

    Contact person for the project is Mr. Djordje Radoicic, djordje.radoicic(at)


  • Valletta, MT, 26.10.17.

    New PAPYRUS team meeting was held on 25-26 October 2017 in Valletta Malta to present and discuss draft toolkit on psychosocial support to young migrants.

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    Ms. Inga Manzos from Turku University of Applied Sciences, announced that final version of the toolkit may be expected early next year. She has also announced that the toolkit will be made available at PAPYRUS protal to youth workers and specialists providing support to migrants.

    Socioeconomic support toolkit structure has also been presented at the meeting by Mr. Marko Stojanović from Western Balkans Institute.

    PAPYRUS project is funded by the National Agency of the UK in framework of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships in the field youth.

    Contact person for the project: Djordje Radoicic, djordje.radoicic(at)

    Photo: PAPYRUS 2017


  • Belgrade, RS, 18.10.17.

    Project RECI, which has contributed to better conditions for schooling of socialy vulnerable children, ended today in Niš, with award ceremony. Equipment of more than 1.4 million Dinars has been awarded to primary schools from Prokuplje, Bela palanka and Knjaževac by their the mayors.

    During the course of two years of project RECI, conditions for schooling of socialy vuulnerable children out of which the most are Roma, have been improved and number of Roma children enrolling elementary school has been significantly increased in South Serbia region. Joined endevours of local authorities, schols, preschools and project RECI resulted in the enrollment of more than 400 Roma children in primary education in Prokuplje, Bela Palanka and Knjaževac. TUTORING program has been introduced to 4 new schools with participation of more than 30 new tutors. More than 50 children in risk of early school leaving, has successfully completed the grade through the TUTORING program.

    Several new handbooks relevant for better schooling of children and Roma have been developed through the RECI project:

    1. Handbook for preschool teachers – inclusive and intercultural dimension of preschool education
    2. Involvement of children from informal settlements into the system of education – handbook for practitioners
    3. School within Community – Community within School: whol school and whole community approach in combating early school leaving
    4. Introducing TUTORING SERBIA
    5. Handbook for work with children bilingual speakers of Roma and Serbian languages.

    Teacher training has been realized for more than 100 participants from schools from 3 towns. The project also contributed to better policies for children and Roma in Knjazevac, Prokuplje and Bela Palanka.

    Project ‘’Pre and elementary schooling of Roma: fostering opportunities for greater attainment and early school leaving reduction’’ (RECI) which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the World Vision Austria led consortium of partners including Agroinvest Foundation Serbia, Western Balkans Institute,  Preschool Teacher Training College ‘’Mihailo Palov’’ Vršac,  Cultural Information Center ‘’Pralipe’’ Pirot with the support of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs as the main beneficiary of the project.

    For more information about RECI project you may contact us at 011-3344387 or at tutoring(at)

  • Nis, RS, 10.10.17.

    Training about project-based financing in agriculture has been organized in Nis, South Serbia.


    Mr. Marko Stojanovic who delivered the training, presented the concept of project financing and gave introduction about project cycle. In the next session Mr. Stojanović delivered presentation about existing opportunities for financing with funds of the Ministry of Agriculture and of the Development Agency of Serbia and expected opportunities from the IPARD instrument.

    The training was hosted by the Public Utility Company TRZNICA Nis.


    Video of TV BELAMI about the training at you may watch here:

    Photos: JKP Trznica 2017

  • Belgrade, RS, 09.10.17.

    Today we presented the film ‘’See you at school’’ which has been created by studio Ciklotron and journalists Dušan Čavić and Dušan Šaponja.  The film presents experiences of primary schools in Knjaževac, Prokuplje and Bela Palanka with TUTORING program. Stories of children that have achieved extraordinary educational results through the TUTORING program are spoken in the film.

    You may watch the film here in English:


    The film has been created within the project ‘’Pre and elementary schooling of Roma: fostering opportunities for greater attainment and early school leaving reduction’’ (RECI) which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the World Vision Austria led consortium of partners including Agroinvest Foundation Serbia, Western Balkans Institute,  Preschool Teacher Training College ‘’Mihailo Palov’’ Vršac,  Cultural Information Center ‘’Pralipe’’ Pirot with the support of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs as the main beneficiary of the project.

    For more information about RECI project you may contact us at 011-3344387 or at tutoring(at)



  • Niš, RS, 28.09.17.

    At the New City Hotel in Nis, certificates of donations were awarded today to primary schools preschool institutions and certificates and vouchers for tablets were awarded to the tutors.


    Donations were awarded by Mr. Miroljub Paunović, Vice-President of the Municipality of Prokuplje, Mr. Miroslav Marinković, Deputy President of the Municipality of Bela Palanka, and Ms. Iva Kljakić, Executive Director of Agroinvest Foundation Serbia.


    Donations in the total value of over 13,000 EUR were provided by the West Balkan Institute within the project RECI: Pre and Primary Schooling of Roma – boosting opportunities for greater attainment and early school leaving reduction.

    Photos: AFS 2017

  • Vrsac, RS, 27.09.17.

    Second day of a conference „School within Community – Community within School“ has been organized today in vrsac at Teacher Training College ‘’Mihailo Palov’’.

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    Students enrolled in program taught in Roma language who participated in IDEACTION program of professional development, shared their experience of conducting a on-the-job training in preschools in South Serbia and Roma settlements within IDEACTION program. Professors Marija Aleksandrović and Slavica Komatina presented bilingual (Roma-Serbian) handbook for teachers entitled „Inclusive and intercultural dimension of preschool education“.

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    In final segment of 2nd conference day, Mr. Marko Stojanović awarded the llaptop computers to students participants of IDEACTION program.

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    Photos: Peđa Prtljaga 2017

  • Belgrade, RS, 26.09.17.

    The conference entitled ‘’School within Community – Community within School’’ was organized today marking the closure of the RECI project. Purpose of this event was to raise the issue of availability of community services for children and among experts and stakeholders and to stress the central role of schools in provision of services. The conference was opened by Ms. Iva Kljakic, director of Agroinvest Foundation and Mr. Ivan Sekulovic, manager of the SIPRU team. Prof. Geraldine Lee-Treweek from Edge Hills University Liverpool and Ms Sadija Klepo from Munich-based organization Hilfe von Mensch zu Mensch, presented good practices from UK and Germany.

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    Serbian good practices were presented by professor Branka Tišma from Primary school Lazar Savatić from Zemun, Ms Katarina Majkić from NS MEDE from Novi Sad, and Ms Sonja Stamenković from municipality of Zvezdara. Mr. Marko Stojanović shared observation that present system of accreditation of sectoral services is inappropriate as most community services for children are intersectoral. Taking this into account, Mr. Stojanovic concluded that is is necessary to enable one universally recognized accreditation accepted in all sectors participating in the provision of respective community service.


    The conference brought together more than 80 participants from schools, municipalities, NGOs, universities and community institutions.


    Photo: AFS@2017

  • Prokuplje, RS, 25.09.17.

    20170915 Donacija 1  20170915 Donacija 2

    Belgrade-based Western Balkans Institute WEBIN in cooperation with Agroinvest Foundation Serbia provided for donations of technical and non-technical didactic equipment to 4 primary schools and 1 preschool in South Serbia, in total value of 1.4 million Dinars.


    Donation of equipment consisting of a multifunctional appliance, laptop and  desk computers has been awarded to primary school ‘’Jovan Arandjelovic’’ from Crvena Reka in Bela Palanka.

    Equipment for physical activities including goals for handball and inventory for gymnastic, has been awarded to primary school ‘’Nikodije Stojanović Tatko’’ from  Prokuplje.

    Equipment consisting of a multifunctional appliance, laptop and  desk computers and projector has been donated to primary school ‘’Vuk Karadžić’’ in Knjaževac.

    20170915 Donacija 3


    Primary school ‘’Milić Rakić-Mirko’’ from Prokuplja was awarded the equipment consisting of carpets, school boards, CD players and laptop computer.

    Preschool institution ‘’Dragica Lalović’’ from Bela Palanka, was awarded with multifunctional appliance.


    All schools were provided with the sets of small-scale didactic materials such as rulers, triangles, pens, notebooks, markers, paper, etc. for more than 400 children in Prokuplje, Knjazevac and Bela Palanka.


    The donated equipment will contribute to the creation of better environment for schooling of children in South Serbia.


    The donations have been awarded in January and October 2017 and and provided through the poject ‘’Pre and elementary schooling of Roma: fostering opportunities for greater attainment and early school leaving reduction’’ (RECI) which has been funded by the European Union and implemented by the World Vision Austria led consortium of partners including Agroinvest Foundation Serbia, Western Balkans Institute,  Preschool Teacher Training College ‘’Mihailo Palov’’ Vršac,  Cultural Information Center ‘’Pralipe’’ Pirot with the support of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs.


    For more information about RECI project you may contact us at 011-3344387 or at tutoring(at)wb-institute.og.


    Photos taken from

  • Belgrade, RS, 02.09.17.

    A 3-day conference entitled School within Community – Community within School which will take place from 26-28 September 2017 in Belgrade, Vrsac and Nis, will mark the completion of the RECI project which was implemented over the course of past two years in Serbia.


    The conference will be organized with idea to stipulate the importance of child-oriented community services through substantial cooperation between schools and local communities.

    First conference day will be organized on Tuesday 26 September in Belgrade with participation of numerous community stakeholders such as municipal and other local stakeholders representatives, schools and other educational institutions leaders, NGOs staff active in the field of socio-economic services delivery, donors, line ministries, and international and local experts. They are invited to discuss, share and communicate policies and practices in ensuring quality education provision for all in Serbia and abroad.

    Conference day 2 will take place on Wednesday 27 September in Vrsac and will provide insights into the situation of Roma education in Serbia; Successful participants of IDEACTION program will be awarded Certificates and laptop computers.

    Conference day 3 will be organized on Thursday 28 September in Nis and focus on showcasing RECI project results with the participation of project partners and associates. Partner schools from South Serbia will be awarded with donation certificates of the sets of didactic equipment. The tutors participating in TUTORING PROGRAM in South Serbia will be awarded with certificates of appreciation and tablets.

    The event is organized by RECI project consortium of partners, i.e. World Vision Austria, Western Balkans Institute, Agroinvest Foundation Serbia, Preschool Teachers Training College Мihailo Palov, PRALIPE Pirot and is financially supported by the EU.

    Conference draft agenda you may find here.

    For more information about RECI project please contact Mr. Djordje Radoicic at 011-3344387 or djordje.radoicic(at)

    Photo: de:work 2014

  • Belgrade, RS, 25.08.17.

    This Entr is available only in Serbian.

  • Pirot, RS, 07.08.17.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Belgrade, RS, 07.08.17.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Belgrade, RS, 30.05.17.

    Third transnational meeting of PAPYRUS consortium is being held in Belgrade. The meeting is devoted to the development of toolkit on socio-economic empowerment of youth migrants. The purpose of this toolkit is to supply youth workers working with refugee and asylum seeking young people with the necessary knowledge, skills and techniques of socioeconomic empowerment, including how to integrate labour market skills into youth approaches, creatively approaching the skills and requirements of work and supporting learning in the area of cultural differences around work and employment.

    The set of training materials will consist of training designs, handbooks, audiovisual materials and references to best practice across Europe. Primarily target group are youth workers but also refugee welfare workers, youth policy makers and generic youth NGO’s and Civil Society Organizations.

    During the meeting, Professor Geraldine Lee-Treweek from Manchester Metropolitan University delivered training about online teaching and learning.

    Coordinator of this work package is Mr. Marko Stojanovic from WEBIN, Serbia, who you may contact at marko.stojanovic(at)

    Photos: WEBIN@2017

  • Belgrade, RS, 04.05.17.

    First module of the IDEACTION program, which is devoted to professional on-the-job training of Roma students, has been carried out last week in South Serbia, in the towns of Knjaževac, Prokuplje and Bela Palanka.


    In the framework of this module 10 students of vocational bachelor program in Roma language at Preschool Teacher Education College ‘’Mihailo Palov’’ in Vrsac, completed 5-day on-the-job training at 3 preschool institutions and Roma settlements where they worked with children in early age.

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    Photos: Preschool Teacher Education College Vrsac

    The module has started with training on working with children in an intercultural environment, with the inclusion of elements of Romani language and culture. The training was held in Preschool Teacher Education College in Vrsac, and was delivered by professor of Romani language and literacy Marija Aleksandrović and professor Slavica Komatina. The module continued in South Serbia, in a week from 24-28 April, with on-the-job training at preschools ‘’Neven’’ (Prokuplje), ‘’Dragica Lalović’’ (Bela Palanka) and ‘’Bajka’’ (Knjaževac). Part of on-the-job training was carried out in Roma settlements in the aforementioned 3 towns, where students worked with Roma children in early age which are not enrolled in preschools.


    On Monday 24 March students and their mentors participated in round table in Bela Palanka, dedicated to employment perspectives and challenges of young Roma.

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    Photo: Ivoca Durmisevic

    On Saturday 30 April, students participated in 1-day training  session’’Sucessfully towards employment’’ which was organized at creative space ‘’DELI’’ in Niš. During this training, students were learning how to prepare an effective CV and how to make impression at interview for job.

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    Photos: WEBIN

    The training was held my Mr. Marko Stojanović from TEACH team of trainers and Mr. Zlatan Halilović from WEBIN. This training marked the start of second module of IDEACTION program titled: ‘’Am I an entrepreneur?’’.

    IDEACTION is being implemented in the framework of the project ‘’Pre-and elementary schooling of Roma: fostering greater attainment and reduction of early school leaving’’ (RECI), which is financially supported by the Delegation of the EU in Serbia, and implemented by the consortium: World Vision Austria, Agroinvest Foundation Serbia, Western Balkans Institute WEBIN, Preschool Teacher Education College ’’Mihailo Palov’’ Vrcac and NGO PRALIPE Pirot, and supported by the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy.

    For more information about IDEACTION program, do not hesitate to contact Mr. Zlatan Halilović at zlatan.halilovic(at) or 011-3344387.

  • Nis, RS, 30.04.17.

    How to be successful in seeking employment? How to present yourself to employer and make impression at interview?

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    These and other important job-seeking topics were addressed  at training session which was organized on Saturday 29 April at the space for creative work DELI in Nis.

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    Purpose of the training was to empower 10 Roma students for successful job-seeking.  The training was organized within 2nd module of IDEACTION 2017 program.

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    Training comprised 2 segments: drafting of effective CV; and successful appearance at job-interview.

    Within first segment, students learned about the purpose, different forms and important elements of a CV and with good practices in formulating and presenting different information in biography.  Within second segment, students simulated a job interview.

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    Training was delivered by Mr. Marko Stojanovic, TEACH team trainer and Mr. Zlatan Halilovic from Western Balkans Institute WEBIN.


    Photos: WEBIN 2017

  • Bela Palanka, RS, 24.04.17.

    Municipality of Bela Palanka hosted on 24 April a round table on employment of young Roma.

    The round table was organized in framework of a program of professional education and training IDEACTION. More than 30 youth, students, teachers and representatives of municipal structures and local institutions in Bela Palanka discussed the importance of integrative approach to the question of education and employment of Roma, as this ethnic group makes ¼ of total population in Bela Palanka.

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    It has been stressed that support measures should be available from early years, and later, through application of affirmative measures conducive to better education and employment, better sociao-economic position of Roma community is expected to be achieved. In addition, programs such as those implemented by Western Balkans Institute in Bela Palanka, are another valuable window of opportunity, not only for young Roma, but also for local institutions.

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    The round table has been organized in framework of IDEACTION program of professional education and training which aims at improving the employability of young Roma students.  It was moderated by Mr. Zlatan Halilovic from the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN. IDEACTION 2017 is financially supported by the Delegation of the EU in Serbia through the ”RECI” project.


    For more information about IDEACTION program 2017, do not hesitate to contact Mr. Zlatan Halilovic at zlatan.halilovic(at)


    Photos: Association Djurdjevdan


  • St. Julians, MT, 21.04.17.
  • Palermo, IT, 29.03.17.

    Consortium of institutions consisting of Manchester Metropolitan University from UK, Western Balkans Institute from Belgrade Serbia, KOPIN from Malta, CESIE from Palermo and Turku University of Applied Sciences from Finland, have met on 27-28 March in Palermo to start the work on developing toolkit on intercultural competences in working with young migrants.

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    This toolkit will be intended for youth workers engaged with migrants in humanitarian assistance or in supporting their integration into the local communities.

    This activity is being implemented in framework of PAPYRUS project, funded under the ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership for Youth.

    For more information please contact Mr. Marko Stojanovic at marko.stojanovic(at)


    Photos: CESIE

  • Belgrade, RS, 15.03.17.


    Program of professional education and training IDEACTION 2017 ill first time be implemented this year with students studying in Romani language at Preschool Teacher Education College in Vrsac. The program has been created by the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN with support of Vrsac College with an aim to ease school to work transition of young people graduating from their schools and enhance their employmednt perspectives.

    Following the needs of young graduates, the program has been designed to: enhance employment and stimulate creativity and entrepreneurial mindset of graduates. Program will last 6 months with estimated workload of 180 hours or 6 ECTS.

    The program consists of 3 modules:

    Module 1: ‘’On the job professional training’’

    Module 2: ‘’I, entrepreneur?’’ and

    Module 3: ‘’Values of volunteering’’.

    Within first module, participants will attend training on working with children in an intercultural environment, with elements of Romani language and culture, with 8 hours duration,  that will be hosted by the Preschool Teacher Education College in Vrsac. On the job training that will follow will be carried out at preschools in the towns of Knjazevac, Prokuplje and Bela Palanka.

    Within second module, participants will attend training  about drafting of effective CV and making successful apperiance in job interview. Training will be organized in Nis, at space for creative work DELI.  Purpose of the training is to prepare the participants for job-seeking.  This module will continue with training on youth entrepreneurship which will be hosted by WEBIN in Belgrade.  Second module will end with survey on youth entrepreneurship that will be carried out by program participants.

    Within third module, participants will be engaged in community volunteering  with an aim to disseminate volunteering culture and associated values such as: solidarity, tolerance, care giving etc.

    Certificate award ceremony will be organized in October 2017 in Vrsac at Preschool Teacher Education College.

    For more information about the program, do not hesitate to contact Mr. Zlatan Halilovica at zlatan.halilovic(at) or 011-3344387.

  • Belgrade, RS, 20.01.17.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Belgrade, RS, 20.01.17.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Belgrade, RS, 20.01.17.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Prokuplje/Knjazevac, RS, 30.12.16.

    Didakticki materijali 1

    Donation of didactical materials worth 131.711 Dinars has been handed to educational institutions in Knjazevac and Prokuplje in the framework of RECI project: ‘’Pre and Elementary Schooling of Roma: Fostering Opportunities for Greater Attainment and ESL Reduction’’.
    Writing boards, projection walls, geometric sets and school supplies have been handed to elementary schools “Milic Rakic Mirko“ in Prokuplje, “Vuk Karadzic“ and “Dimitrije Todorovic Kaplar“ in Knjazevac and Preschool institutioni ‘’Bajka’’ in Knjazevac, as a donation to support enrollment and schooling of Roma children of pre and elementary school age. More than 100 vulnerable children from Roma community benefited from school supplies, while 4 schools have got necessary equipment.
    “We are glad to have this opportunity to make the Christmas holidays of Roma children in Knjazevac and Prokuplje happier, but also to draw public attention to the importance of early years and early education of the youngest. We did our best to inquire the needs of children, so that we could prepare what is missing. ‘’We are glad to know that didactical means will be useful to teachers in creating warm and enabling environment for education and upbringing of children’’ says Mr. Djordje Radoicic, TUTORING program coordinator.

    This activity is organized in the framework of project ‘’Pre and elementary schooling of Roma: fostering opportunities for greater attainment and early school leaving reduction’’ (RECI) which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the World Vision Austria led consortium of partners including Agroinvest Foundation Serbia, Western Balkans Institute Belgrade, Preschool Teacher Training College ‘’Mihailo Palov’’ Vrsac, Cultural Information Center ‘’Pralipe’’ Pirot with the support of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs as the main beneficiary of the project.

    Foto: OŠ Milić Rakić Mirko

  • Maribor, SI, 30.11.16.

    TEMPUS TEACH Maribor 2016 (400x250)

    Higher education and civil society institutions met for the last the time in framework of TEMPUS TEACH project. The meeting that was hosted by the University of Maribor Faculty of Education from 27-30 November, was used to summarize TEACH project and discuss cooperation on new project bid.

  • Nis, RS, 16.11.16.


    Round table on the problem of early leaving and support measures for (Roma) children in South Serbia was held on Tuesday 15 November in city of Nis, at the Regional Center for Staff Professional Development in Education. 25 education, social and children welfare practitioners debated on 3 topics:

    Topic 1: Early school leaving in South Serbia, challenges of Roma community and the importance of early entry into the preschool system of education

    Topic 2: Risk identification and intervention: a mechanism for early warning and TUTORING program

    Topic 3: Teachers and parents on the same quest: do they cooperate sufficiently?



    Each topic started with introductions delivered by 2 or 3 key note speakers, aiming to sparkle discussion that followed. Panelists had 30 minutes for exchanging the opinions, viewpoints and arguments regarding the topic the discussion. At the end of each discussion, Mr. Marko Stojanovic as facilitator summarized the most important points of discussion.


    In ceremonial introduction at the beginning of the round table, Ms. Nena Radovanović from School Directorate for Nis region addressed the panelists with welcome note. Ms. Olgica Bajic from the Open Club Nis stated that little has been done by the State in the field of prevention of early school leaving in South Serbia and pointed out the important role of the local community in dealing with this problem. Ms. Jelena Nastic-Stojanovic on behalf of RECI project welcomed the participants and summarized what has been done in the project so far.


    After the coffee break and the break for media statements, Ms. Ljubinka Simic from Knjazevac delivered introduction to the Roma children enrolment campaign that was carried out in spring 2016 in Knjazevac, Prokuplje and Bela Palanka. Ms. Marija Aleksandrovic and Ms. Slavica Komatina, both from the Teacher Training College Vrsac, delivered presentation about Preschool teacher handbook on inclusive practices with elements of Roma culture and language. Last introduction was made by Ms. Bojana Pesic from elementary school Cegar from Nis, who spoke about good practice of organizing the preschool preparatory program by elementary schools.


    Second topic was opened by Ms. Andjelija Roglic from TUTORING program who presented experiences of Raska local community in organizing dropout prevention measures in elementary schools. Ms. Jelena Nastic-Stojanovic delivered presentation of early warning mechanism.


    Third topic introductions were delivered by Ms. Dragana Ljubisavljevic, principal of elementary school Vuk Karadzic from Knjazevac and Ms. Dragana Socanin from AFS. Both spoke about the necessity and best practices in establishing cooperation between schools and parents.


    For more information about the event please contact Mr. Marko Stojanovic at sarko.mtojanovic(at)


    The round table was organized in the framework of project ‘’Pre and elementary schooling of Roma: fostering opportunities for greater attainment and early school leaving reduction’’ (RECI) which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the World Vision Austria led consortium of partners including Agroinvest Foundation Serbia, Western Balkans Institute,  Preschool Teacher Training College ‘’Mihailo Palov’’ Vršac,  Cultural Information Center ‘’Pralipe’’ Pirot with the support of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs as the main beneficiary of the project.

  • Novi Sad, RS, 07.11.16.

    Consortium implementing the TEMPUS TEACH project (2013-2016), gathered on Friday 04 November 2016, more than 100 ECEC stakeholders at project dissemination conference dedicated to preschool teacher curricula harmonization issue.

    The conference was held at the amphitheater of the Teacher Training College Novi Sad, while among participants were numerous professors, lecturers, students, teachers and managers of teacher training colleges, leaders of teachers professional associations, representatives of national, provincial and local educational authorities, parents’ associations, non-governmental organizations, the media and representatives of international partner universities: Manchester Metropolitan University from the UK, the Faculty of Education, University of Maribor and Etvos Jozef College in Baja, Hungary.

    Topics discussed at the conference included the common experience within the TEACH project, about:

    – the process of curricula harmonization;

    – improving teaching and didactic methodology/skills;

    – improving transversal skills;

    – curricula accreditation and purchase of new equipment;

    – how we communicated and positioned the project and the topic within the public opinion;

    – sustainability and exploitation of the results and achievements;

    – our commitment to quality assurance;

    – management of heterogeneous consortium.

    During the ceremonial introduction, the audience was addressed by: Ms. Anamarija Viček, State Secretary for Pre-University Education at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development; Mr. Zoran Milošević, Provincial Secretary for Higher Education and scientific research; Mr. Zoran Avramović, Director of the Institute for the Advancement of Education; and Ms. Jovanka Ulić, director of the Teacher Training College Novi Sad and also the host of the conference and Ms. Jelena Prtljaga, project coordinator, and director of the Teacher Training College “Mihajlo Palov” from Vršac.

    During the first session, Ms. Geraldine Lee-Treweek from Manchester Metropolitan University presented the curricula harmonization process between 4 colleges in Serbia. This process was led by a team of experts from the Manchester Metropolitan University lead by prof. Lee Treweek, and including prof. Jenifer Fisher and prof. Julia Bennet.  Professor Mr. Miran Muhič from the Faculty of Education in Maribor and Mr. Marko Stojanović from “WEBIN – Western Balkans Institute from Belgrade, delivered presentations about work packages dealing with improvement of methodical-didactic and transversal skills. Prof. Maria Kanizsai from the College Etvos Jozef from Baja in Hungary, spoke about the importance of student practice. Prof. Ivan Tomić from the Preschool Teacher Training College Kruševac presented the accreditation process as well as the process of purchasing technical equipment and softwares. Prof. Tanja Nedimović from the Teacher Training College “Mihailo Palov” from Vrsac presented how the project communicated with the public and stakeholders. Prof. Otilija Velišek-Braško from Novi Sad, prof. Gordana Mijailović from Sremska Mitrovica and prof. Jelena Prtljaga from Vrsac presented the work packages dealing with sustainability, quality assurance and project management.

    The afternoon session was dedicated to professional development of preschool teachers. We talked about the challenges existing in the system of professional development of teachers, the catalogs and the quality of training, and the quality assurance in professional development. Key-note speakers in this session were: Ms. Olivera Todorović from the Institute for Improvement of Education, Ms. Radmila Petrović, president of the Preschool Teacher Association of Vojvodina and Ms. Ljiljana Dragutinović, president of the Preschool Teacher Association of  Belgrade. The session was moderated by Mr. Marko Stojanović from WEBIN.

    Conclusions of the conference in Serbian language, you may find here.

    For more information do not hesitate to contact Ms. Nevena Filipović on nevena.filipovic(at)



  • Belgrade, RS, 18.10.16.

    TUTORING program will be implemented in additional 4 elementary schools in Southern Serbia from school year 2016/2017. The following schools concluded cooperation agreement with WEBIN:

    1. Elementary school ‘’Milic Rakic Mirko’’ from Prokuplje
    2. Elementary school ‘’Nikodije Stojanovic Tatko’’ from Prokuplje
    3. Elementary school ‘’Jovan Arandjelovic’’ from Crvena Reka in Bela Palanka
    4. Elementary school ‘’Vuk Karadzic’’ from Knjazevac


    These 4 schools have already participated in 2-module training and will sign intersectoral agreements in the field of prevention of early school leaving in their communities. Each school will form pedagogical-psychological teams that will be responsible for selection of children and tutors and monitoring of program implementation. Initial step is that each school enters the program in annual work plan of a school.


    For more information about TUTORING program in Knjazevac, Bela Palanka and Prokuplje, do not hesitate to contact Mr. Djordje Radoicic at djordje.radoicic(at)

  • Belgrade, RS, 01.08.16.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Serbia, 29.07.16.

    On Friday 29 July 2016 more than 100 organizations across the United States and around the world, including one in Serbia, hosted events to honor the life and work of Milton Friedman, a Nobel Laureate who is widely recognized as one of the most influential economists of the last century and the father of the modern educational choice movement.



    This was the 10th and final celebration of Friedman Legacy Day, which was established following Friedman’s death in 2006th as a way to remember his incomparable contributions to modern free market and economic theory.


    Western Balkans Institute from Belgrade, in cooperation with Youth Office Raška, hosted celebration of Friedman Legacy Day in Serbia by organizing a public discussion on Friedman’s work. Professor of group of economic subjects at Mechanical School Raška and public Counselor on Education and Youth, Mr. Veljko Raković, was a key-note speaker and presenter of Milton Friedman’s work. Professor Raković’s presentation was followed by a debate in the second half of the event. More than 20 young people were inspired to discuss Milton Friedman and his legacy.


    This event was co-sponsored by the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, a national non-profit organization founded by Dr. Friedman and his wife, Rose.
    For more information about this event please follow this website or send us an e-mail to office(at)


    Photos: WEBIN

  • Nis, RS, 18.07.16.


    Logo RECI sa izpisom

    The action ‘’Pre and elementary schooling of Roma: fostering opportunities for greater attainment and early school leaving reduction’’ (RECI) is funded by the European Union and implemented by the World Vision Austria led consortium of partners including Agroinvest Foundation Serbia, Tutoring Program of the Western Balkans Institute, Preschool Teacher Training College ‘’Mihailo Palov’’ Vršac, Cultural-Information Center ‘’Pralipe’’ Pirot with the support of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs as the main beneficiary of the project. This action is part of the project European Union Support to Inclusive Society, supported by the European Union with a grant fund of 4.331.275,56 million euro and managed by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia.

    RECI project was created with the idea to contribute to increased Roma children attainment in pre-school education as well as to decrease Roma students’ early school leaving in elementary schools.

    The first workshop on loccal action plan (LAP) on children and youth in Prokuplje will take place on July 18 at 10 a.m, in the premises of Prokuplje Municipality. Next workshop will initiate the revision of LAP on the inclusion of Roma in Knjazevac and it will take place on July 19 at 11 a.m. in the premises Knjazevac Municipality.

    Workshop participants are local self-governments staff, preschool, elementary and secondary schools staff, Centers for Social Work, Local Youth Offices and local children, youth and parents NGOs.

    During the first worshop, participants will discuss and agree on how will the LAP revision process look like and which phases will be involved. The issues of evaluation of past LAPs and their fullfillment as well as assessment of needs of target groups, will also be raised and discussed.

    The workshops will be facilitated by Ms. Slavica Stanisavljevic, experienced expert on LAPs creation. She will be supported by Ms. Maja Gavrilovic and Ms. Ana Opalic.

    Fore further informations please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Stanisavljevic at

  • Belgrade, RS, 11.07.16.

    Entry available only in Serbian.


  • Belgrade, RS, 07.07.16.


    On 29 July 2016 more than 100 organizations across the United States and around the world will host events to honor the life and work of Milton Friedman, a Nobel Laureate who is widely recognized as one of the most influential economists of the last century and the father of the modern educational choice movement.


    This will be the 10th and final celebration of Friedman Legacy Day, which was established following Friedman’s death in 2006 as a way to remember his incomparable contributions to modern free market and economic theory.


    Western Balkans Institute from Belgrade will host celebration of Friedman Legacy Day in Serbia by organizing a public discussion on Friedman’s work. This event will be co-sponsored by the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, a national nonprofit organization founded by Dr. Friedman and his wife, Rose.


    For more information about this event please follow this website or send us an e-mail to office(at)



  • Belgrade, RS, 01.06.16.

    Seventh meeting of the Steering Committee of the TEACH project was held in Belgrade on Tuesday 31/06/2016 and was hosted by Western Balkans Institute WEBIN. Purpose of the meeting was to enable face-to-face meeting of project managers from partner institutions and taking into account that project is coming into last 6-months of its lifetime.


    More information about the meeting and meeting materials you may find at project website


    Photo: WEBIN

  • Belgrade, RS, 30.05.16.

    Team of trainers in the field of soft and transversal skills and competences (TEACH TEAM) was constituted today during the first meeting of the team hosted by WEBIN in Belgrade.



    The team consists of 23 trainers with different educational and experts background including sociology, psychology, pedagogy, teaching, economy, informatics science etc. who are specialized for different soft and transversal skills and competences  applicable in different working environments.

    Copy of DSC_0093


    WEBIN will administrate activities of TEACH team and more information will be available soon at this website.


    After the meeting the TEACH team and other guests were welcomed by WEBIN at ‘’Sirena’’ boat for a river cruise on the Danube and the Sava and sightseeing the banks of old towns of Zemun and Belgrade from the river.



    Photo: Predrag Prtljaga (VSVS) & WEBIN


  • Baja, HU, 04.05.16.

    Representatives of Teacher Training Colleges participating in TEMPUS TEACH project together with Western Balkans Institute WEBIN representatives paid a visit to the University of Baja, Teacher Training College, Hungary.

    New Picture (2)


    The study visit took place from 25-28 April 2016.  In the framework of this visit, participants became familiar with different forms of work at this institution and material conditions for teaching and studying in Baja. In addition, opportunities for further cooperation beyond the lifetime of TEMPUS TEACH project were explored and discussed.

    New Picture (3)


    Photo: P. Prtljaga (VSVS)

  • Belgrade, RS, 11.04.16.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Pirot, RS, 11.04.16.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Pirot, RS, 11.04.16.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Pirot RS, 11.04.16.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Vrsac, RS, 04.04.16.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Maribor, SI, 02.04.16.

    Representatives of Teacher Training Colleges participating in TEMPUS TEACH project together with Western Balkans Institute WEBIN representatives paid a visit to the University of Maribor Faculty Of Pedagogy.



    The study visit took place from 30 March until 02 April 2016.  This study visit enabled to teaching staff from Serbia to see the working environment and teaching practices at Preschool Teacher Department. Guests from Serbia were also hosted by the University Office for International Cooperation where further cooperation possibilities were discussed.

    Photo: WEBIN

  • Novi Sad, RS, 27.02.16.

    Fifth ToT module was held from 19-21 February in Novi Sad at Teacher Training College.



    This module was dedicated to giving and receiving feedback at training sessions. Apart from feedback, participants were introduced to topics such as: group dynamics, characteristics of ‘’difficult participants’’ at training sessions and how to cope with them.


    Second day of the training encompassed individual interviews of trainers with each participant in order to provide each other with feedback.  The interviews marked the completion of ToT program which started in October 2015 and during which, 23 new trainers were trained. This group will be presented as TEACH team of trainers at an event that will be hosted by WEBIN in Belgrade in spring 2016.


    Foto: Predrag Prtljaga (VSVS)

  • Belgrade, RS, 18.02.16.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Belgrade, RS, 09.02.16.

    This entry is available only in Serbian.

  • Varna, BG, 05.02.16.

    Second workshop dedicated to the development of learning resources for adults in agriculture has been held in Bulgarian coastal city of Varna from 02-04. February 2016.



    This workshop dealt with development of learning materials in English with specific purposes. Technical University of Varna hosted the workshop and apart from Western Balkans Institute WEBIN, the following partner institutions took part in it: Private Adults Education Institution ‘’Vanco Prke’’ from Stip, University ‘’18. December’’ from Alba Iulia in Romania, Universities in East Sarajevo and Foggia and Pristina College ‘’Iliria’’.


    Next workshop will be held in Adana, eastern Turkey, in mid-March 2016 and will be dedicated to the development of lifelong learning methodology for the adults in agriculture.


    Photo: WEBIN

  • Travnik, BA, 26.01.16.

    Delegation of WEBIN paid a visit to the University in Travnik second time in the course of last month.


    Purpose of this visit was to make the final improvements of an international project that two institutions are jointly preparing for 2016 in the field of higher education. On this occasion the partners agreed over some new initiatives and projects that will be jointly launched throughout 2016.

    Photo: Aldin Obucina

  • Vršac, RS, 23.01.16.

    Teacher Training College in Vrsac was a venue of 4th ToT module held from 19-20 February.



    The topic of this module was an independent trainer experience. Prior to this module, training pairs were expected to deliver a training session that was designed during the previous modules and share this initial trainer experience with other trainer pairs during the 4th module.



    Thus, at this module, trainer pairs presented their positive experiences from their first independently delivered training sessions and simulated one 45 minute segment from that session. All trainer pairs achieved a solid progress in mastering training techniques. The final ToT module that will be devoted to individual demonstration of trainer competences will be organized at the end of February 2016 at Teacher Training College in Novi Sad.



    Photo: Predrag Prtljaga (VSVS)

  • Belgrade, RS, 19.01.16.

    The House of Human Rights in Belgrade hosted on 19 January 2016 a consultative meeting with civil society organizations about the process of the establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) of the Western Balkans Countries. Through participation in this meeting WEBIN formally engaged in this process as one of regional stakeholders.


    Purpose of this meeting was to present and discuss the progress achieved so far. Ms Marija Bulat from KOMS and Mr. Djuro Blanusa from Serbian Ministry of Youth and Sports as representatives of Serbia in RYCO official working group  delivered the presentation.


    The RYCO is expected to be established during 2016 provided that all open issues including the seat and funding mechanism are dealt with. When it comes to funding, WEBIN representative at the meeting pointed the necessity to take care hat RYCO doesn’t rely on already approved financial allocation for the Western Balkans countries within the Erasmus+ program.

  • Novi Sad, RS, 18.01.16.

    Kick-off meeting of ‘’RECI’’ project (Pre and elementary schooling of Roma: fostering opportunities for greater attainment and early school leaving reduction) was organized from 15-18. January 2016 in Novi Sad. The meeting was dedicated to detailed planning of project implementation.


    Kroz projekat ‘’RECI’’ u opštinama Prokuplje, Knjaževac i Bela Palanka biće uspostavljen TUTORING program za prevenciju preranog napuštanja školovanja. Na ovoj projektnoj komponenti radiće tim WEBIN iz opštine Raška u kojoj je TUTORING program uspešno pilotiran tokom 2013-14 godine.


    There are 6 work packages within this project. First work package is inception.


    Second work package has two components:

    1) Roma children in the systems of ECEC and elementary education

    2) risk assessment and prevention mechanism.


    In the framework of 1st component the existing ECEC programs and practices implemented in target municipalities will be analyzed and bilingual handbook for preschool teachers will be prepared. Within the second component partner institutions will develop and pilot dropout risk assessment and early warning mechanism in 3 municipalities.


    Third work package is about community activities involving the target group and has 2 components: 1) community work with Roma families in the settlements and 2) tutoring at school.


    Fourth work package is about creation of local multisectoral networks that will be trained how to independently implement TUTORING PROGRAM in the community.


    Fifth work package is about promotion and dissemination of project results and encompasses 2 press conferences and the final conference.


    Last work package is about project management.


    The project is being implemented a the consortium omposed of the World Vision Austria, the Agroinvest Foundation Serbia, the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN, College for Preschool Teacher Education ‘’Mihailo Palov’’ from Vrsac and KIC Pralipe from Pirot.


    It is being funded by the Delegation of the EU to the Republic of Serbia in the framework of call for proposals ‘’Support to the social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups, including Roma, through more diversified community-based social services’’.

  • Belgrade, RS, 19.12.15.

    Representatives of the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN Ms. Jelena Nastić, Mr. Marko Stojanović and Mr. Zlatan Halilović will visit Unversity in Travnik from 22-24. December.

    img_WB karta

    Purpose of this study visit is to establish project cooperation in the fields of mutual interest. According to the size of student population University in Travnik is the largest private higher education institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • Krusevac, RS, 14.12.15.

    Third ToT modul was held on 11-12 December at Hotel GOLF in Krusevac. Participants divided into trainer teams presented the designs of their own training sessions and were receiving feedback from the trainers of 3. module. Afterwards ’’Your 5 minutes’’ roleplay was performed. Each participant delivered a 5 minutes public speach while others were providing him/her with feedback in accordance with selected criteria. At the end of the module, presentation on co-trainers work was delivered.


    Photo album from the session you may find HERE.


    Next. 4. module will be hosted in the town of Vršac on 22-23. January 2016. ToT program will be completed at the end of February 2016 with demonstration of independent delivery of training session.


    ToT program is being implemented by the WEBIN in the framework of 3. work package of the TEACH project which is funded by the European Commission through the TEMPUS program.

  • Rome, Italy, 08.12.15.

    Tijana Morača, doctoral student at the Faculty of political sciences, sociology and communications of Sapienza University has selected the Western Balkans Institute from Belgrade to be the object of her research about the role of non-governmental organizations in transitional reforms being carried out in Serbia. More narrow focus of the research is the role of NGO experts and the was the experts knowledge is being created.


    Activities of the Western Balkans Institute Tijana will monitor through 3 EU-funded multi-partner projects icluding:

    1. TEACH (Harmomization of Preschool Teacher Curricula in Serbia – funded through the TEMPUS programme)
    2. AGRI BASE (Boosting the adult education system in agriculture – funded through the Erasmus+ programme)
    3. RECI (Pre and elementary schooling of Roma: fostering opportunities for greater attainment and early school leaving reduction – funded by the Delegation of the EU in Serbia)


    Tijana will be examining the role of WEBIN in different project activities (meetings, workshops, training, study visits) and analysing the way experts work look like in practice. This research will be the integral part of Tijana’s doctoral thesis and will be available to wider academi community.

  • Sremska Mitrovica, RS, 04.12.15.

    TEACH project Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) convened on 04 December 2015 at the Preschool Teacher Education College ’’SIRMIUM’’ in Sremska Mitrovica.  The meeting was opened by prof. Zoran Gudović, chaiperson, in presence of prof. Lada Marinković and prof. Jovan Ljuštanovic from the Preschool Teacher Education College in Novi Sad, Mr. Marko Stojanović from the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN from Belgrade and prof. Edit Babits Sztanáné from University in Baja. WEBIN associate from Rome Ms. Tijana Morača attended the meeting via Skype connection in the scope of her doctoral research.


    Mr. Stojanović read the letter of approval of project interim report sent by project desk officer from EACEA. Report from last project Steering Committee (SC) meeting was also read and discussed. This was followed by the discussion regarding the meeting agenda including the progress in curricula harmonization, purchase of equipment and training activities.


    The following has been concluded:

    – SC should write to the KAPK in order to estimate whether the KAPK will have capacities to complete accreditation of all project curricula or we will have to request for non-cost project extension

    – vis-a-vis purchase of equipment, there has been certain delay of this process and project SC should inform the QAC about it

    – all training activities are taking their place as planned but directors of the colleges should be asked to inform the QAC in writing about English language training sessions.


    QAC has decided to start preparation of the 2nd annual committee report at the end of December 2015 and to complete it and submit it to the SC at the beginning of February 2016.


    For more information about QAC and TEACH please visit project web site

  • Sremska Mitrovica, RS, 30.11.15.

    Second modul of ToT program was held on 27-29 November with participation of 20 college teachers and 3 NGO representatives members of the TEACH team.


    The session was hosted by the Preschool teacher education college ’’Sirmium’’ in Sremska Mitrovica.  Ms. Ivana Koprivica and Ms. Tatjana Lazor Obradović delivered this training session. This module covered the topics ’’How the adults learn?’’. Training participants discussed about different styles of learning of the adults, and learnt different play roles and icebreakers. At the end participants divided into smaller groups created their own training design.

    2. ToT SM (SM)

    Next 3rd module with the topic: ’’Delivering the training – training skills’’ will be held on 11-12 December in Kruševac at the Preschool teacher education college. More information about the TEACH project you may find at project website


    Photos by: Predrag Prtljaga

    Photos: Preschool teacher education college ’’Sirmium’’

  • Foggia, IT, 27.11.15.

    Foggia vinarija - mala

    Within the scope of activities of the Agri Base project, the first transnational meeting was held at the University of Foggia, Italy. The Vice-Rector of UniFoggia PhD Chiarra Poro greeted the project consortium, and thus opened the meeting which continued with the planned activities according to the working agenda, presentations on the project management and implementation as well as the first project output: comparative analyses of adults education training programes in agriculture in 10 partner countries. All the aspects related to the analyses were were agreed by the consortium in detail, and this followed with a knowledge café workshop – a productive working session following the presentation by PhD Grujica Vico from the leading institution for this output, University of East Sarajevo.


    Ms. Tijana Moraca associate of WEBIN and PhD candidate at LA Sapienza University in Rome also attended the meeting in the scope of her doctoral research.


    The project consortium continues with the work on the comparative analyses which is expected to be completed by the middle of March 2016 and presented at Belgrade conference which will be hosted by the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN.


    More information please find at project FB page:

    Photo: AGRI BASE project


  • Vrsac, RS, 10.11.15.
    1. Project Steering Committee meeting was held in Vršac at the Preschool Teacher Education College ’’Mihailo Palov’’. Representatives of all partner institution were present including an UK partner that was present via Skype conference call.


    The following activities were discussed at the meeting: progress in harmonizing curricula, preparation for accreditation, didactic and transversal skills training courses and preparation of publications. With reference to the upcomming study visits, the following terms were agreed:

    – Study visit to Metropolitan Manchester University 01 – 05 March 2016

    – Study visit to University in Maribor 30 March – 01 April 2016

    – Study visit to University in Baji 25 – 28 April 2016


    It was also agreed to organize the next Steering Committee meeting during the course of staudy visit in Baja. Budgetary issues and cooperation with auditor were also discussed during the meeting. More information about TEACH project you may find at project website: or FB page

  • Vršac, RS, 04.11.15.

    Entry available only in Serbian

  • Belgrade, RS, 30.10.15.

    Entry available only in B/H/S language.


  • Belgrade, RS, 26.10.15.

    Preschool Teacher Education College in Novi Sad hosted last weekend (23-25 October 2015) first ToT course in the framework of TEACH project.

    Dobrodosli na TOT

    The course was delivered by Tanja Lazor and Ivana Koprivica. The total of 23 candidates took part in program.


    During the course of first training day, participants discussed their previous training experiences and their expectations from this training. They also agreed on rules they will have to follow during this training course. Lecture and discussion about how adults learn ended the first day. Group work marked the second training day. Characteristics of (un)successfull trainer and (un)successfull teacher  were analyzed along with differences between the trainer and the teacher and formal and non-formal education. This was followed by lecture about training cycle, role of trainer, objectives and outcomes. Last session was devoted to needs analysis through lecture and practical work.


    Apart from this intruduction module, candidates will participate in additional 4 ToT modules by the end of February 2016.


    Next module will be hosted by  ’’Sirmium’’ Preschool Teacher Education College in Sremska Mitrovica in November. More information about ToT program you may find at project website

  • Vienna, AT, 24.10.15.

    Western Balkans Institute WEBIN is member of a consortium that will by the end of this year begin implementing the ’’RECI’’ project aimed at improving the environment of education of Roma children in the South Serbia. The following components constitute the project:

    1. Increasing participation of Roma children in preschool education programs
    2. Preventing Roma children early school leaving
    3. Development and institutionalization of Roma children education support measures.


    WEBIN will introduce TUTORING program in 4 communities within the component 2.

    tutoring srbija

    This project funded by the Delegation of the EU in the Republic of Serbia will be implemented in municipalities of Prokuplje, Dimitrovgrad, Bela Palanka and Knjaževac by the consortium lead by the World Vision Austria and followed by Agroinvest Foundation Serbia, Western Balkans Institute WEBIN, Preschool Teacher Education College Vršac and KIC ’’Pralipe’’ from Pirot. More information about the project will soon be available at

  • Stip, FYR Macedonia, 17.10.15.

    AGRI BASE kisk off web photo

    European AGRI BASE project funded by the Erasmus+ programmee (strategic partnership in the field of adults education) officially  has started in at the kick-off meeting of coordinators taking place in Stip, FYR Macedonia. Coordinators from 10 European institutions (Spain, Italy, Turkey, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbija and FYR Macedonia) are participating in the meeting.


    Purpose of kick-off meeting is to enable coordinators to get familiar with all relevant project details and to agree the implementation of the upcoming activities. Institution leading the consortium is Private adults  education institution ’’Vančo Prke’’ from Stip. Project Facebook page has been released recently at and soon the same is expected with project website.


    For more information about the project you may contact Mr. Marko Stojanovic at marko.stojanovic(at)

  • Belgrade, RS, 12.10.15.

    ToT (Training of Trainers) program for preschool education teachers will be launched in October 2015 in the framework of  TEACH project.


    The program will be attended by 20 teachers, 5 of them from each vocational college participating in the TEACH project. Purpose of this program is to increase the teachers ability to deliver tailor-maid crash courses. The program will contribute to the improvement of transversal skills of teaching staff through the creation of college training teams and tailor-maid crash courses in accordance with the needs assessment carried out in April 2015.

    5 month long ToT program will start at the end of October 2015 and will end at beginning of March 2016.

    It will encompass the following elements:

    • 5 moduls with total workload of 80 hrs
    • homework with total workload of 16 hrs
    • writing of trainer toolkit
    • demonstration of trainer skills

    Program will be implemented by the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN.


    More information will be available at project website


  • Prokuplje, RS, 12.10.15.

    College of Agriculture and Food Technology Prokuplje hosted on  Friday 09 October more than 100 participants of AGRIVOC Dissemination Conference where results and achievements of AGRIVOC project have been presented and their impact on modernization of academic and vocational agricultural studies.


    The conference was opened by project coordinator prof. Nebojša Zlatković, Prokuplje College director prof. Saša Petrović and Serbia TEMPUS office representative Ms. Nina Stojanović.


    Prof. Grujica Vico from university of East Sarajevo spoke about project impact on the reform of curricula and practical praining programmes. Prof. Dragana Stanisavljević from Prokuplja College presented the structure and application of equipment  purchased within the project while prof. Miljan Cvetković from the University of Banja Luka spoke about improvement of teaching methodology in agricultural study programs. Mr. Marko Stojanović from the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN presented significance of internal evaluation formthe improvement of project management practice of partner institutions.


    After the lunch break, conference continued as networking and idea sharing event. Prof. Vesna Poleksić from Zemuna Faculty of Agriculture presented the TEMPUS CaSA project while prof. Jelena Prtljaga from Vrsac Preschool Teacher Education College presented the TEMPUS TEACH project. Prof. Prtljaga also presented idea of strengthening cooperation among vocational colleges in Serbia while prof. Saša Petrović presented project idea related to agroturism and agroentrepreneurship. Ms. Marijana Dimitrova from Goce Delčev University Štip presented best practice in developing international cooperation and project office.


    During the conference each project partner received one copy of signed and sealed Cooperation Agreement beyond the project lifetime.


    Upon the formal completion of AGRIVOC project, the AGRIVOC program will be established within the WEBIN to keep and promote AGRIVOC project legacy and archive and together with Prokuplje College develop new initiatives in the field of agriculture and rural development.

    Photo by: WEBIN

  • Banjaluka, B&H, 11.09.15.


    University of Banjaluka Faculty of Agriculture and the Western Balkans Institute from Belgrade jointly have published the Handbook on teaching methods in agricultural studies – experiences of higher educational institutions from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina which is as of today available at WEBIN website in Serbian/Bosniak ( and English language ( It is also available at project website


    The handbook is intended primarily to younger teaching staff, to young professors, docents, assistants and associates in teaching, who are expected to become agents of the teaching process in their institutions in the future. This handbook will be a useful source of information on the organization of the teaching process to all professors and lecturers who want to improve their practice and style of lecturing.


    The structure of the handbook consists of 5 units. The first unit consists of explanation of the teaching process on study programs at partner institutions. The second unit covers an explanation of teaching methodology in agricultural science and presenting two groups of teaching methods: (a) methods that are common in teaching at the partner institutions (including university instruction ’’ex-cahedra’’, interactive instruction, seminar paper, exercises in the practicum, laboratory exercises, calculation exercises, field exercises and field visits) and (b) the methods that are considered innovative at partner institutions (including students’ debate, case study, students’ research, visiting professor lectures and simulation of projects). The third unit is the explanation of the importance of entrepreneurship education of students of agricultural study programs as well as a description of the most commonly used methods that encourage an entrepreneurial mindset. The fourth unit deals with the whole concept and methods of lifelong learning in agriculture. The fifth unit is a glossary of terms.


    The handbook is prepared by specialists at the Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Banjaluka, and the Western Balkans Institute from Belgrade with the support of colleagues from other partner institutions participating in the AGRIVOC project.


    AGRIVOC project was implemented by a consortium of 15 institutions from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Greece and Slovakia in the period from October 2012 to October 2015 and is funded by the European Commission within the TEMPUS program.

  • Prokuplje, RS, 07.09.15.

    Available only in Serbian.

  • Stip, FYR Macedonia, 04.08.15.

    Western Balkans Institute WEBIN together with 9 European partners (Macedonia, Spain, Estonia, Italy, Turkey, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Kosovo*) is beginning the development of crash courses for farmers.

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    Courses will be short, practical, adjusted to specific needs of local farmers and in localy spoken languages. They will be designed for farmers to improve skills, acquire new methods and ways of farming and improve the entire working process. Crash courses will become available in Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina in first half of 2016 through partner educational instittuions in the field of agriculture in form of adult education programs.


    This activity will be implemented in the framework of AGRI BASE project to be implemented between 15 October 2015 and 15 October 2017. The project is funded by the European Commission throu Erasmus Plus – Strategic Partnership in the field of adult education. More information you may request from Mr. Marko Stojanović at marko.stojanovic(at)

  • Belgrade, RS, 06.07.15.

    Agroinvest Foundation Serbia has released the handbook on child oriented community networking. The handbook in English language will be available in short time.

    Prirucnik za lokalne zajednice (mala)


    This handbook focuses on intersectoral cooperation and networking in providing for better services for children. It addresses all community stakeholders: municipal governments, preschools and schools, non-governmental organizations, parents’ councils, social work centers, other social care providers etc.


    It encompasses 5 chapters. First chapter elaborates on international context on child well-being including the general context, European context and international practices. Second chapter is about legislative framework on child well-being in Serbia including the ratified international agreements, national legislation and competences of local authorities in child well-being. Third chapter elaborates on child well-being on the local level. This chapter also encompasses situational analyzes in 5 targeted communities. Fourth chapter deals with phases in networking process including the preparatory and developmental phases, formalization and empowering phase. Recommendations are listed in fifth chapter.


    The handbook has been created within the project ‘’Communities for children’’. It has been prepared by the authoring team from Western Balkans Institute WEBIN with Mr. Marko Stojanovic as key author and project community networking expert. The project has been implemented by consortium composed of the World Vision Austria, Agroinvest Foundation Serbia, Network of organizations for children Serbia, and Provintial Institute for Social Protection. It’s been funded by the EU Delegation in Serbia withing the CSF Serbia and Austrian Development Agency.

  • Banja Luka, B&H, 20.06.15.

    Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka hosted a final workshop on handbook on teaching methodology in agriculture.

    agrivoc UNIBL  ?????????

    University of Banja Luka and WEBIN Belgrade expert teams met to analyze the methodologies prepared by HEIs participating in AGRIVOC project. The teams also completed final selection of these methodologies that will be published in the handbook.


    The handbook has been prepared as practical guide on preparing and delivering teaching courses, to be used by younger teaching staff with insufficient teaching experience. The handbook content will offer comparative survey of existing practices in teaching in agriculture in Serbia, B&H and EU countries and description of methodologies that are used the most in agricultural courses.


    Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka and Western Balkans Institute WEBIN Belgrade will jointly publish the handbook in the framework of TEMPUS AGRIVOC project. It is expected the handbook to be published in September 2015 and presented at AGRIVOC final project conference scheduled for end September in Prokuplje.


    More information about AGRIVOC project you may find at or project FB page at

  • Bratislava, SK, 15.05.15.


    Teaching methodology handbook development is undergoing as one of the last project activities within TEMPUS AGRIVOC. In relation to this activity, Slovak University of Agriculture hosted from 11-15 May 2015 a working meeting of the handbook authoring team in Nitra. At this meeting the team analyzed collected materials and agreed final works on handbook.


    The handbook consists of 4 parts. In first part the ways of delivering courses at partner institutions have been presented. In second part, teaching methods applied at partner institutions have been presented in details. Third part deals with application of knowledge gained while fourth part is about evaluation of the methods.


    The handbook is being prepared by a team of experts led by Ms. Jelena Nastić-Stojanović and Mr. Marko Stojanović from the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN, Mr. Miljan Cvetković and Mr. Branimir Nježić from University of Banja Luka, Ms. Alisa Hadžiabulić from University Džemal Bijedić in Mostar, Mr. Saša Petrović, Ms. Jelica Živić and Mr. Zvonko Zlatanović from the College of Agriculture and Food Technology in Prokuplje, Mr. Miloš Purić from the Technical College in Požarevac, Mr. Jovica Nikolovski from Agricultural College Sabac, Mr. Grujica Vico from University of  ast Sarajevo and Mr. Vladimir Vietoris from Slovak University of Agriculture.


    The handbook will be published during summer period and will be presented at project dissemination conference that will be held in Prokuplje at the beginning of October.


    Photo by Petar Kovacevic

  • Vrsac, RS, 15.04.15.

    Document ”Curricula harmonization framework” put together during 4. workshop held in January in Novi Sad has been released and published at TEACH project website.

    This document represents a basis for preschool teacher education curricula harmonization process that will be implemented by 4 preschool teacher education colleges in Serbia. This process should result in improved and harmonized preschool teacher education curricula at 4 colleges with compatible and comparable curricula structure, contents and competences that will enable horizontal and vertical mobility.

    This document will be suggested by project consortium as national preschool teacher education standard.

    Document in Serbian language you may find on the following link:

  • Belgrade, RS, 13.03.15.

    TUTORING program results achieved in Raska municipality have been presented as best practice at  conference ‘’Intersectoral community cooperation – child in focus’’.

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    Mr. Djordje Radoincic, Raska youth office coordinator presented how did it come top pilot set up TUTORING program in Raska, how local intersectoral structure has been formed, how has role and task division been carried out among local stakeholders. Djordje has presented how the local stakeholders were brought together and pointed out support provided by municipality: He also has presented two workshops on public-private partnership and implementation of the program in Raska municipality. Finaly, Djordje has presented positive experiences and satisfaction of tutors.


    Ms. Andjelija Roglic, deputi-principal of elementary school Sutjeska rom Rska  has presented the concrete results and outcomes of tutors individual work with pupils in risk of droping out from school, very positive experiences of children, parents and teachers and progress made in learning, behaiving and socializing of children.


    Presentation of TUTORING program draw great attention of conference participants.


    More information about TUTORING program in Raska you may request from Mr. Djordje Radoiic at radoicic.djordje(at) More information about TUTORING program ou may find at:


    Photo: WEBIN

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 13.03.15.

    Conference on child well-being and community intersectoral cooperation was held in Belgrade on Monday and Tuesday 09-10 March 2015.


    The conference gathered more than 80 participants from institutions and organizations working with children as well as key note speakers from UK, Romania and Bulgaria who presented their countries best practices. Purpose of this conference was to empower local community participants from Novi Sad, Užice, Pirot and Knjaževac.

    In introductory presentations participants learned about Romanian and Bulgarian experiences in improving child well-being in the framework of EU accession process and how Serbia should learn from these experiences.  Ms. Tamara Lukšić Orlandić the national Child Protection Index coordinator revealed the latest Index data and shared information that only 619 children in Serbia are residents of social protection institutions. On other hand, she stressed that intersectoral cooperation is still lacking and that more effort is needed here. Ms. Jelena Hrnjak presented NGO Atina success story in community networking. Mr. Đorđe Radoicic from Raska municipality and Ms Angelia Roglic from elementary school Sutjeska Raska presented TUTORING SERBIA program and how child-oriented community networking can contribute to solving one community problem. Dr. Geraldine Lee-Treweek from Metropolitan Manchester University presented the child well-being system in the UK.

    Ms. Nevena Stojanović, Member of Parliaments and parliamentary committee on rights of the child, Mr. Laslo Cikos, state secretary at the Ministry for Social Protection, Mr. Sasa Stefanovic, director of Serbian Network of Organizations for Children, and Ms. Mirela Oprea, secretary of Child Pact and Mr. Georgy Bogdanov, director of Bulgarian Network for Children.

    Conference was organized by the Agroinvest Foundation Serbia in cooperation with World Vision Austria, Network of Organizations for Children in Serbia and Western Balkans Institute WEBIN in the framework of ”Children-Oriented Community Networking” project funded by the the EU Delegation in Serbia.

    Photos from this event you may find at this link:

    Video report from press conference you may find here:

    For further information please write to Ms. Iva Kljakić to or Jelena Bubanja to

    Photo: FONET

    Western Balkans Institute, child well-being, intersectoral cooperation, tutoring program

  • Novi Sad, Serbia, 17.01.15.

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    Four vocational preschool teacher education colleges (from Vrsac, Novi Sad, Sremska Mitrovica i Krusevac) participants of TEACH project, adopted the curricula harmonization framework at Novi Sad workshop. Harmonization framework encompassed generic competences but also the elements such as: curriculum title, duration, ECTS distribution, electives and compulsory courses, graduation and final thesis, student practical training etc.

    More information about harmonization framework will be available at project website at the end of January 2015.


    In the upcoming period, the colleges will produce institutional harmonization plans and start preparing documentation for re-accreditation process. The objective is to submit accreditation applications by September 2015.

    Curricula harmonization process was facilitated by Manchester Metropolitan University and the team of experts including Dr Geraldine Lee-Treeweek, Dr Jenny Fisher i Dr Julia Bennet.

    TEACH is implemented by 8-member consortium and funded by the European Commission through TEMPUS programme.

    Copy of IMG_20150115_094533_708  Copy of IMG_20150115_103932_101

    Photo: WEBIN

  • Novi Sad, Serbia, 16.01.15.

    Second meeting of the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) was held on 16th January in Novi Sad at the Preschool Teacher Education College. QAC chairperson prof. Zoran Gudović from Sirmium College opened the session with addressing the so far project implementation including activities, results achieved, satisfaction of coordinators and college directors with the so far project etc.  He also reminded that WP 1 was more intensified than other WPs. Other QAC members also commented on the overall project implementation progress and the positive atmosphere in the project was stressed.

    Prof. Lada Marinković, from Novi Sad College presented the QAC plan of work and project performance indicators that QAC will closely analyze. She also pointed out that QAC should analyze internal and external risks that might affect further project implementation and advise the Steering Committee on how to mitigate the risks. One of those risks already identified is the announcement of the Education Ministry that the entrance exams in HE will be abolished by 2017.

    Prof. Marinković also prepared and distributed the meeting materials including the timeframe of activities, presentation of activities by month, project LFM and description of QAC from project application form.

    Prof. Gudović presented 2 questionnaires,1 for project participants with purpose to examine their satisfaction with so far performance, and second for employers to examine their satisfaction with graduated students and with cooperation with vocational colleges.

    It was reminded that one of QAC tasks is to prepare project interim reports after first and second project year. First report will be prepared in the following manner:

    – analysis will be carried out by work packages

    – the following will be analyzed: a) the process, b) timeframe of realized activities, c) quality of what has been achieved and d) impact

    The analysis of progress will be based on indicators defined in project logical framework matrix. It was also agreed to analyze potential risks and suggest to the Steering Committee how to mitigate those risks.

    The process of preparation of first interim report will be coordinated by prof, Gudović as QAC chairman who will also compile the materials produced by other QAC members.

    WEBIN  Development director Marko Stojanović presented the following Report structure:

    1. Introduction – about the project, about QAC, members, tasks and purpose, method of work etc.
    2. Subject – what is the subject of this report
    3. Goal – objective of this report and for whom is it prepared
    4. Method – how is the report prepared, sources etc..
    5. Findings and interpretation – narrative evaluation by work packages and key findings
    6. Recommendations – what and how to improve in project implementation in the future

    All materials to be used in the analysis are available at project website

    The final report has to be completed and adopted by May 2015 in order to send it in early May to Project Steering Committee and TEMPUS office in Serbia.

  • Novi Sad, Serbia, 14.01.15.


    Final project workshop on curricula harmonization will take place from 15-17 January at Preschool Teacher Education College in Novi Sad. This workshop will host more than 15 representatives of consortium members including the Preschool Teacher Education Colleges from Novi Sad, Vrsac, Krusevac, Sremska Mitrovica (RS) and Baja (HU), Metropolitan University from Manchester (UK) and Western Balkans Institute from Belgrade (RS).

    The workshop will consist of 3 parts. In introductory part, results of the analysis of the desired competencies will be presented and discussion of the suggested list of desired competencies and its adoption as the final version will follow.

    In second part, workshop participants will work on the establishment of the elements of the final curricula harmonization framework. This part will include the visit to the preschool facility “Radosno detinjstvo” in Novi Sad.

    Third part on Saturday 17 January, will be devoted to workshop conclusions and the discussion regarding the Initial framework of harmonization. Final version of the curricula harmonization of the four Pre-school Teachers’ Training Colleges will be adopted and further steps on the accreditation of the curricula will be discussed and agreed.

    Detailed agenda you may find at download section at Detailed report from this workshop will be published at this website soon after the workshop end.

  • Ohrid, FYR Macedonia, 12.01.15.

    Western Balkans consortium with partners from Spain and Italy successfully prepared the project of modernization and internationalization of HEIs in the Western Balkans during the 3-day working meeting in Ohrid, Macedonia.


    This project will focus on strengthening transversal competences of teaching staff and laying down the foundations for internationalization of WB HEIs. In this process Western Balkans Institute played the key role in preparation of project proposal while the University Goce Delcev from Štip will be coordinator.


    Consortium is composed of the following institutions: Goce Delčev University Štip, University of Montenegro, Universita degli studi di Foggia, University in East Sarajevo, UPCT Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, University ”Džemal Bijedić” Mostaru, Akdeniz Univerzity Antalya,Megatrend univerzitet – Faculty for Biofarming from Backa Topola, College of Agriculture and Food Technology Prokuplje and Western Balkans Institute Belgrade.  


    Photos by WEBIN

  • Nis, Serbia, 22.12.14.

    Content is not available in English language.

    Mreza organizacija za decu Srbije-MODS - large web pic

  • Novi Sad, Knjazevac, Pirot, Krusevac, Uzice, Serbia, 20.12.14.

    Last round of community meetings was organized in Novi Sad, Uzice, Knjazevac, Pirot and Krusevac from 04 – 18 December 2014.


    Purpose of these meetings was to shape the final version of Memorandum on child-oriented cooperation of community stakeholders. There was more than 60 participants including the representatives of local councils, schools, children centers, HEIs, social work centers, health centers, NGOs. students parliaments and parents associations. The meeting was facilitated by Mr. Marko Stojanovic, WEBIN Development Director.


    This Memorandum articulated the need for establishing of a flexible child-oriented cooperation mechanism among stakeholders, designed according to the specific circumstances of children and youth in the local community. This cooperation mechanism will utilize implementation of all community functions and will enable an optimal environment for life and development of children and youth.


    The participants of this meeting will further be involved in designing of the final project conference and will prepare presentations of the relevant community projects to be discussed at this conference.


    The activity was implemented within the ‘’Communities for Children’’ project carried out by World Vision Austria in partnership with MODS (Network of Organizations for Children in Serbia) and Provincial Institute for Social Protection from Novi Sad, and funded by the European Union and Austrian Development Agency.


    Photos by WEBIN

  • Manchester, UK, 20.11.14.

    The TEACH project representatives participated from 10-14 November 2014 at 3rd curricula harmonization workshop at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.

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    Purpose of this workshop was to reshape curricula harmonization framework and to introduce teaching staff from Serbia to the way working of MMU counterparts. Workshop took place at Cheshire campus and at University central building in Manchester. Prof Geraldine Lee-Treeweek was the host and workshop facilitator together with prof. Julia Bennet and prof. Jenny Fisher


    Through the work in small groups and discussions, workshop participants agreed the wider list of competences a preschool teacher is expected to have acquired upon graduation. Seven wider lists of competences were presented and grouped according to specific subject fields including: pedagogical subjects, psychological, methodical, artistic, linguistic, physiological, medical-health related group, ICT and practical training courses. These presentations were followed by a peer-review session.

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    It was agreed to adopt final list of competences along with the plan of curricula harmonization at the following workshop to be held in January 2015 in Novi Sad, Serbia.

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    TEACH project has been implemented by the 8-member consortium of institutions from Serbia, UK, Hungary and Slovenia and funded by the European Commission through the TEMPUS programme. For further information about the TEACH project please visit project website at or FB fun page at


    Project focal point in WEBIN is Mr. Marko Stojanović, who you may contact at marko.stojanovic(at)


    Photo by VSVS

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 08.11.14.

    Content is not available in English language.

    2. skupstina MODS

  • Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina, 05.11.14.

    Within University campus the Faculty of Agriculture hosted on 04.11.2014. education-business forum entitled: “Students – challenges of education and employment”. This event gathered more than 40 representatives of enterprises, agricultural cooperatives and households as well as teachers, students and alumni of the Faculty of Agriculture in Banja Luka.  The objective of this event was to discuss the challenges of adjusting the professional competences of graduated students with the needs of labor market.

    Akademsko-poslovni forum UNIBL (1)Akademsko-poslovni forum UNIBL (2)

    Mr. Miljan Cvetković from  the Faculty of Agriculture stressed that goal of this event was to initiate the permanent dialogue between the faculty and agrifood business in order to make the educators familiar with the needs of labor market. The need was stressed to more  involve students into working processes so that they become ready to start working immediately after graduation with little additional training. Faculty training manager prof.  Miodrag Hrnic, spoke about current challenges training organization.


    Mr. Marko Stojanovic from Belgrade-based Western Balkans Institute pointed out the significance of entrepreneurial education for the development of entrepreneurial mindset of students.


    All participants, and especially the businesses, welcomed this event and stressed the importance of continuous communication and feedback between the faculty and agrifood business.


    This forum was organized within AGRIVOC project, implemented by the 15-member consortium and funded by the European Commission through the TEMPUS programme.


    Foto: WEBIN

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 15.10.14.

    On Oct. 14, 2014  more than 75 government officials, public institutions staff, Austrian experts, current and former politicians, development professionals, community service organisations (CSOs) and citizens came together to discuss how to make the world a better place for children through services as well as policy.

    IMG_20141014_102618_358 Photo: WEBIN

    The conference was structured around four panel discussions that put ministry representatives on equal footing with local service providers and service beneficiaries giving them the opportunity to have open and honest dialogue. The main topics that were discussed included:

    • Decentralization: division of responsibilities between local and national levels of government.
    • Sustainability of local services and measures for children.
    • Intersectorial coordination and cooperation on the local and national levels.
    • Citizens associations as community service providers.

    Although the event was dedicated to child wellbeing, it did not focus on any specific group of vulnerable children or technical expertise, but rather looked at more structural issues and the broader context in which child welfare reform in Serbia is taking place. One specific example is the issue of decentralization. While the quality of decentralization is central to determining the value of care and support provided to vulnerable children,  it is almost never discussed at child well-being events, especially events where all parties (local and national government officials as well as local service providers) are present.

    A second topic which is often taboo is that of sustainability of services established through donor funded projects. While we would all like to believe that all programmes that benefit the vulnerable population continue forever, it is not always true. In fact, in many cases where local governments are expected to absorb the ongoing project costs, the projects are forced to suspend operations. This has been especially true following the economic crisis. While this topic is often avoided, it is important to note that unstable service provision has a direct negative impact on the most vulnerable.

    Finally, having local service providers and national leaders together and on equal footing gave the opportunity for local level professionals to speak directly to national level stakeholders and decision makers. Service providers were given the opportunity to share the challenges they face to provide and maintain services. Most importantly, however, parents of children who were beneficiaries of programmes that have closed were given the opportunity to share their opinions.

    Maja Nesic, the mother of a girl with Cerebral Palsy, joined the conference to learn, but also to give a name and a face to why sustainability of services is of utmost importance.

    “Participation in the conference meant a lot to me personally,” she said. “I had the opportunity to express my opinion and dissatisfaction with the lack of care for beneficiaries of services at the highest level. Without their support… none of the efforts for the most vulnerable groups will be sustainable, especially community-based services.”

    RadomirJevtic, from the citizen association “Korak napred” reflected on his experience at the conference. “It is beautiful to cooperate with people and organizations dedicated to resolving real challenging issues and problems… My conclusion after the event is that in order to resolve problems in community service provision, a genuine and honest dialogue between public and civil sector is absolutely necessary,” he said.

    This conference served to open many areas of discussion and debate. It was a good start, but the work is far from finished. World Vision in Serbia has already begun preparing for a follow-up conference that take place in February, 2015.

    The conference was part of the project “Communities for Children: Networking for Community Child Oriented Model” conducted by World Vision Austria, Agroinvest Foundation Serbia and Open Club, in cooperation with Provincial Institute for Social Protection, supported by EU Delegation in Serbia, Austrian Development Agency and Office of attache for labour, social affairs and consumer protection of Republic of Austria (office of Federal ministry for labour, social affairs and consumer protection of Republic of Austria). The conference was additionally supported by World Vision’s Middle East and Eastern Europe regional office.



  • Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia, 22.09.14.

    Project Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) was constituted on initial session held on 17 September 2014 at the Preschool Teacher Training and Business Informatics College – Sirmium in Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia.



    The meeting was organized within the second curricula harmonization workshop that was held from 15-17 September.


    QAC meeting was attended by the following members: Mr. Zoran Gudovic (VSSM), Mrs. Lada Marinkovic (VSVNS), Mrs. Adelheid Manz (EJF), Ms. Ana Marković (VSVKS), Mr. Ljubiša Stojanovic (VSVS) and Mr. Marko Stojanovic on behalf of Ms. Jelena Bubanja (WEBIN). Professor Zoran Gudovic from VSSM was elected QAC chairperson.


    The meeting was used to introduce QAC members one to each other and to agree on the method of work and decision making. It was agreed every team member to get familiar with the so far project activities and results and to discuss it at the next QAC meeting. It was also agreed to look into project performance indicators so that the QAC could proceed with preparation of first implementation progress evaluation process.

    Next QAC meeting will be organized in Novi Sad in January 2015


  • Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia, 15.09.14.

    Second TEACH workshop has begun at Preschool Teacher Training and Business Informatics College ‘’Sirmium’’ in Sremska Mitrovica.

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    Preschool teacher education colleges from Vrsac, Sremska Mitrovica, Novi Sad and Krusevac will discuss the issue of how to harmonize preschool teacher education curricula. Expected outcomes of this workshop will be defined curricula harmonization framework and formed cross-institutional teams for specific harmonization elements.

    Workshop moderator is prof. Geraldine Lee-Treweek from Cathedra for Interdisciplinary Studies at the Metropolitan Manchester University (UK).

    More information about the workshop will be available at project website TEACH is implemented by 8 partners from Serbia, UK, Hungary and Slovenia. The project is funded by the European Commission through the TEMPUS program.

    Photo: WEBIN

  • Bijeljina, B&H, 13.09.14.

    The Center for higher education in Bijeljine hosted on Friday 12th September the 4th regular session of the Steering Committee (SC) of AGRIVOC project.

    4. AGRIVOC SC meeting UES


    11 representatives from 8 partner institutions participated in the meeting which was hosted by the Faculty of Agriculture of University in East Sarajevo. The meeting was chaired by prof. Sasa Petrovic from the College of Agriculture and Food Technology in Prokuplje.

    EACEAs approval of first project interim report with comments was presented at the meeting. Project coordinator Mr. Nebojsa Zlatkovic expressed his gratitude for partners contribution in drafting the report. He also pointed out EACEAs congratulations on quality of report, so far achievements and functional partnership.

    Presentation of the process of preparation of final financial report followed. Mr. Marko Stojanovic from Western Balkans Institute WEBIN presented an example of completed financial report and explained the partners role in this process.

    In continuation, the team of authors that will be responsible for drafting the ‘’Handbook on interactive teaching in agricultural studies’’ was constituted. The team is composed of the following members: Mr. Miljan Cvetkovic and Mr. i Branimir Nesic (UNIBL, activity coordinators, responsible for the field of pest management), Mr. Nebojsa Zlatkovic and Mr. Sasa Petrovic (VPPS Prokuplje, responsible for the fields of animal husbandry and food technology), Mrs. Vera Milosevic (VPSSA Sabac, responsible for field crops studies), Mr. Ahmed Dzubur (DBU Mostar, responsible for areas of fruit growing and viticulture) and Mrs. Jelena Nastic-Stojanovic and Mr. Marko Stojanovic (WEBIN, responsible for introduction and conclusion and handbook structure). The plan and methodology of preparation of the handbook were also presented and study visit to the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra announced for the end of October.

    After this session, project coordinator Mr. Nebojsa Zlatkovic presented the findings of second internal project evaluation carried out during summer 2014.

    At the end of the meeting, Mr. Grujica Vico from University of East Sarajevo and Ms. Milosevic from College in Sabac informed the audience about progress achieved in preparing the academic-business forums scheduled for October 2014.

    For more information about AGRIVOC project please visit project website at: AGRIVOC is implemented by 15 partner institutions from Serbia, BH, Greece, Hungary and Slovakia. The project is funded by the European Commission through TEMPUS.

    Photo: Mirjana Radovic (UES)

  • Podgorica, Montenegro, 25.07.14.












    Center for Civic Education and WEBIN YOUTH presented on 23 July in Podgorica the Regional policy paper ‘Youth Participation – More Than a Catchword?’ created within the same project.


    This is a joint proposal of the National Youth Councils of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia and organizations WEBIN YOUTH, Center for Civic Education from Podgorica and the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA from Macedonia. This policy brief addresses primarely the Governments in the region.


    Press conference of was organized at the Media Center in Podgorica, with the participation of young people and reporters from various TV, radio, press and electronic media. Tamara Milas and Milos Knezevic from the Center for Civic Education and Jelena Bubanja from WEBIN YOUTH addressed the audience.


    At the conference, it was stipulated that through the YOUPA project, the National Youth Councils, their members and stakeholders from the region, recognized the importance of youth participation in the 2015 National Youth Report drafting process, and thus expressed a desire to be involved in this process on equal footing. Numerous data from various sources in the region included in the policy brief, indicate that youth participation in Europe and in the region is still poor and key reasons are the following: lack of motivation and opportunities, underdeveloped awareness, lack of information and substantial partnership between young people and decision makers. The document also indicated that the existing regulatory framework (laws and strategies) emphasize the importance of youth participation. For all these reasons it  the governments are called to enable participation of young people as equal partners in 2015 National Youth Report drafting processes.


    Recommendations in Policy brief are divided into two parts: those addressing the governments in the region and addressing youth organizations. More information you may find at the following link:


    Policy brief was created within the YOUPA project aiming at strengthening the capacities of youth organizations in the Western Balkans (Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia) to actively participate in the preparation of National Youth Reports on the implementation of the European Youth Strategy. The project was implemented by the National Youth Councils of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia in partnership with the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA from Macedonia, the Center for Civic Education from Podgorica and Belgrade based WEBIN YOUTH. The project was funded by the European Commission through the Youth in Action program.


    More information about Policy brief can be obtained from the national coordinators:

    Serbia: Jelena Bubanja jelena.bubanja (at) and Mary Bulat marija.bulat (at)

    Montenegro: Tamara Milaš

    Macedonia: Geogrina Vuzeska

    Croatia: Anamaria Sočo

    Slovenia: Tanja Baumkirher


    Photos: Center for Civic Education Podgorica

  • Aleksinac, Serbia, 22.07.14.

    On 21 July the Entrepreneurial Center of Aleksinac hosted the ceremony of awarding certificates to tutors, experts team members and institutions members of local PPP in the field of education, for participation in piloting of the TUTORING program in Aleksinac.


    Certificates were awarded to 15 tutors, 10 experts and the following institutions: Municipal government of Aleksinac, Youth Office, Elementary schools Vozd Karadjordje, Center for Social Work, Preschool Teachers Education College Aleksinac and NGO Association for the Development of Creativity.

    During piloting period which lasted from February till June 2014, the total of 14 children successfully completed the program, improved their marks, decreased skipping from classes and improved their socialization. The total of 15 tutors worked with these children and all of them stated they would like to continue to participate in the program in capacity of tutor.

    Photos: Jasmina Mladenović

    Sertifikati Aleksinac

  • Raska, Serbia, 18.07.14.

    On 15 July the Youth Club in Raska hosted the ceremony of awarding certificates to tutors, experts team members and institutions members of local PPP in the field of education, for participation in piloting of the TUTORING program in Raska.

    IMG_20140715_131959_613  IMG_20140715_131922_635

    Certificates were awarded to 12 tutors, 7 experts and the following institutions: Municipal government of Raska, Youth Office, Elementary schools Sutjeska from Supnje and Josif Pancic from Baljevac, Center for Social Work and NGO CentRa.


    During the piloting period which lasted from February till June 2014, the total of 14 children from 2 elementary schools successfully completed the program, improved their marks, decreased skipping from classes and improved their socialization. The total of 13 tutors worked with these children and all of them stated they would like to continue to participate in the program in capacity of tutor.


    For more information about the program in Raska do not hesitate to contact Ms. Jelena Bubanja from WEBIN through jelena.bubanja(at) Evaluation and impact report of program piloting in Vranje. Aleksinac and Raska will be released in mid August at


    Photos: WEBIN

  • Belgrade, RS, 18.07.14.

    Mr. Nebojsa Zlatkovic, AGRIVOC project coordinator has received from EACEA the letter of approval of AGRIVOC Intermediate Report.

    It’s been noted in the letter that consortium members have demonstrated high commitment to implementation of the project.  In addition, it’s been noted that in spite of the fact that this has been the first Tempus project for the coordinator and the partners, the project team has demonstrated ”to be really committed to the management of the project, and to be able to cope with some difficulties faced during the first period.” It’s been noted that implementation has been carried out with planned dynamics and that most of the activities have been carried out in accordance with the plan of work.

    Few recommendations on the improvement of project implementation in the second phase have been suggested.

    In the process of preparation of the Intermediate Report, Western Balkans Institute WEBIN had provided the coordinator and consortium members with technical expertise and support in completing the report.

    The letter of approval you may find at the following link:

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 04.07.14.

    A coordination meeting of the TEMPUS projects was hel in Belgrade at SIV on Friday.

    IMG_20140704_170932_283 - Copy

    Participants of the meeting were introduced to the new clarifications of the financial rules and with positive experiences in the preparation of the interim and financial reports.

    After this meeting, WEBIN hosted the TEACH project coordination meeting. The partners discussed internal financial rules, future activities and study visits.

    Project TEACH deals with harmonization of preschool teacher education curricula at four vocational colleges in Serbia and is implemented by a consortium of eight institutions from Serbia, the UK, Hungary and Slovenia. The project is carried out in the period from 2013 – 2016. The project is funded by the European Commission through the TEMPUS program.


    Photos: WEBIN

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 01.07.14.

    PG MREZA’s Evronet about early school leaving and TUTORING program on 1 July on RTS, follow the link:


  • Nis, Serbia, 27.06.14.

    Only in Serbian language.

  • Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina, 26.06.14.

    Dzemal Bijedic University Mostar is hosting a seminar on the enhancement of entrepreneurial competences of students and teachers.


    The seminar is taking place from 25-27 June 2014 within the AGRIVOC project funded by the European Commission through the TEMPUS program.


    Keynote speaker are:

    Mr. Perica Bulic, The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Mostar Districht, BH

    Mr. Mehmet Topakci and Mr. Murad Canakci, AKDENIZ University Antalya, TR

    Mr. Marko Stojanović, WEBIN Belgrade

    Mr. Stojanović presented earlier today the findings of the assessment of needs for the improvement of teaching methodology and entrepreneurial competences of students. Needs assessment report and presentation of the findings you may find in Library section of this website or at the following link:


    Photo: Zoran Janjic

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 23.06.14.


    The conference entitled ‘’Early school leaving and learning outcomes: policies, practices and prevention in Serbia’’ was held in Belgrade on 19 June 2014.

    IMG_7010 IMG_6912


    It gathered more than 60 participants representing different national and local public institutions, schools, NGOs and the media. They discussed the phenomenon of early school leaving and prevention models and programs that available in Serbia.


    Mr. Marko Stojanovic from WEBIN presented the official data about early school leaving in Serbia: 3.4% of population above 10 years is illiterate; 21.9% of population above 15 did not complete elementary education while 23.9% of population completed only elementary education; 10-15% of pupils in elementary education drop out, as well as 10% of pupils in general secondary education and 30% in secondary VET. All these young people who drop out from education remain without any qualification, with less employment opportunities and have more need for social protection support system.  Having said this, Mr. Stojanovic pointed out the importance of an inter-sectoral approach and involvement of whole community, not only a school. He concluded that the efficient combat against drop out phenomenon requires the systemic measures on both, national and local levels.

    Ms. Angelina Skarep from the Ministry of Education pointed out that target value set by Serbian Education Strategy 2020 is to reduce early school leaving to less than 5% by year 2020. She also stressed that the State recently started to work actively on this issue .

    Professor Slavica Pavlicevic from The Preschool Teacher Education College Krusevac emphasized the importance of preschool preparatory programs in early child development as it is considered to be a mechanism of early prevention from leaving the education in later stages.

    Ms. Jelena Bubanja of WEBIN presented the TUTORING SERBIA program. Ms. Andjelija Roglic from elementary school Sutijeska Raska and Mr. Djordje Radoicic from Raska youth office presented the initial results of  program piloting in Raska municipality. They pointed out that children that participated in the program succeeded to improve their marks, attainment and socialization. In addition the feedback from parents was also positive.


    Best practice case studies were additionally presented by NGO Pralipe from Pirot, GRUBB Foundation and LUNETA Association from Belgrade. Furthermore, the project ”Child-Oriented Cooperation Networking” of the World Vision Austria was presented to conference participants. At the same time, this was an outstanding occasion for organizations and institutions in the field to introduce one to each other and to network.

    The conference was hosted by the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN from Belgrade in framework of project: ”Local PPPs for the reduction of early school leaving” which is funded by the U.S.Embassy in Belgrade. Furthermore, the conference was supported by the World Vision Austria i Agroinvest Fund Serbia.

    For more information and media materials please contact Ms. Jelena Bubanja at +381-63-1663186 or jelena.bubanja(at) or visit TUTORING program website at


    Photos: de work

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 13.06.14.

    U četvrtak 19. juna 2014. sa početkom u 12h u Kulturnom centru REX u Beogradu (Jevrejska 16) organizovaćemo konferenciju pod nazivom: KONFERENCIJA O PRERANOM NAPUŠTANJU ŠKOLOVANJA I USPEHU U UČENJU: POLITIKE, PRAKSE I PREVENCIJA. Konferenciju će otvoriti Marko Stojanović, WEBIN direktor za razvoj i Ryan Rowlands, savetnik za javne poslove u Ambasadi SAD u Srbiji a očekuje se učešće i ministra prosvete Srđana Verbića. 

    poster 2 mali 640 x 480

    Na konferenciji će biti reči o trenutnoj situaciji i trendovima u Srbiji u ovoj oblasti o čemo će govoriti školski psiholog Danica Radaković (saradnica WEBIN) kao i o problemu osipanja Romske dece i merama podrške namenjenih ovoj polulaciji o čemu će govoriti Angelina Skarep iz Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja. Slavica Pavličević profesorka Visoke škole strukovnih studija za vaspitače u Kruševcu će pričati o značaju pripremnih predškolskih programa za smanjenje rizika osipanja dece u kasnijim nivoima obrazovanja dok će Marko Stojanović, WEBIN direktor za razvoj govoriti o značaju saradnje u lokalnoj zajednici koja je usmerena na potrebe detata kao stručnjak na projektu ”Zajednice za decu” koji realizuje Agroinvest fondacija i World Vision Austrija u 5 opština u Srbiji.

    U drugom delu konferencije biće predstavljeni primeri dobre prakse i to program TUTORING SRBIJA koji WEBIN sprovodi u 3 grada i opštine na jugu Srbije, primer opštine Pirot kao i projekti ”Znanjem i veštinama protiv siromaštva” koji sprovodi organizacija ”Pomoć deci” i projekat  „Sprečavanje osipanja učenika iz obrazovnog sistema Republike Srbije “ koji sprovodi UNICEF u saradnji sa Ministarstvom prosvete i Centrom za obrazovne politike.

    Agendu konferencije možete preuzeti ovde: a poziv ovde:

    Za učešće na konferenciji možete se prijaviti na mail jelena.bubanja(at) do utorka 17. juna 2014. godine do 17h. Učesnicima koji dolaze izvan Beograda biće nadoknađeni putni troškovi u visini povratne autobuske ili vozne karte.

    Tutoring USA flag

    Konferenciju organizujemo u okviru projekta ”Lokalna javno-privatna partnerstva za smanjenje preranog napuštanja školovanja” koji sprovodi Zapadnobalkanski institut WEBIN a finansira Ambasada SAD u Srbiji. Informacije o konferenciji možete nači i na našoj FB strani

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 08.06.14.

    More than 40 representatives of the national youth councils of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro and Macedonia (FYROM) completed the training devoted to drafting of the National Youth Reports.

    All together small

    After completing this training, participants will be able to contribute to the process of drafting of the National Youth Reports in 2015 that will be carried out by the line ministries responsible for youth. The National Youth Report is is an instrument of monitoring and reporting on progress in implementation of the European Youth Strategy 2010-2018. In this process EU members states submit their reports every 3 years to the European Commission, while the candidate countries may participate on request. Serbia and Macedonia will first time participate in this process in 2015.

    Belgrade training has been organized by the following partners: WEBIN YOUTH, National Youth Council of Serbia (KOMS), Youth Network of Croatia (MMH), National Youth Council of Slovenia (MSS), Center for Civic Education Montenegro and Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA from Prilep. The training was organized in the framework of ”Youth Participation: More Than A Catchword” project (YOUPA 2014) funded by the European Commission through the Youth in Action programme.

    Photo: WEBIN

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 27.05.14.

    9-day training session about European Youth Strategy and National Youth Reports will be held in Belgrade from 31 May – 08 June 2014 within the project: ”European Youth Participation: More Than A Catchword” (YOUPA).

    YOUPA 2014 short

    The project is funded by the EU through the Youth in Action programme and implemented by WEBIN YOUTH from Belgrade, Center for Civic Education from Podgorica and National Youth Councils of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia. The training is supported by Serbian Ministry of Youth and Sports. The objective of the project is to increase capacities and knowledge of National Youth Councils from EU member and candidate countries to participate in policy-making i.e. National Youth Report drafting process. The purpose of this project is to contribute to better implementation of the European Youth Strategy 2010-2018 through increasing knowledge and skills of National Youth Councils in 2 member states and 3 pre-accession countries about participating in the process of drafting of National Youth Reports. Participants of the training are 48 youth activists from Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and FYROM who will take active role in contributing to 2015 National Youth Report drafting process in their countries. Selection process sought to provide for equal gender participation, involvement of vulnerable youth with fewer opportunities and participants with some and/or no experience in Youth Report drafting process and with reference to the implementation of the European Youth Strategy.

    Fore more information about the project please contact Jelena Bubanja, head of WEBIN YOUTH at

  • Vrsac, Serbia, 15.05.14.

    Introduction conference: ”Harmonization of Preschool Teacher Education in Serbia – state of the art and perspectives” was organized in Vrsac on 12 and 13 May at Preschool Teacher Education College. At the conference we’ve been talking about key challenges in education of professional preschool teachers, employment and labor market, standards and respect for profession, usage of ICT, new didactic, etc.

    TEACH introduction conference 2

    We’ve been listening to what stakeholders have to say including parents, representatives of parents associations, employers and kindergartens, preschool teacher association, representative of local authorities and Provincial administration.

    We’ve been talking to students and listening to their messages.

    TEACH introduction conference 1 TEACH introduction conference 3

    In second part of the conference we’ve organized 6 parallel workshops with 11 topics through Open Space Methodology.

    More information about TEACH project you may find on project FB

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 07.05.14.

    WEBIN hosted in Belgrade the group of 17 young Georgians and South Ossetians who are visiting the Western Balkans in the framework of Youth Peace Express project.



    In permises of Savski venac Business center we have organized the panel discussion with participation of Georgian, Ossetian and Serbian youth from civil society and political parties. Discussion was about youth particpation in decission making processes, public life, about youth position, activism, dealing with the past and human rights in war conflict regions.

    After Belgarde, Youth Peace Express participants will visit Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Greece and Turkey.

  • Raska, Serbia, 25.04.14.

    FOTO 1

    Municipality of Raska hosted on Friday the first peer-review session of local PPP representatives from 3 municipality including Raska, Vranje and Aleksinac. Purpose of this session was to enable to peers from 3 communities to meet, share different experiences in functioning of PPPs and implementation of Tutoring program. Initial experiences in 3 communities and effects of Tutoring program implementation were presented, challenges in functioning of PPPs were discussed and agreement on further work was forged. It was emphasized that in Raska municipality, children involved in the tutoring program, show significant improvement in regular classes but that there are few individual cases that will require different approach. Initial experiences in Aleksinac are also rather positive although there is a group of children constantly being absent from school. Tutoring program in Vranje has started just recently and the initial experiences will be presented at next peer-review session.


    The following institutions were present at the peer-review: municipal governments of Raska and Vranje, centers for social work from Vranje and Raska, elementary schools “Sutjeska” and “Josif Pančić” from Raska, local youth offices from Vranje and Raska, Preschool Teacher Education College from Aleksinac and NGO CentRa from Raske.


    This session was implemented within the project ‘Local PPPs for the reduction of early school leaving’’ which is implemented by WEBIN and funded by the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.

    FOTO 2

    For more information please visit our or our FB page   IMG_20140425_172908_750

  • Novi Sad, Serbia, 24.04.14.

    #tempus#teach Novi Sad is hosting a meeting of team that will comparatively analyze preschool teacher education curricula at 4 vocational colleges. The following will be analyzed: a) structure of the study programs b) competences.


    Analysis will show the similarities and differences in the curricula and provide us with the conclusion how to plan the harmonization process.

    More information will soon be available at TEACH project website which is under construction.

    The meeting is organized within the TEACH project which is funded by the European Commission through the TEMPUS program.IMG_20140424_105844_945  IMG_20140424_105858_036

  • Prokuplje, Serbia, 14.04.14.

    Public procurement call for purchasing equipment for HEIs from Serbia within the AGRIVOC project you may find in Serbian language in the following link:

    Decision on public procurement you may see here:  

    Odluka str 1. Odluka str 2. Odluka str 3.

    For more information about this procurement, please do not hesitate to contact AGRIVOC project coordinator Mr. Nebojsa Zlatkovic at 064-0474611 or e-mail

  • Keckemet, Hungary, 11.04.14.

     Keckemet 1 small

    Representatives of AGRIVOC project Mr. Marko Stojanovic from WEBIN, Mr. Tibor Konyves from Faculty for Biofarming from Backa Topola and Mr. Nebojsa Zlatkovic, project coordinator visited Vocational Higher Education College in Keckemet, Hungary on 10 April 2014. AGRIVOC delegation met with Mr. Ferenc Arpad, Dean and Mr. Tibor Sabo, international relations officer to discuss joint academic and project cooperation.  It was concluded that there is a great opportunity to work on joint projects within Erasmus Plus Program but also in the field of academic cooperation through exchange of students and teaching staff.  It was concluded that expertise of WEBIN and its support to Serbian partners in preparing and managing international projects has been a great deal in the past and that this support should continue if it comes to working on a new project with the College from Keckemet.

    Keckemet 2 small  Keckemet 3


    Guests from Serbia paid a visit to Colleges’ farm and visited students on vocational training.

    Keckemet farm


    The College in Keckemet is vocational higher educational institution delivering education in the following fields:

    1. Horticulture,

    2. Preschool teacher education,

    3. Technical education in automotive industry (for newly opened Mercedes Benz car factory).


    Photos: WEBIN

  • Nitra, Slovakia, 11.04.14.

    Representatives of 8 HEIs from Serbia and B&H and representative of WEBIN paid visit to Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA) within AGRIVOC project.

    SUA 1 small SUA 5 small


    The hosts to this study visit were prof. Elena Horska, vice-rector for international cooperation and prof. Vladislav Valach, head of International cooperation office. 4-day long study visit was used to get partners from Serbia and B&G familiar with experiences of SUA in curricula reform as well as in organizing student vocational training courses. The guests also paid a visit to University farm in Oponica where students conduct their practical training, student guesthouse and University winery.



    SUA 9 small

    For more information please visit our project website or our project FB page

    Photos: WEBIN

  • Belgrade, 04.04.14.


    The meeting of the Advisory Board of TUTORING SERBIA programme was held today at WEBIN office.

    The first results, achievements and challenges in program implementation in Vranje, Aleksinac and Raska were discussed today, as well as perspectives in program replication in the Western Balkans region.

    The experiences from Vranje, Aleksinac and Raska and activities undertook in Vranje were presented to the Advisory Board. In addition we’ve presented a mechanism of continuous monitoring of the performance of PPPs and of individual work for tutors with children. The key remarks from this first 2 months period of implementation of the program in 3 communities, refers to the following:

    –       Insufficient communication of schools with parents as well as lack of feedback from parents

    –       Great motive of tutors and opinion of school staff that tutors are getting well with children

    –       Significant dependence of local PPPs on local political setting

    –       Satisfaction of children and their feedback

    We came to the conclusion that TUTORING SRBIJA has to be accredited with the ZUOV (The Institute for the Enhancement of Education and Upbringing) as the professional training course for teachers in primary schools. In addition we’ve concluded that final evaluation of outcomes should encompass the feedback from both – children and parents.

    Members of the Advisory Board of TUTORING SERBIA programme are Ms. Iva Kljakić of World Vision Serbia, Ms. Sandra Gucijan from Politika Daily, Ms. Dragana Soćanin from Association Parent and Mr.  Zoran Zlatković from OKO (Organization of Creative Gathering).

    For more information please visit our web site  or our FB page

    Photo source: WEBIN

  • Raska, Serbia, 25.03.14.

    Pocetak tutoringa u Raski

    First meeting of tutors was held in Raska on March 25 at the Youth Club. 12 tutors and youth office coordinator participated in the meeting. Ms. Ana Zečević, tutor team leader facilitated the meeting. On this occasion  the tutors shared their experience in individual work with children, what kind of communication they developed with children, what kind with parents, and what kind of cooperation was developed with schools. They also discussed the current chellenges and communications and first results in tutors work with children. During the meeting the tutors adopted recommendations for further work and motivation of children in order to achieve better cooperation with children and mutual trust.

    For more information please visit our web site or our FB page

    Photo source: Youth office Raska

  • Novi Sad, 24.03.14.

    Foto 1 sa sastanka u NS

    Representatives of preschool teacher education colleges from Novi Sad, Vrsac, Sremska Mitrovica and Krusevac and representatives of WEBIN participated in coordination meeting in Novi Sad. The meeting referred to comparative analysis, introduction conference and assessment of teacher needs for the improvement of traversal competences. The team that will be responsible for conducting the comparative research was appointed and content and title of introduction conference was agreed. University in Maribor and WEBIN will prepare an instrument for needs assessment.

    For more information please visit our website or our FB page

     Foto izvor: WEBIN


  • Aleksinac, Serbia, 10.03.14.

    On 6 March 2014 in the city of Aleksinac TUTORING SERBIA program entered its implementation phase with 15 tutors and 15 tutees who have been selected for participation in this program.  Tutoring activity is being conducted in the elementary school Vožd Karađorđe.

    Participation in the pilot program involves individual work of a tutor with a child in elementary school once a week for 2 hours in the school grounds during the period from February to late May 2014. The goal of the program is focused on working with children who have learning difficulties and/or a high number of absences from school in order to help them improve their success in education and prevent early drop out. During this period of 4 months tutors will have regular monthly joint meetings in order to share and discuss their experience in working with children.

    Tutors participated in the orientation session prior to the commencement of the program, and upon completion of the program they will receive certificates and letters of appreciation from WEBIN and the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade, with a description of the program and engagements performed.

    TUTORING SERBIA program is conducted in the framework of the project Local Public- Private Partnerships for the Prevention of Early School Leaving which is implemented by the Western Balkan Institute (WEBIN) and funded by the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.

    For more information please visit our website at

  • Pozarevac, Serbia, 05.03.14.

    Seminar Pozarevac 1 small Seminar Pozarevac 2 small

    Technical College from Pozarevac hosted on 03/04 March 2014 2nd seminar on interactive teaching which gathered more than 20 vocational teachers and teaching assistants from 8 vocational HEIs from Serbia and B&H. Seminar was held by professor Radovan Kasarda from the Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) in Nitra, Slovakia. Seminar was designed in accordance with the findings of the Needs assessment carried out by WEBIN.

    During the seminar the following topics were covered: contemporary teaching, use of audiovisual means, role of discussion and questioning in learning, team work, role plays, case studies and problem-based learning.

    During second days the visit was paid to ”Hrastovaca farm” wine cellar “Živković“ and archaeological site “Viminacium“.

    The seminar was organized within the AGRIVOC project which is funded by the European Commission through TEMPUS program.

    For more info please visit project website or project FB page at

    Photo source: Technical College Pozarevac

  • Vrsac, 19.02.14.

    TEACH KOM D1 448x336

    Project ‘’TEACH: Harmonization of Preschool Teacher Education Curricula in Serbia’’ has started with kick-off meeting hosted by the College of Preschool Teacher Education in Vrsac. All consortium members participate in the meeting including the host institution, WEBIN, preschool teacher education colleges from Novi Sad, Krusevac and Sremska Mitrovica and 3 EU partners: The Manchester Metropolitan University from UK, University of Baja from Hungary and University of Maribor.

    The objective of this project is to harmonize the vocational pre-school teaching curricula at 4 vocational colleges in Serbia as well as to improve teaching methodology, transversal skills and entrepreneurial competences of teaching staff and students.

    The project will last for 3 years and coordinating institution is the College of Preschool Teacher Education in Vrsac.

    Project web site and Facebook page will be available soon.

    Photo source: Preschool Teacher Education College Vrsac

  • Raska, Serbia, 18.02.14.

    Implementation of the tutoring component under the program TUTORING SERBIA began in Raska on 18 February 2014. The program involves 13 tutors and 13 tutees, and the work is being carried out in the elementary schools Sutjeska and Josif Pancic.

    Participation in the program is based on the individual work of tutors with children in elementary school once a week for 2 hours during the period from February to late May 2014. The work is focused on the children who have learning difficulties or a high number of absences from school in order to help them improve their success in education and prevent early school leaving. During this period of 4 months the tutors will have regular monthly joint meetings in order to share experiences and provide for peer and self-help in preventing and/or solving current challenges in working with children. Professional supervision of tutors will be carried out by an expert team composed of an elementary schools pedagogist, director of the Center for Social Work, representative of the Secretariat for Education and coordinator of the Youth Office Raska.

    Tutors will have undergone orientation session before the begging of their work where they will be familiarized in detail with the process of tutoring and working with children and at the end of the program they will receive certificates and letters of gratitude from WEBIN and the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade together with a description of the program and their active involvement in the community.

    Program TUTORING SERBIA is being piloted in the framework of the project Local Public-Private Partnerships for the Reduction of Early School Leaving implemented by the Western Balkan Institute (WEBIN) and funded by the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.

    For more information, please visit our website at and our fb page at

  • Belgrade, 04.02.14.

    Our office moved to new address. From now on you may visit us at Djordja Jovanovica 13, 11000 Belgrade (near Bitef teathre).

    Nova lokacija WEBIN 2014

  • Belgrade, 25.01.14.

    Western Balkans Institute hosted on Saturday 25th January  second regional meeting on preparation of project proposal for call for proposals within the HORIZON 2020, subarea  ‘’Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture”.

    Project topics and work packages for the two project proposals were defined at the meeting and arrangements were made to continue activities related to extending the consortium.

    The following institutions form the consortium: University ‘’Dzemal Bijedic’’ Agromediterranean Faculty in Mostar, University of East Sarajevo Faculty of Agriculture, Megatrend University Faculty for Biofarming in Backa Topola, College of Agriculture and Food Production Prokuplje, College of Agriculture in Sabac and Western Balkans Institute WEBIN. The consortium will be extended during the next months with institutions from EU and third-countries from both sectors non-profit and SMEs.

    For more information please visit our web site at or our FB page at


    #horizon2020, #agriculture

  • Belgrade, 23.01.14.

    Screening Ch 2 01.2014 448 x 336

    Screening of compliance of the regulations of Serbia with EU Acquis Communautaire for Negotiation Chapter 2 – ‘’Freedom of movement of workers” was held on Thursday 23rd January in Brussels, two days after the official start of negotiations on accession to the European Union.

    In a live broadcast via live stream, the screening was watched by stakeholders from Serbia. Live stream watching event was hosted by the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Policy. WEBIN representatives participated in Belgrade event as stakeholders.

    During the meeting of explanatory screening, the following content was presented: general principles of access to EU labour market (Decisions and Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the free movement of people and labor), regulations on the EURES, regulations on the coordination of social security systems, as well as regulations regarding the” European health insurance card.”

    Photo source: WEBIN


  • Vranje, Aleksinac and Raska, 15.01.14.

    Calls for tutors within the TUTORING SERBIA Programme which is implemented in Vranje, Aleksinac and Raska closed by mid January 2014. The total of 70 students and youth workers sent applications for participation in the programme as tutors that will be responsible for individual work with elementary school pupils who are at risk of leaving the school prematurely.

    The call for applications was administered by the public-private partnerships for the prevention of early school leaving (PPP), established at the end of 2013 in Vranje, Aleksinac and Raska.

    Participation in the programme envisages individual work of a tutor with a child in elementary school, once in a week for 2 hours during the period from February to May of 2014. Tutors will work with children who have learning difficulties or a high number of absences from school in order to help them improve their learning outcomes and prevent dropping out from school. During the four months period, regular monthly peer-review meetings of tutors will be arranged.

    Prior to official start of the programme, the tutors will participate in the orientation session. Upon completion of the program tutors will receive certificates and letters of appreciation issued by the WEBIN and the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.

    TUTORING SERBIA programme is implemented in the framework of ’Local public-private partnerships for the prevention of early school leaving’’ project implemented by the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN and funded by the the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.

    For more information please visit our website and our FB page

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 06.01.14.


    Dear colleagues,

    we would like to inform you that the project web site has been updated to contain information about the latest project activities  and achievements. The web site contains, among other things, minutes from project meetings, workshops and events, photographs and final versions of the plans of reform of the curricula of 17 study courses from 8 HEIs from Serbia and B&H. In addition, you may find the plans of the improvement of students practical training courses.

    For more information please visit or FB page at

    #westernbalkans, #vocationalstudies, #webin, #agriculture, #agrifood

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 04.01.14.

    H2020 BGD mtg

    Belgrade meeting hosted by the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN resulted in making an agreement to create a regional AGRIFOOD consortium of HEIs and non-profit institutions and to prepare and push forward a project bid for last week call for proposals released under the HORIZON 2020, sub area ‘’Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture”. WEBIN will coordinate all the activities among the partners.

    The following institutions form the consortium: University ‘’Dzemal Bijedic’’ Agromediterranean Faculty in Mostar, University of East Sarajevo Faculty of Agriculture, Megatrend University Faculty for Biofarming in Backa Topola, College of Agriculture and Food Production Prokuplje, College of Agriculture in Sabac and Western Balkans Institute WEBIN. The consortium will be extended during the next months with institutions from EU and third-countries from both sectors non-profit and SMEs.

    For more information and to follow further developments in this regard, please visit our web site at or our FB page at


     Photo source: WEBIN

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 03.01.14.

    Prsc_HOR 2020 jan 2014 hosted by WEBIN

    On Saturday 04th January 2014 from 13hr we will hosts first working meeting of the Western Balkans institutions that will participate in the preparation of project proposal under the HORIZON 2020. At the meeting we will present 2014-2015 Work Programme, sub-area: ’’Social Challenges: Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture.” The participants of the meeting will be epresentatives of higher education institutions from Serbia and Bosnia&Herzegovina.

    Should you be interested in listening to this presentation via Skype, mail us at

  • Brussels, EU, 21.12.13.
  • Raska, Serbia, 12.12.13.

    Only in Serbian.

  • Hodmezovasarhely, Hungary, 10.12.13.


    Szeged University, Faculty of Agriculture in Hodmezovasarhely is hosting the ongoing 2nd study visit within AGRIVOC project. The subject in focus of this study visit is the reform of student practical training at vocational agricultural higher educational institutions. During study visit to University of Szeged Agricultural Faculty in Hodmezovasarhely profesors from agricultural faculties and colleges from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina presented the plans of reform of students practical training at their institutions. Second day participants paid a visit to pilot farm where students do their practical training. The visit will end tomorrow December 11, 2013.

    Study visit is part of TEMPUS AGRIVOC project. For more information please visit project website or Facebook page:

    Photo source: WEBIN

  • Aleksinac, Serbia, 09.12.13.

    Only in Serbian.

  • Brussels, EU, 07.12.13.
    EU_flag_yia_EN 314
    Through the Youth in Action program the European Commission will be funding the training for youth organizations participants from Serbia, Montenegro, FYROM, Croatia and Slovenia related to the drafting of the National Youth Report – document on the implementation of the European Youth Strategy. The training will be organized in May 2014 in Serbia in the scope of the Youth Participation: More than a Catchword (YOUPA) project implemented by the Western Balkans Institute WEBIN in partnership with the National Youth Councils of Serbia (KOMS), Croatia (MMH), Slovenia (MSS) and FYROM (SEGA) and the Center for Civic Education from Montenegro.
    More information about the project you may find at: Contact person for the project is Ms. Jelena Bubanja, e-m: jelena.bubanja(at)
  • Vranje, Aleksinac, Raska, Serbia, 22.11.13.

    During the last week in Aleksinac, Raska and Vranje the second round of workshops on the creation of public-private partnerships for reduction of early school leaving was held. The workshops were attended by all key local partners engaged in primary education in the local communities, i.e. representatives of the municipal/city governments, social welfare centers, primary schools and higher education institutions, youth offices and NGOs.

    The aim of the workshops was to prepare for the establishment of public-private partnerships in Raska, Aleksinac and Vranje and define the action plans for implementing the TUTORING SERBIA program in these three cities.

    Workshops in Aleksinac and Raska were attended by representatives of the U.S. Embassy – Mr. Ryan Rowlands and Ms. Marija Bjelopetrovic who thanked to local partners for the great support that the program encountered in their local communities and stressed the vital importance of public-private partnerships for the successful realization of the program.

    At the workshops the signing of the Memorandum on the establishment of PPPs in all three cities was agreed, the period when training will be organized for representatives of PPP was defined in all three cities and so were the action plans for implementation of the program.

    By these workshops we successfully completed the first phase: the creation of a local mechanism (public-private partnerships) that will be responsible for implementing the TUTORING SERBIA program in the second phase which begins in December.

    In the coming period in all three cities calls for tutors will be announced. Vacancies will be published on the website of the municipalities and the Youth Offices.

    Materials from the workshop can be found and downloaded on the website

    For more information, visit the Facebook page at: or contact Ms. Jelena Bubanja at jelena.bubanja(at)

    Workshops were organized in the framework of the project ”’Local Public-Private Partnerships for Reduction of Early School Leaving” implemented by the Western Balkan Institute and funded by the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of Serbia.

  • Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina, 12.11.13.

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    From 6 to 11 November the project team from the Western Balkans Institute – WEBIN visited Bosnia & Herzegovina following the invitation of Agro-Mediterranean Faculty of the University Dzemal Bijedic from Mostar for planning of regional projects and initiatives and strengthening of regional cooperation. During the three-day stay at the University Dzemal Bijedic, the WEBIN project team received a detailed insight into the structure and functioning of the Faculty and University infrastructure. Special emphasis was placed on Faculty potential regarding project management and International Cooperation of the University. Various aspects of cooperation were agreed both in B&H and the region and the signing of an agreement on cooperation was announced.

    During the stay in B&H, WEBIN project team also visited the Faculty of Agriculture, University of East Sarajevo, with which intensive cooperation and signing of an agreement on cooperation was also announced.

    In Sarajevo WEBIN team and the Agro-Mediterranean Faculty of University Dzemal Bijedic from Mostar organized a meeting with representatives of the American Foundation ”World Vision Bosnia and Herzegovina” at which opportunities for cooperation in the field of education and economic empowerment of vulnerable citizens in B&H were discussed.

    Strengthening cooperation with institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina is part of the wider process of strengthening regional cooperation in the Western Balkans between the educational, scientific, economic and civic public and private institutions towards creating a network of institutions with strong capacity to participate in the most complex and most demanding European programmes in the field of education, science and technological development. This visit of WEBIN’s project team to B&H initiated the creation of regional team of professionals to monitor the newly established European programmes ”Horizon 2020” and ”Erasmus +”.

    #Western Balkans Institute, #WEBIN, #Regional cooperation, #Cross border cooperation


  • Belgrade, Serbia, 11.11.13.

    Project TEACH: Harmonization of Preschool Teacher Education Curricula in Serbia, funded under TEMPUS VI is about to start in December 2013. Project will be implemented in the Republic of Serbia in cities of Vrsac, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Sremska Mitrovica and Krusevac in the period of 3 years (01 December 2013 – 30 November 2016). Total budget of this project is 603,138.11 EUR.

    This project will harmonize the vocational pre-school teaching studies in 4 vocational colleges in the Republic of Serbia.

    Specific objectives of this project refer to: a) harmonizing curricula through identifying the role model curricula and developing curricula harmonization plans; b) implementing the harmonized curricula through accreditation and enrollment of students; c) improving transversal skills of teachers through training of trainers (ToT sessions) and local spill-over training sessions; d) improving teaching methodology and entrepreneurial competences of teachers through identifying learning outcomes and methods;

    TEACH will be implemented by consortium composed of the following institutions:

    1. Preschool Teacher Training College ’’Mihailo Palov’’ Vrsac (VSVS) (coordinator)
    2. Preschool Teacher Training College Krusevac (VSVKS)
    3. College for Preschool Teacher Education in Novi Sad (VSVNS)
    4. Preschool Teacher Training College Sremska Mitrovica (VSSM)
    5. Western Balkans Institute (WEBIN)
    6. The Manchester Metropolitan University, UK (MMU)
    7. University of Maribor, Slovenia (UM)
    8. University of Baja, Hungary (EJF)


    More details coming soon.

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 06.11.13.

    Mreza organizacija za decu Srbije-MODS - large web pic

    Network of CSOs for Children of Serbia – MODS held its first Board Meeting on 6th of November 2013 in Belgrade. The agenda included the presentation of theNational Network for Children in Bulgaria, as well as the presentation of the report on the work of MODS and report on the evaluation of MODS. After working in the plenum the present delegates split in small groups and started planning of the work of the thematic group “Children and Family” and “Education and participation of children” in 2014.

    More information available here:

  • Brussels, EU, 22.10.13.

    EACEA has published decision about selection of projects to be funded under the sixth Call for Proposals of Tempus IV. Please find the list of selected projects here.

    The implementation of projects is expected to begin on 1 December 2013.

    Higher Education institutions from Serbia participate in 18 selected projects. TEMPUS TEACH project in which WEBIN participates is among selected ones. Total value of approved projects involving institutions from Serbia is around 10 million €.

    More information available here:

  • Backa Topola, Serbia, 21.10.13.


    Faculty of Biofarming Megatrend University in Backa Topola (FBF) hosted in the period 21-23. October the 2nd workshop on curriculum reform within AGRIVOC project. Workshop participants were professors and lecturers at higher education institutions in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina who guided the process of preparation of the curriculum reform plan for study programs at their home institutions.

    At the workshop the publication: ”A comparative study on indicators of agriculture study programs” was presented  as a result created under this project and published by the Faculty of Biofarming together with College of Agriculture and Food Technology Prokuplje, Serbia.

    During the first and second day of the workshop final plans for curriculum reform of 17 academic programs and three modules at 8 higher education institutions in Serbia and Bosnia were presented. The Institutions have presented plans for the following programs and modules:

    • Technical College of Vocational Studies Požarevac (VTSPO): 1. Agriculture; 2. Food Technology;
    • College of Agriculture and Food Production Prokuplje (VPPŠ) (coordinator): 1. Food Technology; 2. Field and Vegetable Crops; 3. Animal Husbandry; 4. Fruit Growing and Viticulture; 5. Plant Protection;
    • Vocational College of Agriculture Šabac (VPSSA): 1. Animal Husbandry; 2. Plant Protection; 3. Field and Vegetable Crops; 4. Fruit and Wine Growing;
    • Technical College in Vranje (VSVR): 1. Food Technology;
    • Faculty of Biofarming Megatrend University (FBF): 1. Biofarming;
    • Agro-Mediterranean Faculty Džemal Bijedić University Mostar (DBU): 1. Vegetable & Floriculture; 2. Fruit & Viticulture;
    • Faculty of Agriculture University of East Sarajevo (UES): 1. Agriculture – General Module; 2. Agriculture – Plant Production Module; 3. Agriculture – Livestock Production Module;
    • Faculty of Agriculture University of Banja Luka (UNIBL): 1. Field Crop and Vegetable;


    Detailed plans for reform will soon be available on the project website at, under the download section.

    During the second and the third day, the participants got a chance to tour the eco farm in Backa Topola, village of Donji Tavankut, where different varieties of organic fruits, vegetables and grains are grown. The participants also visited the Highlander’s plant nursery in Subotica. During this visit to the plant nursery, guests were interviewed by the YU ECO TV from Subotica.

    The last workshop dedicated to the curriculum reform will be held in East Sarajevo in May 2014.


    AGRIVOC project is implemented by 15-member consortium and funded by the European Commission under the TEMPUS programme. More information about the project you may find at project website or project Facebook page

    Poseta Goranskom rasadniku // Visit to Goranski Plant Nursery

  • Raska, Serbia, 17.10.13.


    On Thursday 17 October the municipal administration of Raska hosted the first workshop on the creation of public-private partnerships in the municipality festive hall. A large number of local actors took part in the workshop, including the representatives of the Municipal Administration – Secretariat of Education, Youth Office, the Center for Social Work, Sutjeska Elementary School, Elementary School Josif Pančić from Baljevac and NGO CentRa.

    The aim of the workshop was to make the first steps towards the creation of public-private partnerships with the role to reduce early school-leaving in the municipality of Raska. Representatives of WEBIN led a workshop in a way that it enabled the participants to:

    a) better understand the program TUTORING SERBIA
    b) better understand the responsibilities and roles of public and private institutions in the field of primary education and to work with elementary school pupils in the municipality of Raska
    c) agree on the roles and relationships of present institutions in the implementation of TUTORING SERBIA in Raska municipality.

    At the beginning of the event, the participants were welcomed by Ms. Vesna Kurandic, a representative of municipal government in charge of education, who emphasized the importance of prevention of early school-leaving phenomenon in the municipality of Raska, and the importance of the creation of public-private partnerships to deal with this issue.

    The workshop lasted for 3 hours and it was agreed to organize the second workshop in the month of November.

    Materials from the workshop can be found and downloaded on the website TUTORING SERBIA available at:

    For more information please visit the Facebook page or
    Facebook page of the Youth Office in Raska Municipality:

    Photo source: WEBIN

  • Aleksinac, Serbia, 16.10.13.


    On Wednesday, 16 October municipal administration of Aleksinac hosted the first workshop on the creation of public-private partnerships in the festive hall of municipality of Aleksinac. The workshop was attended by representatives of the municipal administration, Youth Office, the Center for Social Work, Elementary School Karadjordje, Association for the Development of Creativity Aleksinac and the College for Vocational Educators from Aleksinac and the Student Parliament.

    The aim of the workshop was to make the first steps towards the creation of public-private partnerships with the role to reduce early school-leaving in the municipality of Aleksinac. Representatives of WEBIN led a workshop in a way that it enabled the participants to:

    a) better understand the program TUTORING SERBIA
    b) better understand the responsibilities and roles of public and private institutions in the field of primary education and to work with elementary school pupils in the municipality of Aleksinac
    c) agree on the roles and relationships of present institutions in the implementation of Tutoring Serbia in Aleksinac municipality.

    At the beginning of the event, the participants were welcomed by Ms. Danijela Petrovic, secretary of the Municipal Assembly of Aleksinac, who emphasized the importance of prevention of early school-leaving phenomenon in the municipality of Aleksinac, and the importance of the creation of public-private partnerships to deal with this issue.

    The workshop lasted for 3 hours and it was agreed to organize the second workshop in the second half of November.

    At this occasion, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the WEBIN and the Municipality of Aleksinac.

    Materials from the workshop can be found and downloaded on the website TUTORING SERBIA available at:

    For more information please visit

    Photo source: WEBIN

  • Vranje, Serbia, 14.10.13.


    On Monday, 14 October the city administration of Vranje hosted the first workshop on the creation of public-private partnerships in the ceremonial hall of the city of Vranje. A large number of local actors took part in the workshop, including the representatives from the City Administration, the Youth Office, the City Secretariat for Education, the Centre for Social Work, Elementary School J. J. Zmaj, Elementary School Dositej Obradović, NGO MODUS, NGO NEXUS, Citizens Association ŽIVOT, Pedagogical Faculty in Vranje, Higher Technical School, CARITAS LUXEMGURG – office in Serbia and other institutions.

    The aim of the workshop was to make the first steps towards the creation of public-private partnerships with the role to reduce early school-leaving in the city of Vranje. Representatives of WEBIN led a workshop in a way that it enabled the participants to:

    a) better understand the program Tutoring SERBIA
    b) better understand the responsibilities and roles of public and private institutions in the field of primary education and to work with elementary school pupils in the city of Vranje
    c) agree on the roles and relationships of present institutions in the implementation of Tutoring Serbia in the city of Vranje.

    At the beginning of the event, the participants were welcomed by Ms. Maja Ristic, a member of the City Council in charge of education and culture, who emphasized the importance of prevention of early school-leaving phenomenon in the city of Vranje, and the importance of the creation of public-private partnerships to deal with this issue.

    The workshop lasted for 3 hours and it was agreed to organize the second workshop in the third week of November.

    Materials from the workshop can be found and downloaded on the website Tutoring Serbia available at:

    For more information please visit

    Photo source: WEBIN

  • Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina, 12.10.13.

    Faculity of Agriculture of Banja Luka University hosted from 09-11. October 2013 2nd regular meeting of the Steering Committee of AGRIVOC project. Apart from the host, the following institutions were present: UES – Faculty of Agriculture East Sarajevo University, VPPS – College of Agriculture and Food Technology Prokuplje, VPSSA – College of Vocational Agricultural Studies Sabac and WEBIN – Western Balkans Institute.

    During the 3-day meeting, SC members participated in 21st Anniversary celebration of the Faculty of Agriculture (more information find here:

    Meeting minutes and other materials you may find at project website or project FB page

    AGRIVOC project is funded by the European Commission through the Tempus program.


  • Vranje, Aleksinac, Raska, Serbia, 09.10.13.

    Tutoring USA flag

    From 14-19th October 3 workshops will be organized in Vranje, Aleksinac and Raska to create the local public-private partnerships for the reduction of early school leaving. For more information you may contact Ms. Jelena Bubanja at jelena.bubanja(at)

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 30.09.13.

    Information about  ERASMUS + programme you may find at this link:

  • Athens, Greece, 24.09.13.

    IMG_20130921_214100_298 IMG_20130923_151639_644

    The reform of the curriculum of the study programs in 5 agricultural and food production disciplines at 8 higher education institutions in Serbia and B&H is under way. With regard to it, we paid the visit to Agricultural University of Athens ( The representatives from 8 higher education institutions from Serbia (colleges from Prokuplje, Vranje, Sabac and Pozarevca and facultys from Backa Topola) and B&H (universities from Banja Luka, East Sarajevo and Mostar Džemal Bijedić University) presented their plans and ongiong activities in curricular reform process to the colleagues from otherinstitutions as well as to hosts from AUA. The study visit program has been developed by WEBIN, which also facilitated the process of curricula reform in so far. More information available at

    Photo source: WEBIN

  • Nis, Serbia, 23.09.13.

    By signing the Memorandum of Cooperation WEBIN became a full member of the Network organization for children of Serbia (MODS) that gathers 84 member organizations.

    MODS is national network of organizations engaged in improving the position of children and operates through two thematic groups -” Children and Families” and” Education and participation of children”.

    TG” Children and Families” deals with the issue of poverty and social exclusion of children and it provides comprehensive support for the life of a child in a family environment while TG” Education and participation of children” addresses the issue of affordable, high-quality formal and informal education, promoting inclusive concept, the importance of participatory roles of children and matters related to the early development of children.

    The initiator of the Network is the Society for Development of Children and Youth – Open club, Nis where the seat of the Secretariat of the Network is also located. More information about the network can be found at the website:

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 13.09.13.

    TS na TV Kopernikus 1 600

    On Friday 13 September 2013, in ”Morning Online” at TV Kopernikus 1, Mr. Stojanovic from WEBIN and his host Ms. Bozic talked about early school leaving problem and TUTORING SERBIA program which is to be piloted in 8 elementary schools in Vranje, Raska and Aleksinac. Program piloting was enabled through ”Local PPPs for reduction of early school leaving” project funded by U.S. Embassy Belgrade.

    Photo source: WEBIN

  • Vranje, Serbia, 11.09.13.

    mtg Vranje - 600

    In the scope of the second preparatory mission in Vranje, the TUTORING SERBIA program was presented to Ms. Bojana Velickov, deputy mayor and Ms. Maja Ristic, a member of the City Council in charge of education.

    It was agreed that all city institutions get involved in public-private partnership to prevent dropout and that pilot program will be implemented in the elementary schools ‘’J.J. Zmaj’’ and ‘’Dositej Obradovic’’. In the coming days an agreement between the city and WEBIN will be signed with reference to the pilot program.

    The first workshop will be scheduled for the begging of October.

    It was also announced that a national conference on the problem of dropout will be organized on 14. October 2013 in Belgrade.

    After the meeting with the city governance of Vranje, the  program was also presented to the  CARITAS Luxemburg that contributes to socio-economic development in southern Serbia.

    Program TUTORING SERBIA will be piloted in Vranje, Aleksinac and Raska thanks to the support received from the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of Serbia and the project” Local public-private partnerships for reducing early school leaving”. In the first phase of the project WEBIN representatives will work with local stakeholders to create public-private partnerships in each of the three cities, which will be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the effects of the program the second half of the mid term. Local partnerships are crucial for the success of the program because these will contribute to the sustainability of the program and in perspective, its institutionalization.


    About the program

    TUTORING SERBIA is a prevention program addressing early school leaving. The program aims to contribute to reducing the rate of early school-leavers (drop-out) in primary schools in Serbia, while promoting equal opportunities for all, volunteering work in the community, solidarity and tolerance.

    The core of this program makes learning support before or after school, i.e, a relationship that is formed between tutors (students, youth workers, volunteers) and his / her students (young person at risk to early leave the school because of learning difficulties). The success of this program requires building of strong, lasting partnerships between different institutions in the local community, such as local governments, social work centers, schools, higher education institutions, youth offices, and civil society as well as partnerships with the community in which children and young people live, as well as constant communication with parents and care givers.

    For more information about the project please contact or Jelena Bubanja at: jelena.bubanja(at) or visit project webpage and FB page

    Photo: WEBIN

  • Belgrade, Serbia, 09.09.13.

    Politika Daily published today an article about early school leaving problem and TUTORING SERBIA program which is being implemented in Raska, Aleksinac and Vranje with support of American Embassy. The article you may find in Serbian language here: